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fucking commies

national socialists: the solution will be of the final variety

I can't even, that was unironically, not even memeing, the most retarded shit I've read in a long while.

alpha socialism

Oh like the trillions of tax payer money mismanaged by the government and lost ? Yeah no thanks, cuckalists never talk about hoe inefficient the government is and how much loss of resources we have for something so pointless. Smart contracts and oracles will get rid of these subhumans

what normies dont realize is that blockchain voting will allow for a direct democracy, which will start the revolution

Nocoiners are fucking disgusting.

Communists deserve to be poor, diseased, and unloved.


>basic income
>search your heart


look at all this CO2 use. at this rate bitcoin will bankrupt the CO2 industry. #bitcoinbadforenvironment

This guy literally looks like Tobey Maguire. THIS is supposed to be the face of the "Aryan race"?

nah, aryan's were actually from the middle east.

lol, more fartmunists on Veeky Forums. Your ideology is made up horseshit that will never work.

Why do lefties talk like that? Does anyone else honestly hope they get eradicated just because they're such smug, snarky pricks?

SOCIALISTS: The solution is giving 50% of my income to the government

Reminder that bitcoin fork attempts are socialists trying to get niggers to buy on-chain KFC while centralizing the network.

jamal needs to the new air jordans as restitution for what YOU did to the blacks

I do hope eventually people just decide to get rid of them.

lmao stay poor cummunists

More then happy to talk shit over the internet but liberals are too pussy to say it to your face.

Jesus fucking Christ

This guy is fucking retarded

Imagine if politicians couldn't take money from one program (social security comes to fucking mind) and use it to fund something else, like say the GENERAL FUND.

Socialism might actually start working because funds are being watched and guarded by logic and smart contracts and not accountants paid by the government who is currently stealing from the programs we created.

I already have to pay about 70% (all direct and indirect taxes added, fucking VAT) to the fucking state. Socialist's 'solution' is to take the remaining 30% and and shoot me if I don't.

my grandma is pure aryan, what do I win

Reverse quadroon status?

wait, you mean in the end the solution wasn't actually socialism but a technological solution conjured up beyond some liberal art student's understanding?

holy fucking shit

it's almost like people only complain without trying to come up with a solution

I'm in the 12% bracket this year, god bless drumpf

spanishfag here

300€ a month autonomo's quota

20% every three months

yearly IRPF (pic related)

considering suicide

I dont have money to move to another place, and living in chink/LATAM shithole would suck anyway


eat shit you ugly fuck.

Direct democracy is mob rule. Mob rule is considered one of the worst kinds of government, akin to dictatorships.

>they fuck their citizens in the ass so they can maintain their junk bond rating by paying off massive debt

>Socialism might actually start working because funds are being watched and guarded by logic and smart contracts and not accountants paid by the government who is currently stealing from the programs we created.

The reason why socialism cannot work has nothing to do with all that. Socialism cannot work because it cannot calculate economically. In an economy where the State is the sole owner of the means of production, there are no prices for said capital goods, and without price mechanism no central planner can know whether his plan utilized the available capital goods in a way which produces those goods and services which the "comrades" the most urgently need, or whether he used up the means of production for the creation of goods that are less urgently desired. Such is the case when there reigns in a socialist commonwealth the overproduction of shoes and the corresponding lack of a more urgently wanted good - such as bread.

The economic calculation problem. Elementary stuff.


Are all linkies commies then?

bitcoin doesn't care

>having to explain basic economics on a business and economics board

Direct democracy is shit when identity politics is involved.

The solution is a body politic that has only one identity.

he is right thought
People are into crypto for the sole purpose of transfering to FIAT when they made profit.
They couldn't give 2 fucks about the real purpose of cryptos


Just wait till these idiots see what smart contracts can do for society once they really get implemented.

Bitcoin's just a proof of concept. There will be better versions of DLTs in the future but right now everyone's trying to ponzi the shit out of each other.

Speak for yourself, turbobrainlet.

I'd actually be ok with this if I lived in Hitler's Germany. The only reason people hate taxes is because they get few benefits from it

That's not all, you need to count social security taxes paid by the employer and employee.
I don't know Spanish rates but I bet it comes to something like 50-60%. The input is money actually spent on wages.

Then for 21% vat you get the equivalent of 17.3% tax. Add excise on petrol and other things + other taxes and you are going to get 70-80%.

EU is a socialist hellhole.

can't imagine anything worse than provable democracy, at least our rigged democracy systems keep the people somewhat in check

Blockchain voting will end the Left permanently

>They couldn't give 2 fucks about the real purpose of cryptos

Speak for yourself faggot. I'm here for the tech AND the sweet gainz.

Socialists want to centralize everything and then be the ones in charge, nothing triggers them more than a decentralized system.

don't worry guys, bitcoin will bring justice and equality for all, it's not like the people who own the most USD will buy the most bitcoin and then manipulate the market to enrich their profits even more than they could do with just usd

one thing I've learned from observing hard-leftists on twitter and on /leftypol/ is that they're basically ALL nocoiners. many developers on the scene are shitlibs but not full Communists, though.

>50% population woman 25% of men wastrels and criminals
Yeah I'm sure they well vote against endless gibs and redistribution of wealth (via taxes or commie seizures of private property)

it's funny too because crypto is going to bring an easy blending of both anarcho-capitalism and communism

since there can be infinite cryptocurrencies, wealth distributes infinity

there just won't be a shortage of money lol

praising that word makes you look stupid

>It sucks that people are unequal
>Let's force everyone to be equal
>That will fix everything!

Socialists are geniuses!

Free helicopter rides

Socialists need to be killed

Blockchain has nothing to do with democracy.
It is purely capitalist and free market

This guy fucks.

Switzerland has a working version of direct democracy
7 "presidents", representing the 5 strongest political parties, cantonal governments, but the point is that any decision can be voted for by the people if required, mostly for stuff that concerns all of the country, not only specific regions
voting via the blockchain only increases transparency and security compared to voting by letter / on paper. the only reason they do not vote electronically is because there previously was no system like blockchain that makes the voting process legitimate enough. its currently still too complex to implement, but certainly plausible in the future

Why do lefties make everything about race and physique? The idea of a "master race" is a stupid starwman anyway but even then it would still have large mental aspect to it that they ignore like in the case of Goebbles genius making him great and not looks. Not everyone can be expected to look like pic related but why would any movement that caters to the average man be filled with super models