Universa - 25K UNTP To Make It?

Read the white paper, like the dev team, has McMemefee as an endorser and wanna get in on the Crypto-Rubble.

is 25K UNTP enough to make it?

Other urls found in this thread:


25k is enough if you hold at least a year

Bet - I tried to get into the ICO but that 3rd party coin purchase company they had involved was sketch as fuck and couldn't even maintain an address for me to send ETH to. Just hopped in via Cobinhood @ $.05c

Bump for general discussion

nobody seems to want to talk about universa here yet. they're too busy chasing pumps or something. it will likely be one of the biggest winners in 2018 and 2019

McAfee as an "advisor" means nothing. The project itself is more notorious than having this dingbat involved. The saving grace is the exposure UTN Will get from him...that's it.

30k holder here. Gonna add 30k more if price dips on cobinhood but it's not looking too great haha.

Do you guys know if there's a way to switch from main net tokens to erc20?, I chose to send em until mainnet release but just wondering if that can be changed

I noticed this with all but one of the Universa threads in the last 72 hrs... Shame. Guess it'll fly under the radar until it pops off.

they removed him from their website. no announcement yet but i suspect he's no longer affiliated. also the "mcafee coin" was rebranded to IOB and mcafee no longer seems involved in that either.

I upped the 25k to 35k. Like most crypto, into cold storage it goes. And when you say not to great, you mean like it dipping? Seems like a steal @ .5 cents...

It looks like it's not going down I meant ha which is good. I came from ico so clearly I'm perturbed I didn't invest more. I'm actually glad /biz isn't too hot on this yet because this platform is getting so much recognition in Russia it's unreal. Mainnet coming out is going to give us an insane bullrun.

Awesome. We're in it to win it now!

Am I wrong in believing they are trying to create a NEO (China controlled platform) of Russia? Putin shows interest in a government controlled crypto... I mean I must be wrong or this would be talked about much more.

That's the vibe I get. I would be more cautious if it was more expensive, but for where it's at now I threw some dollaradoos in.

Also... All these Green ID's and dubs:


they have a partnership with alfabank, the largest private bank in russia and have had a secret project with them for months that they can't talk about yet. this is a strong candidate for the cryptoruble platform

This shit is going to be big.
I mean real big.

That's my thinking as well. I'm only playing with pocket change but I'm trying to research all government related platforms. There is no way that they aren't going to get in on the action.

Same exact shit that is said in any new coin thread.

Anyone shooting for a masternode? I heard it's 1m UTN-P. That's like $50k atm.

Ivans are the real "pajeets".

I have over a million. the crazy rumors actually seem to be true with this one. Cryptoruble my friends

>alibaba... space partnerships...

most coins don't have partnerships with EY and banks

wtf are you talking about

People are buying their own fantasies like it happened with tron

russian mister of economic development and deputy minister of finance in the middle

this is nothing like tron, friendo

>he has photo with jack ma....

This picture give allot hope. Seen it around. Saved for future posts.

you are an idiot. DYOR


I own 52.5 unt am I going make it ?

I only have 3.4k never gonna make it. Please Putin keep the price low until I can buy more.

200k here will I make it.

how do i buy this? im on their website and signed up but i cant find how to buy


you will be sitting very high a year from now if you can hold

bummer, i wanna buy off cobinhood but i can't deposit dollars there.


> can't deposit dollars there

Cant deposit coins there yet because my coins that ive bought off coinbase are still in transit.

Cobinhood is pretty fast, the quickest I've ever seen for an exchange when sending from Coinbase. I'd recommend ETH of course. Your coins should arrive quickly.

Thanks for the advice!

This will be the next Tron and better. I expect x10 real soon.

More like x100.

I got 4.2 million of them, am I gonna make it?

UNTP is a placeholder until main net tokens are released, then they are exchangeable on a 1-1 basis

Russian Ripple is maybe a better comparison than 'next Tron'

This. You’d have to be an idiot to not be reading these чaйныe лиcтья

Just bought in today. I have two questions though -

What is the circulating amount?
What do you guys realistically think the EoY price will be?

Here is all the info on the supply.

And EOY predictions are next to impossible in crypto. But for fun, I'm gonna throw out $20-$25.

Awesome. Thank you.

>just bought in
was is the supply?
what is this thing gonna do at all?

fuck fucking retarded /biznessman

>i'm a helpless faggot who can't do his own research. please spoon feed me while i insult you

Veeky Forums ignored this coin until now, its fucking amazing
Never trust Veeky Forums

Russian exit scam in the making

stay poor faggot

that was irony u fucking autist
read the post above

and let ur parents get you tested, they may be in for a bad surprise

sorry for misreading your post. it looked like it was written by an idiot.

It was