They call has been made!! BTC is about to drop below 2k.... SELL NOW!!! big companies are about to MASS sell coins. I cant say where i got this info as it may jeopardize my job
i'm pretty sure you made a typo there and wrote 2k instead of 3k
yeah i did. my bad, new keyboard
Goldmens Sahcx lawyer here. I can approve OPs post 110%. Wallstreet already pulled out from crypto and stocks, shorted everything (sorry I cant say where I got this info).
Hilary Clintom is my friend.
can confirm, insider info, cant say more
dude... I'm telling you now! It's happening. I've already dumped and when it crashes I'm going to buy again... that's what every smart business man does and whats EXACTLY what they did
> big companies mass sell
Hey dumbed down murifat, big companies aren't even into BTC. If they were, the marketcap would look very different newfag.
post trades proof?
>insider information
top kek
why not tell us earlier just entered with 100k am i fucked user
believe what you want. when you're crying tomorrow ill be there to laugh in your face
i wish i knew for certain earlier man. :(
screenshot your trades faggot!!!
can confirm OPs claim. I work at Taco Bell and make 6 figures.
Holy fucking shit. I'm gonna wait another couple weeks and buy. I love crashes!
OP is right..the call has been made..i wor,k for gerog soros
i don't want to show anyone how much I'm banking and where from. if you don't believe me then don't sell :) i will be here to laugh at you tomorrow
if btc goes down to 2k.
I am going down with the shit.
op is telling the truth i work for george soros
op is right..the call has been mad,e i work for george soro s
My father works at Bitcoin, I can confirm this.
hahahah dumbed down murifat. You butthurt because you fell for Bitconeeeeeeect?
> b-b-but Trevon James and CryptoNick
Fuck off back to the redditfags
im gorge soros personal 's assistant..his right guys..drop your bitcoins..he told lunch..
I'm Australian..... Only retards fell for bitconnect. i only had like 4 BTC on it (just in case) not really a loss
I just had a talk with Trevon James, CryptoNick and Bitconnect team. They can comfirm that BTC will drop soon. THIS IS REAL INSIDER INFORMATION!
....I bet murifats even believe that
can't confirm, but i'm an insider
im an insider with hungarian georghe soros' and he told me to sell..inside an insider..
inside informat ion ..guys..please please an insider i cant confirm but i an george soroses and henry fords personal asistant...stfu to all the bitshills in the thread..fucking loosers..
My dad works for bitcoin and says a massive pump is coming. buy buy buy
get outta here autist.
Donald Trump your president of the USA here, I can confirm that OP is a faggot who just got fired from my company for shitting on the floor and eating it.
We're buying all the bitcoin as of tomorrow, enjoy not being able to afford even a satoshi afterwards.
>implying smiley faces are from reddit.
haven't you got school?
i am mr. Rothschild, the bogs told me to sell
fuck off shill
r u who i think u r
shouting man on the map..shouting man on the map..quick rundowns indeed..
My dad works at Illuminati. SELL NOW FAGGOTS.
inside information guys im working for henry ford georg soros and time magazine
why are you shills trying to make people lose all their money? what do you guys get out of it?
The fuck did you say to me you little commoner cunt? I'll order a cruise missile launched at your location that the FBI is currently tracking for me at this very moment.
I've also just had the IRS increase any capital gains you need to pay by 1000% and furthermore I've also made it 101% for your wagecuck salary. Also you now have ebolAIDs.
im working for henry ford george soros time magazine and donalds trump personal assitant..gtfo bitshills..your curency is shit and gonna drop..sell guys,.save your money..
STFU cia shill..we know that you invented the bitcoin
i live in australia.. IRS can't do shit, and im not near any negros, so getting ebolAIDS is impossible
please stop giving away my position, the nano bogs are hunting me down
theres no escape..bullets have bogdabots embeded in..they will chase you..
like the cat chases..its tail..
bitconnect bagholder 101
>Be Australian
>Work for CIA
Nice, just sold 100k
australia is just a central inteligence agencie puppet
why r u helping biziness men
why are you not taking this seriously?
>only retards fell for bitconnect
>fell for bitconnect
You're welcome, good to see some sane people are still on here
>Fell for it
>loosing less then 1% of my profits. Good one
As an Australian I can agree. If you're not from Australia you will never understand.
nice just bought 100k
because you are full of shit and have been lied to
Now matter how you slice it you knowingly gave scammers $40k+
How do you put your pants on retard? Backwards first every morning?
Because you just seem stressed about nothing. You didn't answer my question.
dude in the grand scheme of things 40k is nothing
i didn't because it seems like you're not taking this seriously. and I'm helping because you guys have given me some great advice before and i thought i would help out.
>tfw you have to use "in the grand scheme of things" to justify your mistakes.
>Veeky Forums has given u great advice...kek. I somewhat trust you, but not really.
>what is leverage
You're a fucking retard you know that?
when you are crying tomorrow i will be here :)
I have inside information that Barclays and Bank of America are investing a shit ton of money into ripple. They may already be doing it. So what now?
well if you know when they are going to dump, you could ride the wave
who let this fucking autist get a hold of an electronic device?
im a janitor at the white house, they talked about how mobius ceo sucked the dick from trump and trump gonna shill mobius soon on national tv
buy mobius sir
care to elaborate one bit, you larping fagloid?
what did you want to know?
checked and saved. Big movers puling out soon
wtf I love reddit now
Just a reminder to anyone who my be browsing biz and doesn't understand this.
NEVER believe anyone who says they have insider information here.
That is all.