BCASH: Roger Ver gets REKT on Alex Jones Show

lol Roger Ver is a total douchebag




> BTH is BS


Did we watch the same interview? He destroyed on all the faggots who called and tried to trigger him
Also I was right! He's mad about the bcash thing because Vcash is another coin, not because "hue due without bitcoin on its name it's nothing"

Parity confirmed for Q2 by the way.

>he isn't accumulating the real bitcoin at 1k

Just give up blocksharebluestream


Gen 1 shitcoins - in the house



What a fucking child

"You must use my preferred pronoun"

At this point I don't know if these threads are Bitcoin Cash supporters in disguise trying to make Bitcoin Segwit look bad or if the Segwit supporters are really this stupid. Roger murdered everyone here and Alex Jones, who admits he doesn't understand crypto, was laughing at the callers. Are you really that stupid or are you a Bitcoin Cash supporter in disguise trying to make Segwit supporters look like retards?

what a cohencidence bch goes up 30+% the day of the alex jones interview... as binance goes down...
hmmmm..... i wonder.

Fuck, we probably will have to use names and nounds that other people want us to use in a few years, otherwise we will be raped to death by 100 savage orang utans with rabies.

BCH is not a scam, if BCH is a scam than the entire crypto market is a big scam.


>"You must use my preferred pronoun"
There are coins named BCash. He doesn't like it because there is Bitcoin Cash and BCash coin.

bcash shill lol

>bcash shill lol
Is that the extent of your argument? Again, I don't honestly know if the BCH team is doing next level shilling or if you guys are really this stupid. At this point I'm getting too scared to ask.

Bcash coin was created like 2 months ago. They hoped it would stop people from calling bch bcash. So that plan failed.

>implying it's not enough
bcash bcash bcash

You have to be really fucking dumb to think Roger lost that debate.

I want all the Hillary supporters to go back to plebbit.

>bcash bcash bcash
And here we have the Segwit supporter in his natural habitat, the retardation ward of the insane asylum. Look at him try and articulate his thoughts. Unfortunately his brain was malformed so no matter how hard he tries he will never succeed.

>They hoped it would stop people from calling bch bcash.
The only people that mind you calling it Bcash are Roger and Jihan. You may be right on the coins creation date as I do not know, but I can tell you that each time a Segwit supporter repeates "BCash BCash BCash" the few remaining logical supporters of Segwit start moving toward the BCH side of the fence. So keep it up. You have your infantile insults (which aren't even insulting), we have our logically sound arguments.

some are false flagging here but I shut you not, they are indistinguishable from actual blockstream redditor soyboys

Is there any porn with roger? He is a hot daddy.

Hillary supporter? You fuckin murifat crybaby nobody cares about your shithole country anyways.

Roger Ver is an "I was the first rich guy in the cryptocurrency world, I am better than you" idiot.

Thats a fact, and his sidekicks aren't any better.

The Bitcoin Core devs are way more prefessional and don't act like total fools.

...seems that the BCH shillarmy is very active on Veeky Forums.

> oh my gaaaaawd, redditspacing detected. Must be some leddit fag.

>seems that the BCH shillarmy is very active on Veeky Forums.
Its the only place you communist fags can't censor us. And surprise surprise you buttfuckers get logically raped here.

He was the first rich guy in crypto and he IS better than you.
Those a objectively true facts.

>Those a objectively true facts.
Don't say that. Bernie Sanders told him he is equal to everyone else. If he loses that belief he'll have lost everything.

It amazes me that you fucking OBSESSED people manage to turn a crypto competition into political factionalism.

I don't understand why people here are so fooled by bcash propaganda and lies. Why don't you go to /r/bitcoin and read all about what's actually happening and make sure you're intelligent and well informed on the topic?

We wont rest before identify politics is scaled to global adoption on a distributed ledger


Oh wait you're serious?


>Why don't you go to /r/bitcoin and read all about what's actually happening and make sure you're intelligent and well informed on the topic?
Again, I don't know if you're a BCH supporter in disguise trying to make Segwit supporters look retarded or if you're serious. You can't post BCH support there or you get banned. Just try it. At least they let people say that the Alex Jones interview made them look bad, but that was only about 1/2 of them. But you can't say anything about the whitepaper, big blocks, or Lightning being centralized or you are banned.

But that's just because they don't want people lying there and muddying the waters with their propaganda, I wouldn't do that there because that would be wrong, think of all the core devs and blockstream have done for us, and you really want to suggest we should just go out and attack them in public like that? Where's your respect? Bitcoin made me rich, I'm going to have a lambo, nothing can stop it.


nice redditspacing you fucking cuckold, what are you even doing on this website? The fact that you care so much about social image proves that you're a beta mangina faggot, just leave.

Hello Roger Ver. How is it going with your Bcash?

bcash shill pajeet confirmed.


its a scam because they are just riding btc coattails and they use centralization to do it
Why buy bitcoin.com and not bitcoincash.com ?
Its a sketchy business

Yes what was i thinking? I must buy pure pristine btc with unlimited untapped potential. That's BTC not BCH buy BTC that's the ticker.

Why does angrybcashman have such a gay voice?

bro did you see the same clips
Roger Ver is a total slime douchebag
His only goal is to accumulate as much money as possible by stealing an open source brand
Now that would be okay if he wasn't such an autistic little baby about it, but he completely lacks self awareness and can't stand any criticism
Besides his currency doesn't solve a problem that hasn't been solved better before at this point he's just trying to make bank before admitting defeat

Is BTC 100% pajeet at this point? Top kek at this thread

Because he is a faggot


Do you have any btc filters to filter out the toxic bch, based filter salesman? I only want precious and pure btc.

Alex jones is a dumb retard, anybody taking him seriously is a utter dumb fuck

It's not that simple. Roger is an autistic weirdo but he is right on principle re: BTC vs BCH. Bitcoin hasn't worked like digital cash for a long time now, which was the subtitle of Satoshi's whitepaper. 1 MB blocks are a relic from the past when the blocksize didn't matter because there were so few transactions, 1 MB was "big enough" to be a placeholder. There is nothing sacred about a 1 MB blocksize, it's just an intentional bottleneck core is obviously keeping in their product to enforce off-chain scaling.

If you want to argue that BCH wants to centralize through bigger and bigger blocks, then someone could easily just fork bitcoin again to keep blocks at a sensible size.

Every version of bitcoin is trash.
This shit is just a ponzi scheme now.
Satoshi's vision can still be achieved but it'll take years and with adjusted tech.

You forgot Bitcoin Private

I don't see cashies being faggots, copy+pasting broken English and shitting on the street.
Corekeks on the other hand...

Dude why do you gotta feed the trolls? It's bad enough there's one pajeet making btrash threads all day

I'm not a BTC fanboy, I don't even hold a lot of BTC. But BCH is just pure shit. This guy desperately trying to make BCH BTC and fails all the time doing so. It's just ridiculous and stupid.

BCH unironically is bitcoin

don't give these faggots any more attention. Veeky Forums was literally taken over by shills yesterday. i'd rather have fucking bazinga threads than bcash

We need mods to step in and stop this bcash shillfest with permabans. Fucking premined trash.

WOW! You called Bitcoin Cash Bcash?! Thats so stunning and brave. Finally somebody had the balls to stand up and say it. You're a hero, OP

Imagine how fucking angry this must make Satoshi, retarded cunts like Roger Ver talking how BCH is the real Bitcoin. What a fucking clown, I hope he loses all his money and works in McDonalds for the rest of his life.


I like most agree with Roger, just cause you make up shit doesn’t make it right and no one likes you shitty attitude.