What does he hold?

What does he hold?

Other urls found in this thread:


Life in prison


Besides that, you know he was ahead of his time and left a stacked wallet of memecoins for his negress goddess

XRP, LTC, TRX, XVG, we're going to the m00n boyz!!!!


Sucks that he lived in the US, his sentence was way too harsh.

The alphabay guy also preferred killing himself instead of being taken in US custody.

As for the coins, maybe some btc on cold wallet, I dunno.

who is he?

agreed. crazy sentence and botched trial. they just made an example out of him

The great white hope

ross ulbricht. he created the silk road when he was pretty young, the largest and one of the first dark web sites to order drugs and illegal shit with bitcoin. it was the safest drug market there was, with a reputation for quality because of the seller review system.. he was sentenced to 2 life terms in prison without parole


Ross was a pioneer and a visionary.

He fucked up when he ordered those hits. That what brought him down. That and persec.

Rest in peace ross. You are missed

Mah heart , mah sould

The erect shaft of a big black cell mate of his

He holds several million in BTC

At least.

They only seized 2 know addresses, and those addresses were tied to the SR.

He had to of used at least a couple personal wallets.

This. Holy shit imagine how much Bcash, Bgold, etc he has.

Do you really think he ordered those hits personally?

Good thing monero is doing gods work but rip the silkroad was fun while it lasted.

No, he was too soyboy to hustle that hard. He was setup like most of us heavy bag holders will be later by the irs

I visited the site in question before the redditification when they removed the AK-47's, Stinger missiles and RPG's. Looked like you could hire hitmen with BTC through his site. Not sure why he would use his service personally and explicitly on the site when he could just as well negotiate with the hitmen directly.

Absolutely not.

The FBI talked him into it and set him up.

Like Ruby Ridge, Waco and anything else the government has been involved in

the pure embodiment of lolbertarianism in a single man's body. if i were to break anyone out of the slammer, it would be him
>sentenced by a woman
insult to injury

free ross

He didnt.

The FBI had an undercover agent as a mod used by DPR.

The UC talked dpr into the hit to protect his assets

Will an ancient judicial system really keep him incarcerated for life?

one of the few human beings i have compassion for


this. the government will use the worst criminals with a badge to get someone to say just want they want for a conviction on their resumes.

This guy wasn't in any way, shape or form convicted by a jury of his peers. Those clueless fucks were spoonfed hyped details by the corrupt prosecutors.

Almost guaranteed.

Need to set an example

There was a decent documentary I watched on youtube but I cant find it anymore.

>person 1 has money and want drugs
>person 2 has drugs and want money
>ulbricht creates a platform for person 1 and 2 to negotiate safely
>2 life sentences with no parole

fuck that desu

>ahead of his time
>lets the FBI seize 144 FUCKING THOUSAND BITCOINS upon arrest

Nope. Not how it works. If this guy had an ounce of sense those coins would've been locked away in cold storage and untouchable from any and all government agencies.

I feel for Ross and believe his case represents a gross miscarriage of justice but am blown away by his complete incompetence regarding the security of his funds. Maybe he was fucked either way but I find it hard to imagine those kinds of holdings wouldn't have given him *some* kind of leverage in the case.

Those were the silk road fund though. He had to have a personal stash of his own.

This came out recently, gotchu senpai


Nah, he was a clear criminal and dangerous individual with psychotic problems.

His platform caused A LOT of damage to our American society which "bombarded" our children with drugs, weapons and other illegal goods.

I'm glad that they locked him up for life. If I was the judge I would've given him the death sentence.

I'm thankful that our children won't be exposed to such site that Mr Ulbricht operated and promoted.

Say NO to drugs and weapons.

Protect our children and stay clear folks!

Hai fbi

look at this boomer

You fucking boomers need to die through a violent, slow and painful death.

Fuck off, boomer.

Suck a diseased cock you pathetic boot licking government loving piece of dog shit.

The federal government is the most ruthless, vile, corrupt and violent institution on earth. Fuck you.

They threw this man into a third world jungle because he was infringing on the government’s drug trade profits.

I hope your children die of a heroin overdose you retarded boomer scum


disgusting, filthy, stinky boomer

He undoubtedly had a personal stash but it would've been peanuts compared to 144k coins. Leaving that many coins in a hot wallet should've been a red flag for anyone with even a basic understanding of the technology, especially when you're conducting illegal business and the threat of a bust is a very real possibility. He wasn't a brain dead thug either, he wrote about politics and truly understood what bitcoin represented (something 99% of Veeky Forums retards will never grasp). This just makes his lapse of judgement regarding the security of the funds more baffling.

RIP Ross :(

You are all just dumb children that use the "muh goberment boogymen" card in order to protect your agenda.

Once you hit puberty and start fucking girls and have your own children, then you will understand what it means to truly PROTECT your children by ANY means.

If protecting your children means sentencing mafia drug traffickers like Mr Ulbricht to death, then so it is.

thanks for replying to the most obvious bait, the absolute state of the american IQ holy fuck lmao. please stop derailing an interesting thread now thanks

At some point you become so disconnected from the numbers on your screen, especially since he probably did not get a chance to use a lot of them in real life and start to understand the true gravity of it all

what do you expect from these 56% mutts?
I genuinely feel retarded just for living here

Did it ever occur to you that I like being baited? It feels good to unleash righteous indignation onto any cunt in my path. It’s fucking cathartic.

He graduated from my university.
Professors and peers occasionally lament at what happened to him, he didn't deserve it.

Has a point. I'm 23 now and I think very differently from when I was 20.
>Muh gobment boogymen is exactly what you guys sound like.
I personally do not believe Ulbricht should have received that fat of sentence, but he should have changed his objective once he established himself that far.

he wasn't even convicted of the hits, those were dismissed in the trial. he's locked up for just the drug market. complete bs. if i were ever president i'd pardon ross


What shitcoins were popular when he got arrested?

I actually spent 8 months in Florence High and got to know him. Used to play a ton of ping pong, and he's the reason I got into crypto in the first place when I got out.

He's an infinitely more interesting character than any magazine or blog can ever portray.

I still write him weekly.

Story time pls?

There was Litecoin, Namecoin, ppcoin (the one that invented pos), terracoin, bytecoin, and Freicoin as the only alt coins. Although Freicoin wasn't popular due to being forever inflationary so the economics didn't work but it didn't stop the occupy wallstreet retards to try and prop it up unsurprisingly it's dead now, terracoin was just some shitty knock off that did nothing that Bitcoin didn't, and bytecoin is 1:1 copy of Bitcoin.

Proof and story

I don't want to get into personal shit or secrets he told me, because he's the only friend I have.

The only interesting thing that happened while I was there was that some brothers tried to blackmail him into giving them 'dat bitcorn'. Started with petty shit like taking the ping pong ball he was playing with, etc, and escalated to threats of violence.
I and a few others beat the shit out of them, and they stopped.

Other than that we just played ping pong and talked about personal stuff.

Interesting m8. Hope your doing better now that your out. Tell ross I said Hi.

Thanks. Crypto has been a lifesaver since it's near impossible to get an ordinary job.

Will do, user. I've told him about Veeky Forums more than a few times. He actually used to browse /b/ back in the day.

ICO to get him out

Please, go on.

The soap


I hope he manages to get out eventually. What an unjust sentence.

You forgot about ixcoin and solidcoin

He will never come out. The usgovernment will never let that happen. Meme money isnt strong enough.

Heres to hoping one day it will be. He lost his life for the cause