Besides regulation can anyone give me one thing the stock exchange can do that a crypto exchange couldn’t do better?

Besides regulation can anyone give me one thing the stock exchange can do that a crypto exchange couldn’t do better?

Be centrally manipulated by the FED and cause boom/bust cycles.


Fund actual companies that produce tangible wealth that gets distributed among the shareholders rather then being a zero-sum ponzi scheme that produces no wealth beyond that which is artificially pumped into it?

Couldn’t stock be migrated into the blockchain and airdropped to its current holders?


Seems inevitable that the global stock exchanges will be dethroned then. They can’t keep people from the open market of crypto.

Why this dude is a meme now?

He's Slavic like skelly, looks funny, and Veeky Forums is retarded.

son of bogdanoff brothers. they used their dna together in a lab to make a fusion bog. 200% bog dna, incredible.

The real question is, why is BRAP posting a meme now ?

he is opposing Bog bros. plans, effectively helping anons out there

>"I don't know how this new fangled technology works."
>t. Boomer


What are you talking about? pic related is the chemo needed for this board, we're fucking tired of pajeets posting asses non-stop to shill.

when the new technology "internet" came all the new companies were listed in the stock exchange. if crypto is a legit technology and business why won't they join the stock market as well?

Because crypto is able to provide the same service as stocks with WAY less friction.

blockchain can not crypto. stock exchanges will convert to blockchain technology without the need of a special crypto coin

You can sue the stock exchange if fraud. Good luck suing binance.

>blockchain can not crypto
What nigger? Blockchain is a decentralized ledger. The "coin" is just a unit of account and you're a fucking retard. You're basically saying companies and clients won't need to have any account for the assets, but we're going to use blockchain (a system of account) because reasons.

Leave Veeky Forums and never come back.

if you can't use blockchain without coins then that would make blockchain a useless technology

You clearly have no clue what a blockchain is.

you obviously have no idea what it is. blockchain tokens are representative, they can get the value of whatever you sell them as. your tokens are basically shares, you are investing in a team and their ability to create a product. blockchain just gave them a loophole to operate without regulation, but if any of these companies were legit they wouldn't need loopholes and they would just register like the rest of the legit companies

>blockchains don't need a token
>well actually blockchains use tokens that represent company value and current distribution
>blockchain is a decentralized system of account
>tokens on a blockchain are used as shares, but blockchains don't need tokens to account for shares

How fucking stupid can one person possibly be?

you are fucking dumb m8. the whole point of most of your shitcoins is to be used as "currency". literally none of them as used as currency, they are share tokens

>literally none of them as used as currency
Literally false.

>they are share tokens
b-but companies could never use them to represent holdings in said company.

Good fucking god, dude.