Yfw White people are the Pajeets

>Yfw White people are the Pajeets

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thot that was common knowledge

Their features are actually the same as Swedes. It's quite interesting. They're just brown colored white people.


No, no, no. White people are shiny brown people.

Look how happy she is she gave to an upgrade

>Shiny pajeet

shit you know he'll even get appointed as reincarnation of krishna she got it made

most crypto scams are actually made by white people
take LINK as an example


What happens generally is that the "White" people you mention hire your "Pajeets" for way less than minimum wage to do their bidding on the cheap.

Swedish people are white pajeets?

looks slav as fug

Yeah if you take skin color away whites and Indians look startingly similar. Their success as a civilization throughout history despite being brown may be explained by this, I think pajeets are a mixture of caucasians, arabs, East asians, and dravidians, who all got a little too much sun and thus became melanin enriched. The lady is clearly a southern indian dark dravidian too

That creature looks nothing like a white child. The nose alone gives it away.

Kid certainly doesn't look albino though.

Kek. He even looks a little German kid, the nose does not "give it away"

why do you morons believe a random image you see on Veeky Forums just because it lines up with your beliefs
how do you know its even her child

Yes he does

Fuck off retarded pajeet

You're right the nigger probly stole it



Honestly that article made me kek hard. they look exactly like scandinavians

Even if it wasn't, it doesn't change the fact that whites were made by mistake