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So good once you've levelled up to Constantinople. Just gotta keep training in holyland and earning money on the dungeon challenges
How much per hour
>tfw you get a mega success in training.
I pumped from level 15 to 75 lol
Dungeon challenges are paying off
Getting trained in the holy lands is easy. Good rewards too if someone is trying to get new gear
Const is a bit harder ^^
god damn its pumping hard
you guys are fuckin fags
Can't wait for the next dungeon
do you hate my gains fellow Veeky Forumsrali?
How much money are you making in 1 hour?
Next dungeon will be insane if it's even better than constantinople
But how much eth have you spent to earn that .2?
>5 eth
>pumping hard
How much eth have you spent though?
If you know how to train properly you don't have to spend too much and once you're in the second dungeon you can just reap the rewards
how do i play?
I spent about 0.3 to get started I'm about breaking even now but I don't have much time to play... Wish I had more time to play you nolifers in here are lucky jump on this if you can afford to rush to constantinople if not just grind it out in the holy land
Tips to train properly?
Already made my money back doing dungeon challenge
You look at the success rate for training in your dungeon. Once the rate drops in holyland move to constantinople and train on the knight's blessing.
lol why you guys so mad
Spent 0.25 getting started, so far I have made 0.05 profit
guys shut the fuck up im making too much money this is the only thing i have
lol samefagging much
you poor ethercraft dev
Already lvl 157
new dungeon tonight is going to be even more based.
but seriously guys please shut the fuck up im poor and if every gets in on this i wont make any money
> He don't know you got to pay shit, to get shit
god damn it now everyone is getting in, with the new player difficulty level set to super easy there go all my fucking gains thanks a lot you fucking looselipped faggots
> poor attempt at reverse psychology
This thread is pathetic lol. Just thought I'd let you know.
Get on my level
easy money
We don't even need flags at this rate
yup this game is fire, no big immediate purchases needed, just small ones to get a feel of the game thats actually already working
inauthetic and perverted
seriously guys,
did the dev rape your mom, make your dad suck his dick, what?
why you so butthurt?
>9 failures in a row
just fuck my shit up senpai
heres the discord
discord gg FB3gCBj
how much do you have to pay for challenges in constantinople?
lol no replies?
you guys finally decide to quit bitching and see what all the hype is about?
0.003 ETH + Gas
0.003 and I have more often than not got at least double back, my best so far was 0.017 back
holy shit, what level is it? 160?
is this game legit or another pajeet scam?
Whoever is using extra gas on training, save your gwei. Only need rush dungeons.
164 to challenge at the moment. I was level 93, moved to constantinople and got 2 successes doing knight's blessing to put me to 167
whoever made this thread thank you so much
i made some bad trades last week and i needed this
for once OP wasnt a fag
yea. this is all just one guy, probably the pajeet dev.
i saw it a couple days ago and thought it was a scam thank god i decided to check it out today my girlfriend was so pissed at me and i finally got all my losses back.....i dont know if i should tell her it was from a game....
They're making 1.3 cents / hour
>10 minutes long txes at 0.1$
You guys are the worst shills I've ever seen : ) I'm sorry I can't picture anything but 15 y.o. third worlders when I read your attempts to generate excitement about this turd.
why are you calling them shills? this game is awesome
Sir very good dungeon challenge for get rich quick :) Please many training
i was genuinely interested when pajeet made the first topic yesterday... that is, until i scrolled down and saw him posting 30 times and sperging out at ethercraft for some reason (which he's doing again today)
whats the diff vs train adn challegne?
well whatever you are u should really give it up, cause you're not fooling anybody with your little fiction here.
just shut the fuck up you stupid nigger and accumulate, how fucking hard is this?
i saw that too i think maybe yesterday they were just trying to sell it too hard i dont know
i dont care im tripling my money right now i fucking needed this
can you just stop lying, for once in your life can you just be honest about something? You'd feel a lot better about yourself if you weren't lying and trying to scam people all day. You know?
Which dungeon are you playing on? I'm making at least 0.007eth every 7 mins which doesn't sound like much but it's adding up pretty damn nicely
im playing on holy land dont make fun of me because im poor haha
so far i made .005 eth profit
That's like 50 bucks an hour if I'm not mistaken. Not fucking bad at all.
So am I just paying like 2 bucks per upgrade then what, challenge the dungeon? Is there a strategy to this or am I just pumping minuscule payments at the cunt and getting dividends every now and then?
I already trained a lot yesterday and got lucky enough to level up a lot so now I'm sitting back purely challenging, waiting until the Cathedral drops
no that's 5, count them 5, dollars and hour. Which is probably a decent wage where he's from, but that's assuming that he is even telling any part of the truth at all, which is unlikely.
im in constant making .01 every 10 minutes
get on my level poorfags
Are you high or just shit at math? 0.007ETH is 5.6 USD, per 7 minutes, 7 goes into 60 8.5 times, then we have 8.5 x 5.6USD = roughly 46.75 an hour.
Not everyone is a pajeet or third worlder you silly cunt, the aryans still dominate here.
idiot. we will be superpower by 2020 and then we see who mocks :)
only pajeets grind the first dungeon for pennies but most poorfags are scared to train
stay poor you holy land pajeets
lmao this.
Even a wageslave has a better income.
At this point ponzis are weaker and weaker since they're running out of retards to bait and you can shill the same scheme only a tot number of times.
Only dumb teens with a 30 bucks portfolio still hope in them. You're dumber than stinkie linkies.
So I made a math mistake so what. That doesn't make me wrong about everything else.
Oh, and I just read the whole thread, the same IDs over and over blatantly shilling this crap with the writing style of a kid, it looks like I was right
ffs learn to trade this belongs in vg or trash
I support you in your struggles brother. You just need to stop lying and scamming please.
lmao i would rather click a button and talk shit to you retards than wageslave its more fun
and im making .01 eth 6 times a hour in constant
what wage slave makes that much money?
also try not to fuck up your math this time you fud piece of shit
you can't cash out, so it's worthless
Does including an insult in every line you type help your anxiety? That's good you found a way to cope, keep em coming.
Here's an article on game mechanics
lmaoooo i cash out after every battle
later fags im done arguing with you this game is fun and you are a waste of time
bye felicia
What's the "entry fee" for this game? (minimum amount you have to pay to train and actually enter a dungeon)
wow cool game. thanks.
what time does the new dungeon launch today?
mfw it's Friday and I'm going to buy my 15 yo bother and his fag friends some mcdonalds and put them to work
It varies. The first dungeon is a low level so you can get to it pretty easily. It cost me personally only 0.006 eth to be able to challenge the Holyland. The first dungeon has a low rate of return though. It takes a lot more cash to get to the second, more lucrative dungeon.
Thank you, I was having a hard time finding a solid answer on that as the homepage/medium corp page only covered the in-game fluff, but not the actual metamask/eth based mechanics.
For more info on the mechanics, it costs 0.0016 to train. You will fail frequently but you will also get 'Mega-successes" which will boost your level considerably. When you are challenging the dungeon there will be a pot from which you will draw funds. it costs .001 eth to challenge the first dungeon so make sure the pot is big enough that you'll get a return. You can then cash out your return easily and continue challenging or training.
Once you reach a certain level (it was around 80 for me) you can move to the second dungeon and train there. It costs more to train there but that means more money will be in the Challenge pot for you to draw from.
That makes sense, thank you for the explanation.
New Dungeon is coming!
~6 hrs to go
prepare your heroes to loot!
Join us!
why are there so many fudders in this thread
the requir. for traveling to constant. is 36 power, Dont need to be 80
seriously are they other game devs or what? i dont understand