Text book dead rat bounce

get fucked boomers.


digits decide how bad it gets



Ummm, so like, just quietly.
What if the entire post nixon shock full fiat zero reserve monetary system was an enormous kike pump and dump?
For the brainlets who aren't seeing it, look at the volume on the breach of the regression trend since the nixon shock.

Holy fuck look at that trump pump right there god damn

I am 100% the next crash will bring it to 2000 i just dont know if that crash is now

It's nice to see the stock market in Crash and the crypto Market is unaffected. Of course we just had a massive crash ourselves but it could have crashed more.


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what the fuck

it's not over, $700b is absolute pennies for a market that every norman can invest into using his mobile phone, big players crashed it to get good entry, even if you don't believe that cryptocurrencies will be accepted as currencies there's no still no reason why they wouldn't replace gold (10 trilion market)

fuck im tarded, thought it's btc graph without looking closer

nigger. did u even see pic related




Crypto down 70%, indexes are down maybe 10%.

Try again

does this mean we're gona make it

It didn't have to be this way, why did you boomers put fucking money over stability and your own fucking children? Worst of all you come here to shit on us trying to make it in a new market (that won't fucking take the world with it if it collapses) that might actually favor us over you and fucking kikes.

Tfw you sold 60% of your Robinhood portfolio last week cus you knew this was the start of the "everything bubble" pop

Doesn't really make me happy since my father owns 1.4m worth of chevron stock. He's not happy.


make that 1.3m... 1.2m... 0.9m... 0.75m... muahhahaha

Don't be too hard on them, such is the way of mankind since the dawn of times, the boomers are weak because they grew in an environment that cultured them to be that way, and we will be strong because we must grow in an environment that will culture us to be that way.

fucking crop your memes, you fucking nigger

Said the 20 year old cryptofaggot who got shit on by the stock market down turn and is in the middle of a 65% reduction in value. I guess 5% ain't that bad after all.

you know that shit is bs right. what matters is the culture itself not the economic condition. western culture just tends to be degenerative

economics are heavily influenced by culture

part of that is repricing in the tax benefits to corporate america. I think the running average has to be adjusted

The older I get, the less I believe culture matters, and the more I believe economics does. Napoleon may have haughtily referred to the English as a nation of shopkeepers, but that didn't stop them from kicking his ass with their Anglo Saxon work ethic and economic focus.
Culture to me seems to be the "she has a really nice personality" and economics is the "every piece of my evolutionary programming is telling me to breed this woman".