I was the guy that warned you for the january crash. Well the same group is gonna act again on Feb 10, 6pm GMT.
>screencap this
I was the guy that warned you for the january crash. Well the same group is gonna act again on Feb 10, 6pm GMT
Why they'll crash it up of course
i am not a fan of this fart sniffing thing here today.
For what purpose?
it was me wtf are you talking about faggot
honey did you shart? Lay off the beans and Eth for a while, geez.
ridicule is the only way to deal with softcore porn posters
What's the problem?
>Well the same group is gonna act again on Feb 10, 6pm GMT.
If I read between the lines correctly, you're saying we should go long on Feb 10 6pm
we are biologically hardwired to pay closer attention when we see an attractive female, so combining finance related information or requests with a female is a form of psychological manipulation
>It reduces the quality of the discourse.
like so
>wow I love VEN! based chinese!
and now your brain associates VEN with petite asian booty, at least for a moment
Feb 2042 I'm going to eat toast and jam... screenshot this!
>sniffing photoshop
wow I love ICX!
Thank you. Just bought 100k
wow I love WTC!
Who the fuck is this, please tell me right now I beg you.
I want /v/ to fuck off with their retarded brap meme shit.
This is to stave the slutposting for fuck sake.
Plus, it's funny.
wow I love LINK!
Or just ignore the bait you fucking retard. The response is to sage any shit content
LINK makes me so wet!
>yet another 6k cuck rage thread
Stop fudding you fucking nigger.
fucking porn posting pajeet
idiot newfag
Yeah, it worked SO well. Instead we have these memeloving faggots posting threads JUST to brappost their latest ebin images
brap brap
holyshit I just saw this movie the other day this guy is the ultimate real life wojak