Found out recently my dad has lung cancer

Chemo will cost us like $200k and will completely ruin us unless I step in and contribute ALL of my crypto gains. And here I was just about getting ready to move out of my parents and live independently.... Seriously, FUCK 2018. Worst fucking year of my life... Plus there is absolutely NO guarantee whether my dad will even survive because 50% of all chemo patients still die after 1 year of treatment. All those gains I made...were for FUCKING NOTHING. I feel so angry and depressed as I type this as I don't have any friends to share my feels with other than Veeky Forums. Sorry for my blog but I just needed somewhere to vent.

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Save your dad’s life greedy kike

Crypto comes and your dad user. This will be your lambo.

Cash it out and put it in a wall to wait till he dies. Then you can have your lambo.

Or you could go to Cuba and get treatment for free.

Save your dad retard

get him treatment in a different country where it's more affordable. seriously

enjoy your suicide out of guilt ;)

Cash out minimum you need for a month or two and (assuming we're in a bull market) let the remainder multiply. Then you can pay and still profit - win win.

OP I won't troll for once in my fucking life. Look into "THC cancer cell apoptosis" and "rick simpson oil." It will cost maybe $10k and it won't end up killing your dad like the chemo will.

Michael Moore, fuck off


also check out alternatives for your dad:

>> Greatest country in the world
>> Land of the free


Sorry to hear this user but your healthcare system is fucking trash. I find it absolutely insane that thousands of people go bankrupt every year just to attempt to stop loved ones from dying.

Tough decision, depends on how much of a big asshole u are. Honesty, if noone knows how much i have, idk if I would pay.

Let him die faggot, a broke boomer is a dumb boomer

go to another country and get treatment there
check for south korea and israel

this lol
stupid americucks

How old's your dad? If he's like 65 it could go either way. He's had his chance, he'd be shitty to expect you to give up your cash so he could totter around in his 70s

Take out the money before you blame yourself for his death.

He will die this year anyway.

You have to be a complete moron to tell your family or friends that you invested in crypto.

Don't waste your money on him, cancer patients are lost cause.

save your dad, seriously. you won't get over his dead if you know you could've saved him retard
also lmaoing at your burger health system for getting scammed 200k for a chemio L fucking MAO

Just go to India and get your dad treated for 20k, get over the Poo in the loo meme.

They have the best Healthcare in their cities, and it's cheaper by a lot compared to the western nations.

Give him 90% of gains, put 10% in CoinMetro ico and you’ll be in the same position in a years time at the very least. Not shilling, fuckin legit. Good luck to you and your dad

Holy shit fuck Veeky Forums is dead
Tell your faggot dad to give the dr a firm handshake

Let him die to get his death insurance and invest it all in crypto.

Go take out a loan u retard . You can have both . The 200k will be a few million in 2 years

its all fun and games till it comes to your family user

Get your father to fake being trans, contact a tv station for a new program called "my trans dad has cancer". Guaranteed free bucks.

>american healthcare
So this is how it’s like in the best country on the planet? Die or go bankrupt.

OP, I am going to give you serious advice if you aren't larping.

My Mom passed away due to brain cancer recently. She had absolutely nothing. Her treatments were like 20,000 a month or something ridiculous, she was on chemo and optune.

She didn't pay a dime. And she didn't want anyone to sign on anything to be liable for her. Now if this is going to cause your parents to lose their house or something maybe you should step in.

But you aren't liable for anything, and DON'T sign for anything.

Not sure if it applies to you as I'm an American.

yeah sadly, my dad doesn't believe in alternative treatments. plus he apparently gets along well with the doctor whos treating him so theres no changing his mind now

fucking burgers. here in italy we pay based on what our income is and even after that you can get a cut for your spending if your case is some crazy shit like cancer

yeah im an american. fuck this country seriously. i was planning to go backpacking in europe with my crypto gains. and now im fucking stuck in this fucking shithole for good. if my dad doesnt survive the chemo im seriously considering shooting up the hospital.


Save your dad, he can still make a new offspring, because you are clearly a waste of air ungratful piece of shit kys.

Also I would like to add, that if I could I would give everything up to have her back again. Just don't burn it all if you don't have to. If your dad can get treatments for free, (should be able to, don't see why not. They can't DENY healthcare in the U.S.).

hey you absolute bogdanoff, what stage is he at.


What's more important, you goddamn asshole.

just let him die

>Spend all of your money trying to save your dad
>He dies anyway
kek Burgers, would be real nice to have universal health care right about now wouldn't it? Then the government could pay for most of your dad's chemo.

stage 4.

land of the fucking free WOO FUCKING HOO

This faggot is right.
You gonna get treated by Dr. Patel in US anyway, so might as well do it 10x cheaper

And thanks to that we have no research of our own, we just leech off other countries such as America. Not to mention the entire healthcare infrastructure is constantly on the brink of collapse, you can die before you get to see a doctor. I just got my free checkup appointment yesterday for an echocardiogram: in September.

Stop freaking out. Why the fuck do you think you would actually have to pay $200k unless you're mega rich? There are charities and shit for this stuff.

Maybe you should read if Hospitals can seize assets. Your dad will get the treatment no matter what. Maybe talk to the fucking hospital more?

Where would your crypto gains be if he had pulled out that night? You owe it to the old man.. if he was a good father you FUCKIN owe it to him and your family. you can make money and even kids but ypu cant make a dad.. SAVE THE DAD.. YOU SICK FUCKING DOUCHEBAG

nice LARP OP, we both know you don't have a father!

no no, you're the product of a drunken fling your mom had at some skeezy country bar.

GG op

then let the fucker die

How old is your dad? Chemo is brutal, if he is +75 yo, it might just be best to just let him graciously expire.
Would also be terrible if you paid for Chemo, and then after him suffering for years because of the treatment, he expire because of some common cold and his immune defense has been trashed.

Aw shit man, is chemo the best option, my aunt got two rounds of chemo and the second one was the finishing blow. Consult with a doctor seriously, but do what feels right.

Stay strong, just heard both my parents got cancer. Fucked up world..

>doctor literally shilled your father a 200k hemo

Yes eat fruit until you die of cancer...

Does your dad not have insurance? I thought that was mandatory post-Obamacare.

Sodium hydrogen carbonate, mined in murica, the one without alluminium, weed oil, mmc, lots of solutions dude you just need to research

>OP I won't troll for once in my fucking life. Look into "THC cancer cell apoptosis"
Wtf? what an insane comment..


They aren't all street shitters

Fuck off, I have seen multiple people recover from paleo and vegan Diets.

Give your dad chemo or you’ll regret it for the rest of your life you fucking fuck.

woah man, fucking feels shit, hope they are at low stages and the treatment is affordable

>inb4 dad dies anyways

Thank fuck you don't have the money, backpackers are worse than gypsies.

then its what the soul wants, he will be back in a nother life proceeding where he left off till ascention, respect free will, see perfection in everything

Alternative natural treatments are completely unproven and always rely on anecdotal evidence to obscene degrees.

If it can't prove to cure cancer with actual scientific, unbiased research studies then it is literally gambling with his father's life on the off chance that the anecdotal evidence is legitimate and not from people who experienced spontaneous remission or had other treatments at the same time and never said anything about it.

I have been making thc oil myself so my mother can rub it on her skin Im finally getting her to see that Chemo is very destructive But She is still sceptical about it, my dad lives on the other side of the country I only speak him a few times per month he isnt probably telling me everything.

the reality my friend is that no money can make up for the health of your family. you are fortunate to have gains that can assist your father you will regret not helping him when you are older. you have made gains once you can do it again. good luck user

>were for nothing
you deserve to lose it kek

well, best of luck

Pre-commit gains to help your dad user, but consider speaking to your dad first and then an accountant to make sure you are doing it tax efficiently... that’s serious money user.

Better than the choice in socialist europoor countries

At least in America we can cure cancer

At least give him half, jesus

This thread makes me so happy I live in Canada, we may be slow but at least everyone gets treated in the end.

>still hasn't been redpilled on chemo

get your dad on cbd / baking soda treatment - he needs to fast and only consume pure nutrients and vitamins from raw fruits and veggies
any red meat or artificial shit and he's fucked ever further
also ur dad needs hella plants around him at all times.

also psychedelics will remove his fear of death or any other fear

yeah so he should just microwave his dad for $200k and have him live the rest of his days in pain...for a 50% chance of survival.

>i would also get along well with the goy who's gona pay me 130k because he has cancer to ''treat him''

Return to your crypt Steve Jobs.

Juice fruits, veggies, and lemons to naturally fight cancer.

Jesus Christ the ignorance in this thread.
>chemo is destructive
Just so you guys know, there is no single "chemo". Chemo just means using chemicals instead of radiation. When you take an antibiotic, you're taking "chemo". The type of chemicals used depends on the type of cancer, of which there are infinite types. Some are stronger and riskier some are weaker and safer. The doctors take into consideration all factors before deciding which chemicals to use, including the age of the patient, his life expectancy and may even consider not giving anything at all if the situation is too bleak.
They aren't out there to kill you, they wouldn't make money that way.

>chemo will cost us $200k

Chemo is garbage, buy Aajonus Vonderplanitz's books instead, 2 books 30 bucks each

>all the comments saying to save his dad
>with stage 4 cancer

OP either get your dad alternative treatment in another country or let him die. Do not feed the kike healthcare system in the US.

My mother had stage 4 ovarian cancer, she had a couple rounds of chemo done but still died a few months later. If there's one thing that the NHS is good for, it's that none of us had to pay for the treatment. For a more practical solution, if I were in your shoes I'd genuinely look up health tourism to see if you can get treatment for him abroad. Regardless of what you do, try to cherish the good moments while you can, the end isn't pretty.


Well then he has chosen to die. Try to convince him otherwise. What stage is it?

what the fuck can i do really

most cancers are diagnosed in stage 4 because getting an appointment is practically impossible until you're choking blood one day and pass out in the toilet

unless you're rich, even health insurance sucks balls in this country

>land of the free
what is so free about being stuck to a massive debt

>Chemo just means using chemicals instead of radiation
I am fairly certain this is wrong, i always assumed that Chemo is just short for chemokines treatment, essentially during infection or so, your immune cell release these chemokines (among other things), and they essentially destroy the cells.
So chemo therapy is probably just compounds that mimic the endogenous chemokines in our body, and are thus something completely different than antibiotic.

My grandmother had a colon cancer 40 years ago and got saved on the spot. Seems like the US is 40 years late compared to Europe lad.

Tell him he can get treatment for free in another country and you'll pay for that. If you have to say that you don't want the family to go into debt but still want to save his life, it's a win-win for everybody to avoid the fucked up US healthcare system.

>That said, the median stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer life expectancy (the time at which 50 percent of patients are alive and 50 percent have passed away) is only around eight months. The five-year survival rate—that is, the percent of people who are expected to be alive five years after a diagnosis of stage 4 lung cancer—is sadly only 4 percent.

You're utterly fucked. Your only chance of survival is the aajonus vonderplanitz stuff. Chemotherapy sounds extra retarded in this case because the survival rate is tiny even with the treatment and quality of life is terrible on chemo

You're a pajeet OP, regardless of what you'll take. For so many reasons.

>It'll ruin us
if you believe the market will boom and your 200k become 2000k in a few years, that ruinage is fixable. They'll probably hate you for not putting up the 200k first but buy them something nice and fancy and they'll forgive you.

>muh all of my gains lost
you can always make more money, the actual money is not important, the mentality is what makes you money, if you don't know this then the money you made is simply by luck, and you're a 100% certified pajeet.

Anuscancer is easy to cure if you get screened and find it early


She was already shitting blood when it was discovered.

Is your grandma still alive?

>Yo old man, you gonna make it? (Dad's friend)
>Idk lol, my wife's son is deciding whether saving my life is more profitable than hodling his bitcorns

What region? I'm from FVG and the health system here is pretty fast
I got treated for scoliosis when i was a teen and my parents paid next to nothing (maybe because i was a teen)
Also we do medical research here too wtf

brainlet retard

Yes ofc, she's 87 now.

There are chemotherapeutic regimens that are, literally, just a cocktail of multiple antibiotics.

Right but if it hadn’t metastasized it’s a pretty simple surgery to remove the cancer. Metastatic cancer, or cancer where surgery is impossible, is the type difficult to cure. Although scientists are extremely close to being able to inject immune cells into tumors and destroy them wherever they are in the body.

Cancer will be a meme of the past in 10 years or less.