/det/ - daily education thread

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Degree Ranking Poll

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Finance majors what type of work did you find once completing your degree? Was finding a job easy? Would you recommend Finance as a major field of study?



are all you fags really trying to sit in 100k+ debt in order to work 40 hour weeks for 40 years for mr shekelsberg? please tell me that's not the case

school is fun and if you make the right investment the student loan debt can be paid off quickly

Going for coffee
have a good luck bump

im going to study mechanical engineering, do you guys think i can get a job in Japan?

Seriously considering a degree in Geophysics. Anons, pls enlighten me

What does a geophysicist say when asked what is 2+2? He says: whatever you want it to be.
It's not an exact science. I'm doing a degree in Petroleum Geology just now. Subsurface interpretation is a lot of guessing. If you like that sort of shit, go ahead.

>undergrad in aerospace engineering
>I want to kill myself 24/7
yes this is definitely what I imagined college would be like as a child

Getting prerequisites to start computer science major here. Calc and Physics are killing me, how vital are they to computer science? Last semester I got a B in physics and a C in Calc 2, so I made it through, but it's just as rough this semester.

Computer science shouldn't be unbelievable tier. If you're actually good at programming you can get a job without the degree using a project portfolio.

Why is law meh? I'm going to law school rn and i'm guaranteed a high-paying job + it's easy so i have time for hobbies.

>good tier
>not God tier
What, couldn't finish your CPA and Masters? A bachelor's in accounting with nothing else is shit tier, but a CPA/Masters is one of (if not) the best professional qualifications

If you're lazy like me and still want to get an ok engineering degree without wanting to kill yourself I recommend looking at Industrial and Systems engineering. At least at my college there wasn't too much work compared to other engineering majors, could still party with normies on weekends and it keeps your options pretty broad if you don't know what industry you want to jump in. You can pair it with a business minor pretty easily too if you're a try hard, it crosses over a lot with business concepts like operations, logistics, and supply chain. Got me a low tier $60k consulting job after graduating, and my gpa was ass

Whoever made the image is a CS major and they failed Physics kek

Also they're obviously talking about bachelor's degrees only. Add masters and professional certifications and the whole order gets mixed around

Yep. All the physics majors I know are doing much better than the CS majors

Not to mention that a lot of those jobs are extremely location dependent. You think Aero Engy matters if you aren't planning to move to a city that has that? If you're in bumfuck Arkansas, Physical Therapy or elder care is a much better degree. And obviously higher finance and accounting degrees will get you a better job in a major city than smaller cities, but there's still shitty jobs at banks all over

You dont have the goods for CS pal

Geology is unbelievable tier you stupid faggots

Never forgetti who finds the oil to fuel your spaghetti

Accounting is going to automated in 10 years or less

Why is criminal justice in law in the good dear but law enforcement and law is in the meh tier? This chart is fucking retarded

How do I write a fucking resume if I have no job experience

Physics is unironically S+ tier if you are +140 IQ

>Law in meh tier
What the fuck

do you really think comp sci is above physics? hehhehheh

Haha you're going to have a robot call for confirms during an audit? You're going to have an AI reliably do financial statements? You think the law will let an AI with no legal certifications or accountability (no pun intended) do anything? No way.
In 10 years will it be automated? Absolutely not. In 40 or 50? Probably
Don't overestimate progress. People 20 years ago thought we'd have true AI and flying cars by now. You're underestimating the legal need for human responsibility and accountability
Automation will start with bookkeeping but won't reach the scope of a CPA until something drastically changes

What can I do with a double major in Economics and Computer Engineering, with a minor in Polish language?

How to cope with the Environmental Engineering degree ?

I cant land a job for a half a year now, considering to study programming on my own......

Mathematics itself is dogshit and wont make you any money. Applied mathematics is what matters.

This, obviously.

I'd love to be a therapist or perhaps a philosophy uni lecturer. Armyfag at the moment but those subjects always spoke to me.

Anyone else feels the same?

How so? I'm thinking of taking that.

That’s what I’ve always thought. Is the whole 300k starting salary some sort of Veeky Forums meme?

There was an user in these threads a while back asking about loans. Seriously evaluate your career and possible income before settling on anything.

Example: A medical student takes out $20k for four years and a phd candidate in religion takes out a $15k loan for 3 years who is more fucked?

I just go to a shitty uni and take an assload of credits I don't really like and push myself too hard to enjoy myself
Nothing in particular to do with the major

Finance should be by itself in the highest category. The default is basically 90-110k and no limit on how much you might earn 5-10 years down the road

is that with an undergrad or with a masters?

Electrical engineer reporting in. Still considering wether to study electrophysics or information tech/signal processing for the master degree

that was me, im considering going to Uni in 2019 for a Bachelor of Management in Finance (3 years) . It's roughly $7,400 per year for tuition and books so that would leave me in ~$22,200 of debt plus cost of living for those 3 years. I'm currently working as a wagie saving up as much as I can