It's literally me desu
The richest person on Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums 1%-er here
send me some bitcoins or no one will believe you faggot
well thanks to this awesome technology called blockchain thats really easy to prove so go ahead op
Im so rich money has lost its worth to me, so I dont even care about proving that Im the richest man on Veeky Forums anymore
I can tell you that having 50k+ in crypto makes you at least top 1% so you're still a poor fag?
Me too. Money is fleeting. Im more worried about my soul and the afterlife, tbqhwyf. Does heaven accept btc?
On top of being the richest person on Veeky Forums I'm also a catholic. You should look into these things
it's funny that one year ago having even 10k would have been an insane amount of money to me
but i lost 12k about a week back gambling with crypto and was pissed for a bit but got over it that just now was the first time i've thought about it since then
>paying indulgences
>having a pope
>pedo priests
>not singing the lord's prayer
come back when you're orthodox
Then send me a burger, I'm starving!
Catholics are the true orthodox. However denomination doesn't matter so much. What matters is a personal faith in Jesus Christ and that's what my fammo here is missing
have fun sucking your left wing pope's dick
If you posted less immodest images I could consider it
what cars do you drive richfags?
if you say hinda civic i'll be impressed
if you say a lambo i'll think you're stupid or an asshole unless you have at least 28 million
>faith in jesus christ
Didn't he say something that he is not here for those who are not wicked, or something?
Also believing in some random book seems silly, it has some good morals and lessons, but it is not required to be a good person.
I'm an independent man, I'm not sucking up to anybody. Have you ever read the Bible? The Old Testament israelites had bad kings all the time even though they were God's people. Just because an evil person is in charge doesn't mean the whole Church is headed for hell. There's the compromising majority and then there's the remnant of devout faithful. Besides we've had plenty of Godly popes
Pardon, I don't like degeneracy.
pickup truck
if religion is so silly then why are all the atheists extinct?
don't feed the pajeets
Subar00 desu. I just prefer that
I never said it is silly. I'm not an atheist.
I'm a student, I got sick and lost my home. The campus priest was kind and let me stay in his church for two weeks while I try to get a place to stay. I could not, so he just said that I should go to some homeless shelter where there are drunks and drug users, and they can't guarantee that you can even be there every night. It is winter and cold outside. True christians huh? I live in Europe in a well developed country, rather rare to see a strugling student here.
Struggling Moon man here looking for some fuel, p-please...I worked hard on my oc
Gayest larp 0/10
lol, i like it. i saved it
Fucking greedy pajeet, kys
He said you could stay for 2 weeks and allowed you to stay for 2 weeks. You agreed to that condition then want to change it. Fucking kys you parasite
Christianity is a jewish invention; a weapon of mass cultural destruction. All forms of Christianity = jewish poison.
Same goes for Islam obviously (shouldn't be necessary to mention).
A fellow Catholic user
they'll ban you for begging because when allowed to go unbanned it creates a flood of begging that messes up the board and all good content leaves. and nobody will even give you anything so its retarded. you're not getting banned for being poor, you're being banned for being retarded.
I'm poor too. God bless you user
ommmms for the poor...Ommmms for the poor.
So I'm gonna get banned for nothing:(
lets get banned together
you deserve it you poor begging spamming cancerous fuck
“Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
Matthew 5:3
It’s “alms” for the poor, retard. Jesus.
>bible quotes
Send 1 btc to prove you're not a poorfag
Cyberniggers wanting cybergibz
for the amount of time this thread has been up you could have made 20 bucks working
think about that