It's actually happening, if it goes below 21.5k$ support, I'm going to laugh my ass off.

Other urls found in this thread:

its going to be funny when they blame cryptos for their failure

is this is a mini-flippening if crypto holds reasonably well during this?

Thanks Trump


It's not fair Magabros, Trump was supposed to save us???

yall r retards. this is good for stocks. these are much needed. will not result in any crash.

gotta let the old system burn to the ground,
shit will be fine. Bitcoin was made to prevent a second shitty bailout. Its happening. The real flippening.

Yes, this may cause a lot of money to go into crypto. The thing is, those that trade stock market are going to start hedging it with crypto market and vice versa LOL.

Trump literary has nothing to do with this. All people blaming this on Trump are completely retarded. DOW had the biggest stock market bull run under TRUMP. It has to correct, I just wish people won't panic sell and fuck up everything.

Trump is great and he has little to do with this desu.

A couple of weeks ago I would have thought that crypto would tank harder as a result of the DOW dropping, but I think the senate hearing earlier this week may have boosted confidence in the crypto market a little bit. People exiting traditional markets may not consider crypto to be quite as risky as before, now that the gov’t has seemingly given it the green light.

Its great watching both stocks and crypto tank back to back. Smart niggas put their money in bear ETF

Dow will go under 19,000 within 6 months, possibly sooner

>Buy stocks user the market only goes up!

>responding to /leftypol/

Sheeeee, if people are pulling their money out the stock markets and bonds, and moving toward precious metals, cash, property, imagine if a portion of them throw 0.5-1% of their portfolio at crypto for the fuck of it. That along with korean exchanges ramping up, speculators, and people who missed out on the December bull run, we could see some interesting action

>This stock market is a bit too risky and volatile for me.
>I know, I'll put my money in something even more risky and volatile!
>This is what Veeky Forums really believes

>we should credit trump for the good things, not the bad things though because I dont like bad things for muh drumfft

Yeah I know Trump has nothing to do with this. He's still dumb for trying to claim credit for the rise.

>hedging it with the crypto market
you must be 14

Not true, the exact opposite will happen, especially if you're talking about retail investors.

People who suddenly lose a bunch of money in the stock market start thinking about their mortgage and keeping their kids in college.

They want to reduce risk, not increase risk. So they'll avoid cryptos like the plague because they're almost pure risk.

i hope it crashes and burns
any liquidity will flow to our shitcoins

See Think about the logic. We're talking about billions of capital flowing in-between equities/bonds to cash/cash equivalents and precious metals. What's to say a tiny stream of that goes to crypto, because fuck it, why not? What if that's the only growth opportunity in the market? That would be enough to spark some action

I'll had the last laugh. 95% of people in stocks are completely retarded and have no idea about investing.

At least crypto gives them hope, since everything is going to go up for next few years and returns are incredibly higher.

The snowball effect has not even began, but it will soon.

With hope and $3, you can buy a cup of coffee

The market rising actually had little to nothing to do with Trump creating new policies. It rose because economic confidence went up. You could argue that Trump's pro-business agenda caused it to indirectly rise because of him because the newfound confidence.

It has nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with the Fed and rates. The autistic austrian economist were right again.

All of the things people buy to flee stocks are stable. Fleeing into crypto is like leaving a house fire for a attempted murder at the neighbor's house.

>this is good for stocks

And why did the economicconfidence went upp all of then sudden?

Right, because trump was elected.

As said, Trump is great for economy, it was overbought and is now consolidating, but I just hope people don't panic sell into oblivion and blame him for it.

Market was literally out of breath the speed it went with, since he got elected.

>95% of people in stocks are retarded and have no idea about investing
>crypto gives them hope
>will have the last laugh
lmao, idk if i should even begin
to make it short:
the majority of the market is bought/sold by big funds (insurance,pensions etc.)
they employ people from the best universities or hire the hotshots from hedgefunds for big money
but u fat fucker in ur boxershort behind ur desk in mamas basement sure knows alot more about "investing" than these "retards"
because ur not so dumb to fall for the stockmarketmeme, or bonds, or equitys or housing
you fucker don't even know how to spell ebitda but u made some gains in the bitcoininternetfunnymoneycasino so you will sure have the last laugh
laughing, like the little girls in your favorite animes

oh boy, i must go to the shitter, i nearly pissed myself now

Dumb roastie it started rallying on triple the volume the week Trump got elected, and didn't pull back at all for a full fucking year.
Trump definitely gets credit for that massive confidence boost that the president isn't going to do some weird shit and try to rob you through taxes or fuck over business just for fun.

>crypto gives them hope
no u retard, crypto gives hope to thusands of neet autists who are now able to make some money without leaving their basement and interact with the real world

It was more because Hillary and the democrats WEREN'T elected.

Which country will the US invade to save the economy?

please tell me you're kidding?

this has been long overdue, and its solely because active investors are retards who in the best of times forget that risk exists and that anything bad can ever happen. The whole economy has been a house of cards since before 2008

WW3 against Russia+Iran. China may get pulled into it after trade war is initiated.


Price weighted index lmao - how much of a brainlet are you?


their own country ahahaha

well all know OP is a crypto brainlet.

200dma is what matters next.

precisely animefag, if only your TA was as good as your reading comprehension

true but market confidence might ride while our relations with other countries will sour and that's going to fuck up our market harder than Bush ever could. Market has been on a slow and steady rise since 2009 even if there have been some bearish days, if you invested in 2009 you'd have more money now than you ever did. Stop watching TV or reading your shitty blogs and look at the numbers. Amerifats are retarded.

lmao someone is salty

they're all eggheads who care nothing about personal profit and short-term gains, they might know about investment but they know about investment the way your dad knows about investment. Warren Buffet isn't a stupid man but he never invested in technology now, did he? Stay mad stockcuck I already pulled out.

If we’re in a war against Iran I’ll fucking join, I’d love to kill some dirty sandniggers

Good for you bootlicker

you clearly have not the slightest idea how the finance world ticks or how it is functioning

i play with 10% in the cryptomarket, because its casino, nothing more
anybody who goes all in on this shit is either a teenager or flat out retarded

if only your father had pulled out

i love when people talk like they're financial gurus on a japanese cartoon image board

get real, fagbot2000


not everyone here is a hentai consuming basement wanker
sorry i popped ur dreams about your secret imaginary peergroup


Bump whats happening

So you are saying banks and institutions/big players didn't buy BTC@6k SMA200 support?

You think they aren't going to take part in one of the biggest bull markets history will ever wtiness?

Are you fucking retarded or do you not realize banks/institutions/people go after where the money is, not where it is not.

You don't have to have masters in finance to think logically what's about to happen, given all the FUD crypto is getting.

>great for the economy
>increasing the debt faster than the GDP

pick one.

>mfw I'm 25, worth over 400k and am an accountant, but everyone here thinks I'm larping.
>mfw I give tax advice to people and get told I don't know what I'm talking about when I do this for a fucking living
>mfw I give investment advice and get told by Veeky Forums to stop shitposting
...and you people wonder why the board is in the state it is.

all they "know" about Bitcoin is that it can crash by 80% and get hacked

what you long term holding, the accountant?

i'll listen.

It is actually Trump's fault. The tax cuts are contributing to this, along with the massive deficit spending. We're doing all of this, even though we're not in a recession.

>The anxiety that has gripped the market this week appeared to escalate Thursday just as President Donald Trump and lawmakers were setting the government up for annual budget deficits that would routinely exceed $1 trillion. The higher that deficits rise, the more likely it is that interest rates will surge, too, and undercut corporate profits, stock prices, consumer spending and the overall economy.

>That is “exactly the opposite of what the economic textbooks say lawmakers should be doing,” Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody’s Analytics Inc., said in an email. “Deficit financed tax cuts and spending increases in a full-employment economy will result in more Fed tightening and higher interest rates.”

>The anxiety that has gripped the market this week appeared to escalate Thursday just as President Donald Trump and lawmakers were setting the government up for annual budget deficits that would routinely exceed $1 trillion. The higher that deficits rise, the more likely it is that interest rates will surge, too, and undercut corporate profits, stock prices, consumer spending and the overall economy.

Mostly ETFs, REITs, and Philip Morris.

If you are asking about crypto I have BTC, ETH, NEO, XLM, ION, XMR, LTC, ADA, and unfortunately fucking ZCL and BLOCK. I'm not even 3% into crypto.

Trump has everything to do with this. He nominated Powell who is a much more hawkish than Yellen.

None of this is any president's fault(Obongo included). The fed controls the game.

sold off about 100 shares of UVXY right before it dropped again. I'm holding SPXS for at least two weeks before I figure if I want to sell or not

is that even allowed in stock trading? they have regulations against that kind of stuff

How did you get 400K by 25 as an accountant? Even if you started with 6 figures which is unlikely saving up to that would have taken a long time.

Crypto is going to explode if only a fraction of that money comes our way.
What a time to be alive.

Bottom is between 22-23

Don’t panic, be like starman

>control spending

Pick one idiot

...what, regulations against...selling...shares?

lol it wont go below 21


fed decisions are much more important than presidents.

Yes, the Feds do, but a part of their decision making is reactionary to the decisions put in place by congress and the administration. It is not black and white and no one can solely get the blame, but congress and this administration can justifiably have fingers pointed their way right now.