When lambo?
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wont be long now
Will i make it with 400 OMG?
i love this coin
the delusion lmao.
nice counter
Just bougt another 542, total 1004 OMGs... wish me luck!
nice, you won't need it ;)
not an arguement
30% is a huge market share to annex. Not saying it's impossible, but maybe let's temper our expectations for only
>Gateway payment system
>50k merchants and 420+ million customers ( growing everyday)
>all merchants and customers of omise will be using the omisego blockchain
>SDK wallet release soon
>ETH needs OMG
>Decentralized exchange
>Plasma 1mill TPS in a real life environment, not in some simulation bullshit.
>Thailand governement on their knees sucking Omise 8 inch cock.
>Merchant volume over 30bill
>Vitalik Buterin working on omisego / plasma
>Joseph Poon
>Karl Floersch
Do you guys hate money or something, is that why you're not buying omisego?
soon my friend
Would you let Jun fuck your bitch?
and agree with all points
Ran out of money till next pay, like the wage cuck i am.
I'm glad to hear that there are at least some people on biz that are not a complete intellectual dumbass
I've been buying omisego since the great dip of november / december and i will be doing this till end feb. I'm feeling comfy as fuck,
>not buying OMG after watching this
>he wants to remain poor
>Vansa Chatikavanij, a native of Thailand and Columbia University graduate, first encountered bitcoin while working at the World Bank as a water resources specialist. The digital currency, she realized, had huge potential in moving funds securely in underdeveloped countries.
>After leaving the World Bank in late 2016, she began working with a venture capital firm, which dispatched her last year to a Bangkok-based digital payment startup called Omise Holdings. Her job was to interview its co-founders, Jun Hasegawa and Ezra Don Harinsut, and report back to her colleagues at the firm. But after an enthusiastic discussion about the possibilities for a new type of blockchain, Hasegawa turned the tables on Vansa. "So, when can you start working?" he asked her.
Jun is a pussy slayer. Think he is hitting that?
You haven't even passed the skateboard phase yet, lambos are far away
She is hot and smart.
>tfw asians are going to make you rich asf while you just sit at home being a neet, comfy asf.
why is it pumping?
Overall market seems to be going up, it seems that every friday we will either have a bloodbath, or a green evening.
He and Donny spitroasted her for sure.
I have over 6000 OMG and I'm not even going to ask whether I'm going to make it.
I know I am. Just bragging honestly.
Will i make it with 4000 omg?
You need exactly 4000. No more no less
Should I sell 3k link to increase my omg stack? I only have 590
Should I sell my neo for omg? Worried that omg will make outpace neo way easier
Bought some at $1.50. Buying this now with 10x the price is pointless.
Got 9 omg.
Omg! Let me live!
So you're telling me I should invest in some shit that a woman dreamed up?
I feel like I should upvote this.
Will i make it with 100'000 OMG ?
Only have 150 OMG feels fucking bad.
The balls on this guy! Jun definitely hit. That's why she standing so far away in the group picture. He even let her hold his skateboard in another picture.
wtf dont get too cocky retard, you're not gonna make it with 6k. It's 4k flat, how do you not know this? kys
if this low when next paycheck imma go even more balls deep
I would let him HAVE my bitch
You're not going to make it unless you have 4000 OMG and 4000 OMG only.
Send me the other 2000
Hodling 37 omg am i gonna make it
LAMBO dropped last night
bruh I have 38, we ain't gonna make it ;_;