tfw 5'8 manlet

> tfw 5'8 manlet

Is there even a point in trying?

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I’m 5,8 as well. I hope we’ll someday make it brudda

5.929 here want to kill myself everyday

name 1 thing that anyone under 6'6 has accomplished.

just one thing

ill wait

what is classified as being a manlet? im JUST 6 ft and feel short

Dick size is more important than height.

Honestly, what has anyone over 6'6 accomplished other than throwing a ball into a hoop

putin, hitler, napoleon, lenin


trying in what? this is Veeky Forums how is your height related you fucking autist

Pls delete this


mate. hitler 5'7

Smaller people have smaller brains?
t. 6"4'


All memes asides, 5'8 is like tall manlet tier

tfw even 6'1 is short now

why even live?

just become a cute trap, it's too late

I'm 5'4 and don't even care.

Use the metric system you midgets.

These Veeky Forums threads make me kek erry tiem

Just move to a country where the average male height is under 5’8”.
Like uhhhh
Saudi Arabi

>tfw legit 191cm, Veeky Forums for 6 years, 500k crypto and still a kissless virgin

Just get shoes with a thick sole or boots. I'm 6'2 and wearing them just to get an 1,5-2 inch boost and throne over the other 6'2 faggot manlets

i am 5'8 and my fellow self-hating manlets make me rage hard.
>be failure at life
>cant talk to people
>shit yourself while trying to pick up wimminz
>fail horribly
>blame it on height

There might be. As far as roasties are concerned, every million dollars of net worth you have is equal to 1" in height more or less.

So, if you can accumulate $4M, roasties will spread legs for you approximately as easily as they would for a normal sized human.

this whole thread is full butthurt manlets pajeets. the price of crypto reflects the holders height. chads buy low and sell high, manlets btfo

And if you feel like a super manlet you could even go further and boost your height by 5 inches. You could view them as an equivalent to a chicks push-up bra.

Join a Church.

I'm a dicklet, manlet and a brainlet. Absolutely no point even trying.

please take this to /r9k/

go to Asia and use Tinder

get bitches

this and stalin, alexander the great etc
all the most powerful mean throughout history have been manlets
how can lanklets even compete

If the shittiest part about your life is your 5'8" then you've got it made bro.