8k again

>8k again
I'm actually scared it's going on a bullrun
To pull out of alts or not...hmmmmmm

If it moons literally all alts follow so why not put your money in a low cap alt

Because you can double/triple the amount of potential gains if you pull out before everyone else

7.9 on all exchanges you retard

it's going to 8k again retard
the support is very strong at 7500-8k

We need Binance soon

I don’t see it breaking $7.5k, honestly. Biggest buy walls I’ve ever fucking seen

Idk man, crypto may be different from other markets but people/bots behind trading have not. Correction, by all indicators i see, is still going on and we'll probably dip some more before a bullrun
>and thats all i ahve to say about thaaaat


You're a fucking retard if you think it's dropping past 7k ever again. Unless something crazy happens bitcoin is not going away anytime soon.

Your the same type of guy who said Eth wouldn't go below $1000 again.

>I-it can't go below 7k!. It can't be dead! I need it to go up or I can't pay for my wife's son's transition surgery!

your grammar really sucks

Support doesn't mean dick with this volume and the fact the global stock market is in full pink wojak mode. Remember, 6k was tested last time we had a bad day. It just took until the middle of night.


Your impatience will be your downfall

>being this retarded

The stock market dropping is fucking good for crypto you retard. Massive gains are to be had still and if you don't think wall street wants a huge piece of this pie you're definitely retarded and ignorant.

The last 1200 loss day for Dow was super good for crypto. We went all the way to 6k and we still haven't fully recovered. But totally good for crypto!

No. We went to 6k because bitcoin fucking reached 20k and had a massive bear run sell off.

How are you that fucking retarded?

Wow you really are clueless aren't you. Put btc's chart over Dow for the year. We legitimately just mirror what they are doing. Always. They bubbled and we bubbled. They corrected and then minicrashed and we did the same. You really need to take your money out. You have no ability to see anything in the market.

Investors pull out of risky markets during recessions and move into safer markets.
Wall Street getting into crypto during the middle of a recession is like investing in random shitcoins on Kucoin during a BTC downtrend.

Bulls are overbought from buying in during the last couple failed breakouts, so they have no money to push the price up. Thus, the now powerless bulls resort to spamming random shit on forums in order to try to get bears to buy back in to stop the decline. However, time is on the bears' side; they merely have to wait until bulls are forced to liquidate their coins to pay for living expenses and/or taxes based on last year's BTC value.

lol @ all the retards who didnt rebuy at 6k and are praying it goes back down, they're gonna end up fomoing in at 9k LOL

Lol no but apparently you are.
BTC is not following the Dow you fucking retard. BTC's curve is extremely different and crypto had nothing to do with wall street until this year. The only reason why BTC crashed is because of the massive influx of normies, scams, FUD, and news coverage. The fact that they dropped around the same time (and not even nearly exactly the same time) means absolutely nothing when you take into account of every other variable this world has to offer.

>you really need to take your money out
heh, i see you bought high and sold low. You're a sad faggot aren't ya?

Wrong. In this case, crypto is the safer market. If you think those fucks don't want in on the massive gains crypto will offer for the next year you're delusional.

HODL! All the way down. Kek

by the way
>back to 8k

See you at 10k, then 12k, then 15k, then 20k, then 40k, of course there will be drops but that's the nature of speculative investing, you fucking absolute nigger

Reddit is awful but it has one great feature. Post history for people like you. I love checking them out and finding great shit like them thinking tron is going to 50 dollars a coin or that bitcoin would never ever go below 10k under any circumstances. Let's cut to the chase, you have zero idea what you're talking about and we both know it. It has not even hit 8k on aggregate yet which is the funniest part of your post. It was one big delusion from top to bottom.

>le reddit fag
Let's cut to the chase, you're a stupid bitch that got into crypto in late december and got burned like the dumb nigger you are.

Don't be so obviously salty next time kiddo


The fact that you actually give a shit about btc being back at 8k just shows you didn't sell near the top like anyone with more than 1 brain cell. I sold at 17k and I can see clear as day this is not done dropping.

What makes you think Bitcoin is worth $20k, 10k, 8k, or even 1k? Bitcoin at $300 was working perfectly fine in 2015 when I was using it to avoid chargebacks. Bitcoin at $8k works just as well for that purpose as Bitcoin at $300. Does LN being beta tested warrant a $7700 price hike for Bitcoin?

>the support is very strong at 7500-8k

>the support
Is usually better suited for a minimum amount that cannot go lower
What you have here is ceiling

>I love reddit
>because I can check through your post history until I find something to deflect from my lack of knowledge
This is easily the most cancerous part of reddit and you loving it shows how much of a complete faggot you are. pls kys or at least leave and never come back

I took profits all the way up, like a smart person would do unlike you who obviously bought high and sold at 6k.

Massive adoption of crypto is still coming. BTC is tied to everything. 20k ATH is 100% not the end of BTC.

No. Support is range-based not simplified.

>It has not even hit 8k on aggregate yet which is the funniest part of your post
Now we hit 8k on Gdax again
What say you now, FAGGOT?


Did you even read my post? I said I sold at at 17k. Christ I think you should just listen to me from now on since I'm that much smarter than you. Did you sell at 17k? Didn't think so. Get out of my face trash.

>lying because he can't make a point

I sold at 19k when I realized 20k is a massive psychological barrier. Since you want BTC to fall it's quite obvious you got burned along the way and want other people to feel your pain.

I don't want anything to happen faggot. You do. You want it go up. I think it's going down.
Also kek at you trying to one up me selling at 19k. Nice larp.
Honestly at this point I'll just take some screenshots and be on my way. I did this at 17k-19k when I predicted a crash to 8k but no one replied to my screenshots. Whatever. I'm never wrong.

>fuding BTC threads because he got assburnt by it
you think it'll keep crashing past 6k after pushing 20k haha oh wow. It's almost like you don't even know that crypto is about to shake the world again

Keep the screenshots coming buddy. My only wish is that you're actually there to reply when it does tank below 6k to suck my dick.

ohhh no anything but screenshots i'm so scared
I'll be laughing all the way to 20k this spring
you're clearly an actual faggot

>The faggots spreading FUD are literal ledditors

Sorry folks, a little delay in our plan. We will be back on route shortly. 5.5k target, i will not tell you by when
You have been warned


>some referreted to support as strong
>better upload a picture of frog, that will prove them wrong

>some referreted
Someone referred to. Fuck me. Never phone posting again

>It's almost like you don't even know that crypto is about to shake the world again

fucking cringe
I am 90 % convinced that you thought it would go straight to 50k after 20k
This whole thread shows the delusion among the bulls is clearly so much higher than among the bears

time to sell

also kys

I knew that it would crash after reaching 20k. I sold and bought before the january alt run, because again, it was obviously going to bounce hard.

Now we're at the point where we've already reached lows seen before the run and we're already back on track to 10k.
>he thinks BTC is kill
>he thinks crypto is not about to go on a bullrun again
>he knows absolutely nothing about markets

If you really think it's not going to at least test the 6k mark again you're fucking retarded. The USA news is not gonna just magically make it jump straight from 6k to 20k within 3 months
I'll gladly post my BitMEX referral link to you and instruct you on how to do a 100x leveraged long on there, then you can at least say that it was your own doing when you lost all your shit when it went to 4k, if that's even gonna suffice.

Also, 1 year ago, BTC was at the 1k mark. If you think 6k is the absolute bottom in an obvious downtrend, you're not gonna make it in this market.

>he knows absolutely nothing about markets
I sense that your investment is probably something retarded like 500 XRP and 20k TRX.

You should really kys if you think that you know anything about markets when you truly believe that a total trend reversal happens over a duration of 3 days