I just need more money than my life would be better

>I just need more money than my life would be better
>I can go on trips anywhere
>I can eat whatever I want
>I can upgrade my computer whenever I want
>Never have to worry about anything, can move anywhere I want any time I want and I don't have to listen to anyone

>Get rich
>More money than I ever imagined I'd have when I was young
>More than my parents combined, more than anyone in my family makes

>Live in the same place for years because I'm too lazy to move
>Haven't bought new computer parts for years or any of the fun stuff I tried to earn money for
>Haven't bought much of anything except new investments
>Have a panic attack any time I have to spend more than $10 on a taxi to get somewhere, because I could be investing that money and turning it into $100 instead

>Still no friends
>Still no girlfriend
>Still can't talk to people
>Still suicidal
>Realizing I'm never going to be happy

The ride never ends

i bet you don't leave your house, don't socialise, don't go to the gym and don't have any hobbies outside of sitting on your pc. am i wrong?

Go to a psychologist.

Don't give up mate. What have you tried to change in your life to improve your situation?

I suggest you get any kind of job/social hobby you think you might enjoy and do it for the love rather than the money.

>Still can't talk to people
One step at a time

How do I get rich, Senpai? I'm the same minus the money.

start working out.
come to asia and eat some killer food on the way cheap.
stop working.
do what you truly love to do.
also, send me money, asshole. i'm trying to follow my dream of documenting underground music around asia and i'm getting KUCKED.

that's me, wtf do I do?

I leave my house for work and go biking in the summer, I have a home gym in my apartment, I don't socialize because I have no friends and social phobia

I tried she just wants my money

I don't know, I tried all of this where I got a job and all of this stuff, I thought this was me trying but it hasn't helped

I have a job I enjoy. It's just that when I go home to my empty apartment I want to kill myself again

Get a Bachelor of Computer Science degree and be smart

I do work out

pay my student loans and you can say you put some poor person through college. I can write you some long drawn out letter about how awesome you are. Now you can add philanthropist to your tinder profile???? get pussy ???? profit

>don't gym
>start working out

making your self look like ken doll while being broken on the inside isnt the answer

You're sick....... money cant change that. Medication can.

>have social anxiety that gets multiplied by fear of losing money
>durrdurr psychologists that exist to help me just want my money

it's not about looking like a ken doll.
exercise SERIOUSLY helps mood, and can rebalance immensely. one can even find great clarity or other answers when focusing intently on exercise. plus, you just feel better. feeling better = feeling better, especially when down, and can domino.

start doing those things. do you not have any old friends you can get in contact with and see if they wanna hang out or some shit? if you're in uni/school try making friends there
it's not about making yourself look like a ken doll, exercise is proven to help your mental state, you WILL feel a lot more confident in yourself after a year of decent dedication in the gym

t. fat fuck

working out improves self image, gives you a
long-term goal to work towards, improves your look and your health, releases endorphin to reduce stress,anxiety,depression etc makes you sleep better

nothing better for an anxious depressed person

>STOP consuming soy
>STOP drinking them sodie pops
>STOP engaging in self-pity
>STOP making excuses for problems
>STOP making threads about this and
>START drinking more water
>START going outside
>START socializing more often
>START exercising
>START making a healthy routine
If at first you find that you can't consistently do some of those things, I guarantee that doing at least a few of them will have a positive effect on your outlook on life. Consistency is key, determination is a false prophet.


>m-money is useless

Fuck off Jewish shill

Sounds like you need a legacy project OP, Something to leave your mark on the world.

Most people satisfy this need by having a kid. you could try that too

gyms and working out in that environment is for fucking faggots. and you faggots think im a fat depressed fuck kek.
I go outside and do activities instead of pumping homoerotic iron while trying not to catch each others eye in the mirror.

Sounds like you're a dumbass.

You want some advice? If you really have that kind of money just put your shit in storage and go travel in Thailand for a year.

You'll probably find you never want to go back and instead enjoy living in New countries all the time.

give some of your money to me OP, I could really use it, and you would be able to feel happy knowing that you helped someone out

You need goals OP, make some goals. Not having goals is what causes depression because in your mind your going "Well, Im rich, something ive been working towards my whole life. Now im rich. Well what now?
That feeling of "what now? is what crushes people, when they dont have something to works towards or fight for, which is why people who win the lottery often become fucked up

So you know you suck socially, so make it a goal to improve that. Go out, talk to people, join a club, whatever the fuck, set some GOALS. And be honest with yourself and admit that if you are a lazy jackass who doesn't try, nothing will get better for you.


i would be fine with a home gym but going to commercial gyms or whatever where everyone is half naked and sluts have their tits out and everyone is sweating together but doesnt speak to each other etc

weirdest fucking shit

You sound extremely bitter and resentful, did some muscled jock bully you in high school or something? I do activities outside too but i also love working out because i like having long term goals, seeing improvements in myself etc etc. No reason to be that butthurt about it user

you sound like a hopeless asshole who's too mean or scared to let people in, and therefore, is an asshole on the internet.

exercise doesn't mean "pumping iron" in a gym with jocked dudes. it could be yoga (extremely beneficial to all the things), breathing, regular stretching, walking around town. anything that keeps your brain moving. even things inside your house.

stop being such an asshole.

who are you? i think we're best friends now.

as long as you're exercising that's fine, doesn't really matter if you choose going to the gym, running, cycling etc i just prefer lifting because it makes you look better and i think it's easier to gauge what kind of progress you're making
home gyms are complete shit 99% of the time, unless you have like $20k to drop on one a commercial gym blows it out of the water since they have basically everything you need there for like $10 a week

well i bought a rogue bar and like 350 lbs of plates and just did a deadlifting routine at my home

How does it feel to be less of a man? Why don't you just start HRT you twink?

ye that's good man, but for my personal routine i would have to spend tens of thousands of dollars to have a home gym that competes with a commercial gym, and i don't have anywhere near enough space to make a decent home gym anyway

>classic example of money cannot buy everything even happiness.
If you want true happiness read the bible and take these things to heart:

>Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what you shall eat, or what you shall drink; nor yet for your body, what you shall put on. Is not life more than food, and the body than clothing?

26Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much better than they?

27Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?

28And why take you thought for clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:

29And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

Matthew 6:25-33
>Therefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, How shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knows that you have need of all these things. But seek you first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Ecclesiastes 5:10-13
>He that loves silver shall not be satisfied with silver; nor he that loves abundance, with increase: this is also vanity. When goods increase, they are increased that eat them: so what good is there to the owners, except the beholding of them with their eyes? The sleep of a laboring man is sweet, whether he eats little or much: but the abundance of the rich will not allow him to sleep. There is a great evil which I have seen under the sun, namely, riches kept by their owners to their hurt.

God, family, friends and community, these are the things that matters most in life. Lack any of these & you will never be happy despite your riches

i know these feels too user
why must it be this way

>classic example of money cannot buy everything even happiness.
If you want true happiness read the bible and take these things to heart:

Matthew 6:25-33
>Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what you shall eat, or what you shall drink; nor yet for your body, what you shall put on. Is not life more than food, and the body than clothing? Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much better than they?Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? And why take you thought for clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Therefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, How shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knows that you have need of all these things. But seek you first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Ecclesiastes 5:10-13
>He that loves silver shall not be satisfied with silver; nor he that loves abundance, with increase: this is also vanity. When goods increase, they are increased that eat them: so what good is there to the owners, except the beholding of them with their eyes? The sleep of a laboring man is sweet, whether he eats little or much: but the abundance of the rich will not allow him to sleep. There is a great evil which I have seen under the sun, namely, riches kept by their owners to their hurt.

God, family, friends and community, these are the things that matters most in life. Lack any of these & you will never be happy despite your riches

The bible is fake news btw. The Koran is better.

OP maybe this. You already got to easy mode in life and you are still bitching, time to go on super easy mode.

you sound paranoid about the psychologist part. I mean of course they want money, but some are actually good. there's a lot of cheap counselling services available online now too, no harm in trying if you're already on the verge of suicide and/or decades more of the same misery
you could also try psychedelics if you're that rich, there's good evidence they can decrease angst and increase openness long-term. they're also very safe even compared to alcohol and cigarettes.

And yet here you are white western cucks complaining that you have no friends or unhappy all the time. You've lost focus on what truly matters and instead chase things that won't add to any of your sense of fulfillment and purpose in this world. Doesn't surprise me why many of you take anti-depressants even when you have no traumatic events in your life (there are 3rd world people who have been through a lot and yet still leave you in shame in how much hope they have). You people have lost the plot on what truly matters.

you must be retarded. did u even read what I wrote
U wish i was bullied maybe i would be norman like u den
kek, good idea

Sure if you're a delusional faggot

These are really beautiful quotes user and I want to say thank you for posting them

I'm an agnostic atheist but I respect The Bible as literature and read it back in high school. I'm going to revisit it now I think. Do you know of any good guides on which parts I should read and which aren't worth reading?

so much projection.

you are addicted to internet
many of us are

That depends on what you want to read. The bible has many sayings and wisdom in regards to a number of topics so I can't say much which are handy guides since the bible covers a broad range. Regarding riches you can find the sayings of Jesus Christ in the gospels. In the Old Testament, there's plenty in Proverbs and Ecclesiastes about the vanity of life and wealth. In regards to family and friends, you can find many in the Old Testament as well as in the New. When in leadership, you can find plenty in the New Testament. Whatever the case, Google is your friend. And if you're sincere, ask God for clarity if you really want to read it and understand the message it imparts.

I don't understand what these pajeets obsession with muh working out is. I went to the gym for 5 years but now stopped last year to focus on crypto and guess what, no fucking difference in mood/confidence/whatever


You sound like a nutty

Is this you by chance?

>Money can't change that
>Medicine can

If it's something you can buy with money, it's something money can fix.

Maybe the five years of working out contributed to an excellent baseline of high confidence and mood?

Exercise makes me feel better when I do it. Cardio in particular.

>t. suicidal white western cuck

Not the gym per se but running seriously helped improve my mental state.

Says the guy raging on Veeky Forums, you religious cucks are so delusional, if religious people were as happy as they pretend to be they won’t be going around killing people for the last hundred years. Also Christians used to burn village full of children and women for having different beliefs, to me Christians are parasites, same goes for muslims.

Unironically investigate your roots.
Find relatives from recent generations who were strong characters, gather old pictures, etc.
But also at a more macro level; research the heritage of your ancestors from the middle ages etc.

You sound like a nutty.

Seems user struck a nerve. Are you taking your anti-depressants user?

I’m see you couldn’t defend yourself ;)

Smart user: 1
Christcuck: 0

>getting this triggered when I pointed out he's suicidal and depressed
>I am enlightened by my own intelligence
Holy shit, right out of the memes. I guess stereotypes do write themselves.

How about some meditation — Zen or Vipassana retreats can really give perspective

Well yes, you have a point with this. I think it's important to just stay busy doing something you like

>all he writes is vitriol and hate while proclaiming he is enlightened by his own intelligence
>wonders why user is satirizing him instead to show how stupid he is
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the pseudo-intellectual atheist who thinks he's now smart because he tucks Dawkins' books at night. Do you happen to watch youtube vids of Hitchens too?

>thinks I’m an atheist
I’m not

>thinks I’m white
I’m not

>thinks I live in the west
I don’t

Christcucks delusion everyone

>thinks I’m an atheist
>I’m not
Oh so you're a satanist or pagan then. That's worse. How's it feel like being a manchild?

If you haven't noticed already, this thread isn't about you. OP already wanted to read the bible and thanked me. By the way, more bible quotes. I know it gets you triggered:

Luke 15:7
>I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.

Here's an emoticon to go with that
> ;)

You need Jesus OP.

thank god i will actually do all of the shit you just pretended you were gonna do. not to mention i'm a multi-instrumentalist and will be totally content to have enough money to quit my job and record albums in a home studio while playing shows and even touring a couple times a year. would only take about 2M to do this and i've already found the portfolio that will get me there easily by 2020. my life going to be /comfy/ quite soon.

you faggots never actually learned how to do any cool shit that's why you're all suicidal even after you make it. imagine if you were a writer or painter or musician and actually talented and could just do it full time. imagine if you were fucking passionate about travel and spent all of your wagecucking gains to fly to different countries and explore shit. but no you're all fucking faggot business majors or neets who sat around playing WoW 24/7 during their most crucial developmental years

>religious person bringing in the bants
Wait is this opposite day? How can one man get REKT so hard like this?

those guys are right you seem to just have mental problems, even the way you formulate your thoughts into words seems autistic, all the "keks" and senseless aggression/hostility.

The world isn't out to beat your down, jocks don't want to hurt you or stare at your ass, most people are neutral or friendly and all it takes is a reasonable attempt at starting a conversion and you might make a new friend or find a new business opportunity.

You need to change who you are if you want your life to improve. The world isn't broken, you are. There's a great quote that applies directly to people like you:

>"If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole."

Poo goes in the loo

Beautiful quote, thanks for posting. We should all repent. Especially the poos

a REAL psychologist

Anyone have the link to the wojak bogdanoff video?

You haven't answered the question though. Are you suicidal and depressed?

>neets who sat around playing WoW 24/7 during their most crucial developmental years
B-b-but senpai it wasn't WoW, it was R-r-runescape... And I g-got a m-max cape... And p-p-partyhats... I'm cool r-right...?

I'm talking about OP you brainlet, not everyone. More money will not cure his sickness.

Just wait until JPMC goes on exchanges user, buy that in bulk and watch it soar

Fuck off bot