do you thing is worth to put 2k into XRB now until the price is below 10$?

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*runs perpendicular to the girls and sniffs every single ass in a row*

The price is at $9, but it was below$6 on wednesday so it would be fucking retarded to put anything into it now.

this shit is getting out of hand

With the BG news it wouldn't shock me to see it fall more. Definitely under 10.


Those are some really poopy butts.

This shit will tank to 7$ in an days. Bitgrail skeleton is still a pretty big catastrphy even for a coin that's now on binance.


ok thanks guys! so maybe VEN?


guys please stop with the sniffing, its making me laugh too much

90% of the top 20 crypto's on coinmarketcap will fly high. Just pick one with good reputation, like VEN yes.
BUT, keep in mind though that the markets might test the bottom again, depending on how the coming days plays out before going all-out bullish.

>Not buying SMELLY coin.


Just bought the dip at 9.20$ already up a tad. Free gains for now, but when he dumps his amount you better be out


better buy bitconneeeeeeect


when I was about 4 years old, my sisters had a large collection of barbies.
One day they were playing with them in tv room and i decided to posture each one into a v shape (hands on the ground, ass in the air) and put them all into one big row.
I then proceeded to lick each one of those plastic butts, one after the other. My sisters were laughing and my mom didn't stop what was happening. They still tell people about it.




>one with good reputation, like VEN
what reputation?

Why do you people do this

> an angle of 90° to a given line, plane, or surface.

you god damn stupid motherfuckers never even graduated high school, did you?

stay poor fag

The hacker has been selling off his stack for months through mercatox

How bad is it?

Spend more time thinking about stiffing a freshly gusted fart out of womens asses whenever you see one

Considering buying more. Bitgrail is temporary, the architecture of the system is permanent. When it is valued on the latter rather than the former, which it necessarily will be in time, I think it will be in the top 10.
