>tfw bullied at work again
Tfw bullied at work again
I am small, skinny, and a quiet person. I'm a natural target for this type of shit. A while back on the way to my car someone called me a pussy with a group of his friends around. I told him to come over to my car and that i wanted to tell him something (people always get group mentality around others so i wanted to separate him.) I just looked at him and told him to never talk like that to me ever again. He looked shocked and uncomfortable. never did it again. Just confront them, they don't expect you to retaliate so when you do it'll shock them and they'll just fuck off. you're retaliation doesn't have to be witty, or even threatening in any way, you just have to do it.
"hey dude come over to my car"
"uh no you weirdo"
"pls man, just come over real quick"
"look at this freak haha he wants me to come to his car for some reason!! watcha gonna do weirdo?"
"pls man... just... i need to say something at my car to you"
"wtf go away you pussy, just say it here to my face"
As easy as that - take a baseball bat and hit him as hard as you can
sounds like you got cucked manlet
get angry with the faggot lose your temper tell him off, do it in front of as many co-workers as possible, if you are reserved this will be hard and you will worry about it afterward for like two days but it will be the right thing to do
Void trips confirm
Show the world you’re a man filled with pain
this is the gayest shit i've ever read. I'd cave your fucking skull in.
holy shit lmao what a loser
>work at walmart for a week
>obese mexican customer insults me and destroys my bathroom barricade after I mopped it
>takes massive shit
I quit and never worked again
Fuck those people OP. Your coworkers are obvious fuck ups and need to unload on people to try to make themselves feel better about their shitty lives. Just remember that they are the real losers.
Go to sleep Ben.
>make casual conversations about crypto with coworkers
>say things like 'i don't any bitcoin but even though you think it's a bubble some people somehow make money'
>they invest in BCH
>few months later lose money
>you later go home and laugh at them cucks
meanwhile you buy ltc with fractions of your paycheck and get rich in a year
Love you OP
Is this a reddit copypasta?
Violence is the answer
Just find an other job. You can change the workplace or their perspective of you.