>he actually believes the stock market is going to crash
>with taxes at historic lows
>with consumer confidence and wages high
>with the most pro-business, pro-economy administration in history
He actually believes the stock market is going to crash
this is the dumbest thing that I have ever read on this board...perhaps even Veeky Forums all-together. My only hope is that it is spill-over from reddit (I woulen't know; never been) and that your stupidity is not contagious
this is the dumbest thing that I have ever read on this board...perhaps even Veeky Forums all-together. My only hope is that it is spill-over from reddit (I woulen't know; never been) and that your stupidity is not contagious
this is the dumbest thing that I have ever read on this board...perhaps even Veeky Forums all-together. My only hope is that it is spill-over from reddit (I woulen't know; never been) and that your stupidity is not contagious
(OP) #
this is the dumbest thing that I have ever read on this board...perhaps even Veeky Forums all-together. My only hope is that it is spill-over from reddit (I woulen't know; never been) and that your stupidity is not contagious
>he thinks America lives in a bubble
>he unironically doesn't see the rest of the world as the festering shithole it is
(OP) #
this is the dumbest thing that I have ever read on this board...perhaps even Veeky Forums all-together. My only hope is that it is spill-over from reddit (I woulen't know; never been) and that your stupidity is not contagious
>that awkward moment when shareblue forgets to coordinate and four shills use the same script
>and wages high
See, I’m more worried about incompetent cronies and lackeys getting appointed to key positions and crashing this thing out of incompetence than I am reassured by ‘a pro-business attitude’.
That and the fact that ((they)) blew up XIV and SVXY to the tune of a few billion dollars.
Seriously, most people make dirt compared to wealth of our country everyone knows this except the dirt-makers ironically.
Dude, this graph is 4 years old.
Unba bunga, tax is low, boomer market no boom
Yes, and as we all know everything is different now
No, my hourly wage's still the same
Jews hate white people
Jews want white people destroyed
Jews control the market
Jews will manipulate the market to suit their ends
Trump is loved by white people
Trump’s policies will delay the destruction of the white majority in the US
Jews hate Trump
Jews will manipulate the markets so that their media mouthpieces can characterize Trump as a failure
Jews install a pro-immigration president and proceed with the destruction of white people as a political force, and eventually as a people altogether
Now you understand the “prosperity under Democrat presidents/ruin under Republicans” meme. BTW the Democrats were an explicitly pro-white, pro-segregation party until JFK and their subversion by Jews.
Bet on Jews to tank the markets to embarrass Trump, except they won’t wound him so badly that he is incapable of protecting Israel.
Spoiler alert, its the same shit today.
this is the dumbest thing that I have ever read on this board...perhaps even Veeky Forums all-together. My only hope is that it is spill-over from reddit (I woulen't know; never been) and that your stupidity is not contagious
Hard to raise wages when you are expanding the labor pool through immigration senpai
>It must be soros it must be CIA it must be aliens
But if we do "merit based aka take the skilled labors so we can fuck paying our own population who went to college for that shit" immigration then everything will be alright.
>low effort trolling
I expect better, kikes
They didn’t go to college to get skilled, goy, they learned how to fight the system and vote for (((progressive policies)))
Why did the economy rise so steadily with O-BEEZY though?
You have no understanding of the economy. Neck yourself you dumbass
Everybody knows (((exactly who the fuck it is)))
>with the most pro-business, pro-economy administration in history
forgot the pro-israel tag
this is the dumbest thing that I have ever read on this board...perhaps even Veeky Forums all-together. My only hope is that it is spill-over from reddit (I woulen't know; never been) and that your stupidity is not contagious
See except in reverse.
>le 2 big 2 fall
this is the dumbest thing that I have ever read on this board...perhaps even Veeky Forums all-together. My only hope is that it is spill-over from reddit (I woulen't know; never been) and that your stupidity is not contagious.
No, CIA usually focuses on /pol/ only. They know their true enemy, and they work on salary so there's no incentive to pad the numbers. Shareblue and JIDF are the ones who trawl around minor boards for easy pennies.
Yeah corporate cunts hands are tied too many mexicans can't give you raises for decades sorry plebs! Jesus christ you have no idea how much power and money has been concentrated in the last century keep sweating over berry pickers.
Wages are governed by very similar forces of supply and demand that are present in all markets. Could these large corporations pay their employees more? Of course they could, just like they could charge less for their goods and services if they really wanted too by changing their business models. But why should they? Unskilled labor is going to keep getting squeezed in the coming decades. Because of immigration, because of outsourcing/globalization. By choosing to ignore these trends and paying employees more money, business make themselves less competitive on margins that are probably not as high as you really think.
>mentions immigration/outsourcing before automation
That shit has been happening forever, automation in the last 50 years has caused way more job loss, it's not a stretch to say we're reaching a level of automation and productivity where most people having a job as we know it will be obsolete, wealth will go to privellaged few people doing the automation, it's already happening brick and mortar stores are dying you jabroni.
>he doesn't remember the Bush administration
Mods please ban this underage
So we have entered the phase of denial.
>market will only go up
-1500 points
>Not even a correction
- 1200
> A necessary reminder of volatility
- 1000
> Most ppl don't care will hodl
> Just hodl
- 1500
> Consumer confidence is high
- 2300
> I'm in it for the long haul
- 3173
> Waiting for the bounce to gibs cheap bargains
- 4295
> not looking at the charts makes comfy feels
- 6275
> i don't remember my broker account password
> whats that sound? sounds like rioting
> staying indoors, filling bathtub with water in case of worst
> the radio says the food distribution will begin soon, wait for further instructions
They are all factors, it is getting squeezed from both sides. Automation displaces a great number of workers and those remaining jobs are met with an overabundance of labor supply. This is a disaster for people who want rising wages, there is very little incentive to do so.
My basic point is that corporations going against this tide would lessen their competitive advantage against rivals who might not be feeling as altruistic. Changing their business models to make these accommodations for their workers will basically mean handing market share to their competitors, unless all entities are forced to do so at the same time (raising minimum wage for example).
Doesn't it look more like first sell off? The rate of change on the pump is way higher on the chart than on the stock chart
Nah we’ve finished despair m8
>After +25% growth in 2017, it's realistic to expect similar growth in 2018
t. Delusional idiot
> Nah we’ve finished despair m8
Amerimutts got tired of winning. So they started selling. Just like trump predicted
Well yes
The story right now is that this happened because the economy was too good. Everyone scratching their heads wondering why we see a decline on good econ data: it seems a little rushed and exuberant, which is a fair assessment. But really I think people are worried that this econ growth will result in higher interest rates, which typically lowers stock prices. So basically... we've won so much we're tired of winning.
>its all over, drumpf is done
>cheeto benito got lucky! this is still obama's economy
>white house sources confirm the president will likely resign tomorrow
>did Russia hack the NYSE to save Trump? More on this soon
>here's why bull markets are actually bad for POC and women
>all networks confirm a bizarrely slow news day. Stay tuned for local human interest stories.
I want to be honest with you.
I'm just some crypto faggot trying to fud stock traders. But that drop looks scary.
XIV is tied to volatility, it was guarenteed to blow up when vol went up, can‘t believe people actually bought into that shit
It's not, economic data is A1 supremo right now. No reason for this, no cracks showing. Bear market officially starts at djia 21,300. 2y T-bond yield is still less than 10y. Gold isn't rising as we expect when people are fearful. It was a correction, brought on by worries that the fed will raise interest rates in light of this good data. Plus we have a brand-new fed chair, Powell, that brings some uncertainty.
There is little incentive for automation because it displaces workers? Holy fuck man wait a minute while the telephone operator puts me through to your wrangler, in fact let me send a physical letter, fuck out of here there's always incentive for efficient automation.
I guess when you run out of arguments you resort to mischaractarizing mine.
I never said or implied those things, reread my post.
capturing complex fields is hard i know. you have the right to live with this opinion.
The Soros meme is real. He was very transparent about shorting the market after trump won. If you don't think these people aren't at least partially responsible for the upcoming collapse, you're fucking delusional.
throughout the 2000s the housing market was as strong as it gets, until it collapsed in 08
Little incentive to raise wages when automation creates a larger supply of job seekers. I.e. people will work for less just to have a job.
>strong fundamentals
>healthy economy
>everybody was expecting this
>this is good for the market
Thank you. Was that actually unclear?
t. Herbert Hoover
>wages high
Wtf does this even mean? How fucking stupid are you?
POTUS isn't anti-growth, anti-jobs, pro-globalism like most (arguably all) presidents.
please go lay down in the street so a car can pop your greasy head like a grape
not an argument
This is what far right wingers think. If Obama is so anti growth and anti jobs why did he fix our gdp and create so many jobs?
He didn't create jobs. Unemployment was shit until 2017.
>he actually believe the stock market is going to crash
(it is)
>with taxes at historic lows
(so what!)
>with consumer confidence and wages high
(with historic interest rate sensitive debts up the ass confidence)
>with the most pro-business, pro-economy administration in history
(and the most debt ridden/loaded economy in history after nearly of decade of zero or near zero interest rates)
Fixed this for you.
>>with the most pro-business, pro-economy administration in history
Every time the markets pop up from new lows bulls come out and spout this shit only for Big Wallstreet funds to come back and short the rally again. Repeat until suckers like you are washed out. But seriously, this is the dumbest thing that I have ever read on this board...perhaps even Veeky Forums all-together. My only hope is that it is spill-over from reddit (I woulen't know; never been) and that your stupidity is not contagious
I want to say we're at Fear. Didn't we just have a Bull Trap / Return to normal this week?
Probably a low of Dow 22500 on monday into Tuesday until some “great” news comes out during the day like lower inflation/interest rate expectations then massive rally into the rest of the week with high volatility.