what scams do you pull on normies to get money/crypto? I'm desperate to get money
Other urls found in this thread:
Just tell the girls that you have a long penis. They'll feel scammed when they see your small scammer chink penis
TRON was a good one. Pic related, he got scammed.
I post rosties on biz
Promote ethpyramid after buying into it
Okay if no one wants to post one, I'll share.
>pretend to be underage girl on omegle
>add older guys on facebook
>get dick pics
>blackmail for $$
It's not 2009 anymore
same. ethpyr is love ethpyr is life... it will be yuge
still works
Okay tictac
so i build websites for local businesses
>$750 base price to build site
>invest $60 in wp theme
>charge $30 a month for hosting and """""maintenance"""""
>install encrypted monero browser miner on each stie
>charge $15 a month for """""domain privacy"""""
>do social media management for $250-500 a month
so overall I can jew a business out of about $1100 upfront and $500-$600 a month in perpetuity, not to mention the miner using all of their visitors browsers
Used to ewhore with a team when i was 16 for like 5 years ago. We made 3k dollars a week. We were 3 people lol
why would you bother with the monero browser shit? are you retarded? Business brainlet
how'd you do that user?
it's not as much on the regular websites but I also have it on my ecommerce stores, as well as a couple of other sites that I own(for example, one is just a clock that people leave open all day, and another tracks busses in the town I live in, again people leave it open all day)
thats not a scam though
thats an actual business model even though it's jewish
Also, good way to scam is to literally pull a satoshibox scam WITHOUT actually posting the URL. I made $2k in a week with this.
1. Upload zip file of anything so it adds up to 10 mb or whatever.
2. Name the file something new..use branding ideas. Make it for a trading bot..be creative...like "KuCoin Arbitrage Pro 3000" or some bullshit.
3. Upload it, update description, etc.
4. Create bitcointalk thread advertising it..link it back to the satoshibox url
5. Create blog posts advertising it...link it back to the bitcointalk url.
6. Casually mention "yeah dude I use Kucoin arbitrage pro 3000" on any website, forum, etc.
7. Normies will google the bot, they'll come across the bitcointalk post or blog post.
8. They'll end up downloading it from satoshibox.
Brainlet here, what exactly is the issue with posting the link? I'm not sure what the issue is
people will call it out asap saying "BAN SATOSHIBOX SPAM!!!" and other anons will get the hint it's a scam.
The point here is to be subtle.
I used it with rocketr which is like satoshibox but more professional looking.
I apply for IT or tech positions I’m not qualified for at local mom and pop companies. They just see “computer science” on my resume and go, “Oh so you know that computer stuff! We need you!” I barely know how to print hello world to a console.
I’m good at bullshitting. It usually takes about a month before they realize I don’t know anything and fire me.
Whoever maestroretail is, they're gay and dumb.
also this, but for smaller positions.
I say heavy experience with applications and list a whole bunch (for example, hotels need that...but will only require you to use MS excel)
Life is a Ponzi Scheme.
What is a satoshibox? and how does that give you money when they download it? kek
Is it a miner?
satoshibox is a download site.
You pay BTC to download a file, you can make the description for whatever.
Then you download the zip after payment, and realize you got scammed.
It's not new and it'll be outdated soon..but it's a classic way to make a few hundred quickly.
Rocketr is the same way but you have an account.
Satoshibox doesn't require accounts.
that actually looks great, will do user
I am actually really interested on this, but idk how to find 'mom and pop' or small companies easy to fake it out to.
I was told of someone who actually did exactly this and got success out of it, but when I look for 'system admin' jobs I just find jobs for software dev. companies and server stuff and it's pretty obvious they'd catch me pretty soon.
Now, I can reformat computers and solve a lot of trivial shit with software and such, but I don't know how to set up servers or administer linux at the moment... So I don't know if I should actually learn a bit about linux bash commands, servers, VMs, IP managing and SQL databases...
u r all a bunch of faggots who would pull scams for pocketchange
on the other hand, you lurk /pol and complain about pajeets and niggers
guys, YOU are clearly the lowlife pajeet plebs here
karma is no joke, just wait
you all disgust me
Try to emulate things like TRON. But you will need to create an MLM success personality and have wide exposure on social media.
Things like Verge are easier, you just create a clone of some existing coin, like Doge, change a few variables and claim that it's the "Ethereum of 2018". Take a few thousand BTC in deposits from retards and then vanish.
That pic just makes me want to smash my screen, everything else I own, and then my own brain with a shotgun.
fuckoff angry pajeet
don't u get it lowlife?
YOU r the pajeet here
Not every1 here browses /pol/ lel
I know I'm not a poltard. I am more wary of the /b/tards who infest this board though.
What do you do when one guy downloads it, realize it's 10mb of bullshit and then goes to tell everyone it's a scam?
then your just a regular lowlife
trying to pull of scams for lunchmoney, this is beyond pathetic
is dignity now a boomertrait?
how is this thread not Veeky Forums catalog?
I am a lowlife, that's true, but at least I have a job right now, so I'm not a neet.
I'd like to pull a scam though, not gonna lie. The whole system is full of fucking scammers. Some do it in a legal way, some do it in an illegal way.
I put up fake ethereum contracts that look exploitable, but actually aren't, in fact you can't even get your money out.
~10 ether a week easy.
>believes some magical universe force will punish scammers to cancel out their every bad action
t. stuck in a 50k/year job
tell me your secrets
$10000 a week? How dude?
I go to random hipster cafes and such, and carry quality 3d printed bitcoins with me and pretend I bought them at garage sale from old folks whose son died few years ago. I use them as a finger fidget and pretend I think those are poker chips. Someone eventually notices and sparks a convo, then I lead them on towards them buying it from me at what they think is a deal of a lifetime for them.
You can't just brag about cakejob scamming without showing the receipts my guy
great way to have a long blank spot on your resume that later real job offers will be suspicious about
any more info?
user you got any good primers on smart contracts? I can't read that shit nor find the supposed vulnerability.
If you're not already a dev. with 1-2 years of experience, don't even bother. If you are, then you wouldn't ask such questions.
An ongoing contract too: etherscan.io
You create your own ICO with some shmucks names like the guys from Bit Connect and then r run off with all the money, no need to even dump it on trading.
nice try SEC, but the following is satire
got into ethpyramid early cuz i helped make it and made 25k because of all the retards that bought in afterwards. i didn't make as much as the dev but whatever not bad for a couple days' work.
I tell faggots like you to neck themselves asap. I hope you get caught and fined into years of debt pussy
a hint maybe?
Thew following line will always revert:
it's like the violin scam, never heard of it? you make the sucker think he's buying something expensive for cheap because he thinks you're the sucker
okay, but who would send ether to this?
Why is this not exploitable?
secretNumber = uint8(sha3(now, block.blockhash(block.number-1))) % 16;
the person reading the contract will think he can cash out other people's deposits (OP's 1eth). but to do that you first have to deposit eth to be able to call internal functions. the cashout functions is public though which is exploitable but it's broken some other way i'm not going to spend time looking for.
take a look at this one and see if you can spot what's funny about it:
it's pretty genius, imo.
How do you get people to notice these?
Someone literally did. And there's always a few schmucks, who think they are so smart because they can do reentrancy exploits.
Try it in remix.
Who would even try this
don't sleep on this
Shekels from miner are fraction of what you Jew them, assuming it's local businesses. Dunno man, too much risk of exposure for miniscule gain
>why would even try this
>implying you know what's wrong with it
You lost me at "this is another ponzi contract"
the 400 pound hacker known as Veeky Forums
people love ponzis
hint: lines 34 to 38
how do you get paid?
i scam my boss by working unpaid overtime for him
What percentage did your pimp take?
send 0.1 eth to this adress and i will send you back cute russian gf
Ya, I did a diff with a "legit" ponzi contract, and this came out:
< int constant crr_n = 1; // CRR numerator
< int constant crr_d = 2; // CRR denominator
> int constant crr_n = 2; // CRR numerator
> int constant crr_d = 1; // CRR denominator
< int constant price_coeff = -0x296ABF784A358468C;
> int constant price_coeff = -0x102DB2CAFCFCE7B8F;
DESU I didn't look what these variables mean.
get into ponzi early on then shill it on Veeky Forums and reddit always works until it doesnt
making ccrn bigger than ccrd makes the price go down after someone buys the token and the price go up after someone sells. it's a reverse ponzi it's why i never put money into it lol
i put .1eth into this one though:
just need to shill people into buying in lol
notice line 50 lol
still have a chance to get into this one:
.1eth premine i'm keeping it low to attract the people pissed that the other ponzis were premined a lot
about to shill on Veeky Forums and reddit
if its shilled on Veeky Forums you know exactly its too late, good luck though
that's what i'm saying though, i haven't started shilling it yet since i haven't had the time
It literally said reverse ponzi in the header comment, that's why I didn't know what you mean by "trick".
Unironically take a look at some big white penis stats and get back to me, chinky
lol kys my man
>t. not chink or pajeet