Im so damn addicted to looking at gold jewelry, can someone convince me not to buy any...

im so damn addicted to looking at gold jewelry, can someone convince me not to buy any? i'm currently looking at a 300 dollar 14k gold pendant and its tearing me up inside. buying it wont hurt me too badly but its not something i deserve. in no way did i earn something like this and yet i cant stop yearning for it.

i want it so badly, it is one click away. what is wrong with me? can i justify a bad purchase with a future promise? or should it always be the other way around? help me oh wise Veeky Forumsraelis...

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>falling for (((jew)))elery

buy it goy


Are you male or female?


male, i just like gold

post what you want to buy|parentrq:7ef67b5d1610aa128283a7effff9b01a|iid:1&_trksid=p2481888.c100678.m3607

ima chinaman

Buy gold currency it has an actual use and u can hold it and hoard it like a dragon

Terrible taste... save the money and wait a few months to see if you REALLY want it

yeah but it doesnt look amazing and i cant wear it like a nigger

true, my taste might be shit but i like what i like
but your words are wise

I dont understand but ok.

I think gold bars are one of the most beautiful things that exist

Do it.
im getting pic related. only $479. 18ct two tone gold.

that's some nigger tier gold
ATLEAST 18k or gtfo, pref 20k+

aw shit nigga

that is so fucking ugly, holy shit

soyboy numale

do what makes you happy

this is my favourite type of gold

solid poured gold bars, big heavy chunks

you can buy it

but first you need to finish doing those things you've been putting off

it should be a reward, not a random thing you do

its a fucking horrible investment. the moment you buy it, its instantly worth almost nothing besides the small amount of gold in it.. youd have to be a total brainlet to buy gold jewelry over silver coins.

Itt: spics and niggers

oh my god, I take it back, it's fucking repulsive

apply yourself

you can also lose your jewelry wearing it around like a faggot but your not going to lose your silver coins that are locked up in your safe at home. Idk i really dont care what you do, all I know is im ready for silver to hit 200 usd and gold to hit 6k usd. ill be waving from my lambo. PS I sold all my silver at 44 bucks that I bought at 5 bucks.

im at a point in my life where i wouldnt be comfortable wearing real weight around my neck

buyers remorse might get me, plus i havent made any accomplishments lately to earn it. id have to promise myself to reach a goal and that feels like opening pandoras box

looks good user, you got any pics of your own?

>silver coins
have fun paying 5-10% premium on every coin

So lets say a three gram pendent

3g/12 =.25
.25 * 7 = 1.75 grams pure gold
So that's worth what? 75 dollars or there abouts maybe? Not that a pawn or cash for gold will give you that they will need a margin so maybe 50$?

But not 300. O no. the remaining 225 you will never see again.

I'm on vacation, but yeah I have some gold at home

I also like old European circulation gold coins. My goal is to collect enough of them so one day I can put it all in a wooden chest and larp as a pirate. Always wanted to do this since I was a kid

Gold only looks good on black people.
Go with silver, it's much cheaper and it's still very ''bling'' if you clean it everyday.
Besides, wearing gold is an invitation to get jacked by niggaz.

Are you fucking retarded?
I love gold bars, but I'd rather get a huge silver bar than a tiny gold one.


im not buying it for the gold content though, i just like it and the fact it contains gold. but yes im flushing money down the toilet

true but the piece itself should fetch more than $100. maybe im delusional but im not buying it simply for the gold

PS dont buy gold jewellery

majority of the cost of jewellery is maker's fee, you get so little gold for what you pay

just buy bars/coins

You could chew up some minty gum and stick sequins to it for the same look

looks like garbage, why the fuck would you buy jewellery from ebay

why though? because its bigger?

i like gold because its small
if you ever need to flee the country asap you can fit 100k in your pocket easily

you could 10x that 275$ in a few months in crypto

inb4 you lose gold coins between your sofa cushions

silver only looks good on white people, my skin is darker and warmer and looks good with gold but its true, gold looks best on black people. white people look weird wearing gold but silver works since their skin tend more bleachy

i think its fair to pay a premium for good craftsmanship right? vintage or antique jewelry fetch huge prices

why not? its not like ebay sellers only sell junk

I wear something similar to pic related on a nice gold box chain. It belonged to my grandfather, and my grandma gave it to me when he died. Simple and has a personal significance. Also, I'm Italian so it's almost expected. Bit obnoxious when I sleep, though.

What I've noticed during my traveling experience: asians, especially Chinese are addicted to gold, I saw many asians crowding near the jewelry stores in Europe. Why so?

fug me, where do you get something like that?

very cool, i want to pass things on to my kids and stuff one day too. my grandma gave me one of those jade donuts every young asian boy had and i need to see a jeweler to put a gold clasp and bail on it for my own chain

no clue, new age chinese people are the most materialistic people on the planet. i guess im not any different


>wearing a buddha as decoration
I understand not caring about other people or whether your actions are deeply offensive to them, but if you have that mindset why wear their religious symbol? Doesn't make sense thb.

hi rabbi :^)


im asian and i like buddhas teachings? not everyone on the internet is white

stop being such a pathetic faggot

Get something like this op.
Still looks weird but at least girls can see youre a straight, white, honorable christian man. They love it.

>30 days
>thinking thats long enough for any results


The only jewelry a man should own are the following:
>Watch (analog, not digital you fucking mong)
>Wedding/engagement ring (get married and have babies, you cuck)
>School ring/varsity sports ring/fraternity ring (but only if it's actually something to be proud of, like a private school, or an ivy league or equivalent college)
>A piece of cultural or religious iconography, typically on a chain, and under your clothing

I only wear the following:
>My wedding ring (happily married nearly a decade)
>My gold baptismal crucifix, with a gold diagram of my patron Italian saint
>A WWI-era Swiss watch from my fascist grandfather

This is the Italian style, you do not wear more than one ring on the same hand. If you intend on wearing multiple rings, and not looking like some ghetto trash who came into some small money, then wear them on opposite hands.
>Wedding ring / left hand / ring finger (symbolizes devotion)
>Varsity ring / right hand / pointer finger (symbolizes authority)

god you write like a fucking fag

1. Too overpriced. Even a small tiny piece costs a lot
2. Kaliyuga resides in gold

>but the piece itself should fetch more than $100.

why? its scrap gold as soon as you sell it.

>maybe im delusional