Uh g-guys? We’re going to 4K, r-right?

Uh g-guys? We’re going to 4K, r-right?

Literally just $400 more till i break even and can get out of this shit.

Feelsgoodman I got given a second chance for not getting shook sub

Lmao, stay in the game, u noob.

>u see what i did thar?


this shit is about to pop off
if you thought the December FOMO was something, pffft
$50K before May

4k in a few days...enjoy you bull trap...9100 then toilet.
Screencap this and youve been warned

>bitcoin dips from 19k to below 6k
>OP waited to buy even lower

How greedy can you be? You had a 70% off sale and you missed it

>implying I sold and have any money to buy the dip

people who bought at 9k will be sellng to break even, people who bought the 6k dip will be selling to take profit.
What do you think it will happen when we reach 9k?
Right now would be the worst time to fomo back in, you will be trapped.

4k in a few days...enjoy you bull trap...9100 then toilet.
Screencap this and youve been warned

>have no money to buy the dip

Well whose fault is that? This is why I'm never going to stop wageslaving.

I fucked up too though, I sold btc at 9k and 10k back in November before the huge bull run. So I had 4k USD cash in reserve waiting for a dip, and I bought back in at 13k and 10k thinking this was just another standard dip instead of a big boi

You got played son

See you at $30k

>he didn't buy the dip

free money

>a second chance.

Sell low, I’m sure they’ll give you your hours back at Kroger


i have literally followed that pattern before and trashed hundreds of dollars in SECONDS

I almost sold at 19k but got greedy.

Verify my account coinbase.. please...
>business days
>it's already end of friday

>people who bought at 7k will be selling to break even, people who bought the 6k dip will be selling to take profit
>people who bought at 8k will be selling to break even, people who bought the 6k dip will be selling to take profit
>people who bought at 9k will be selling to break even, people who bought the 6k dip will be selling to take profit
>people who bought at 10k will be selling to break even, people who bought the 6k dip will be selling to take profit
>people who bought at (n)k will be selling to break even, people who bought the 6k dip will be selling to take profit

Not an argument