How does PRL do it?

How does PRL do it?

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it's all that cowbell

PnD. Devs have zero real world experience and their resumes are faker than CNN.

no, i'm pretty sure it's the cowbell

why wont it dip? please jus t dip

The really funny thing is that I got shilled this coin when it was like 3 cents, but didn't buy.

Eventually bought at 30 cents, then sold at 1$.

Missed a literal 100x
Imagine that haha

haha at least you didnt buy the top and baghold all the way down

haha what kind of idiot would do that am I right

I realize im talking to a trump cuck but CNN has the most accurate reporting in all of cable news in the US.

Please seek medical help so that you can leave your shitty cult

You realize that just shows how bad the state of modern news and journalism is right?

I keep selling thinking it's done climbing but then buy back 500-1000 sat higher

At this point I'm willing to believe it's either going back to $3 it had before the crash or 0 when the pump is over. Unlike DBC, BNTY and other shitcoins of the KuCoin fiesta it held its price for a week or so.

Here's your dip if you're still here, user.

tfw this shitcoin boosted the TPS of IOTA to over 40 TPS today

I bought at 6k and sell them at 8k.
I was happy back then, now i feel stupid for not holding.
All those previous bear maket makes me paranoid holding alts because 75% of it always down by 10-20% once i wake up and board is filled with pink wojaks

You guys don't realize this but PRL could be over $100 per token one day

>implying its going back up
Sorry man, I think the PnD group is done for today

Hoo boy

fucking retards who hate money

if i get dubs you have to lurk /pol/ everyday for a year

>it has fact in the name, so it must be true

hey, just came in this thread to laugh at you. Have a good one.


you have to go back to your echo chamber

>Annual demonstrations, not a holiday

Where's her shirt user?

Trump is a Russian Asset. You are a Dipshit.

>ignores uranium 1 where Hillary literally sold 25% of USA uranium to Russia and slick billy got paid 400k usd for a speech shortly after.


> "not by the official statistics"
> half-true

disintegrated from the smug

i thought shareblue ran out of funding by now