Nigga we made it

Nigga we made it

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What did people expect by buying memeblocks.

Asif if anyone, let alone normies will use an appreciating asset to by a depreciating one.

Nano only got popular because of the large fees and congested BTC network back in December. Just like the ASIC resistant memecoins like vertcoin which were popular before, nano is flavour of the month

Happy bagholding!

Give me the quick rundown on pic related, pls.

Here i made a 3 minute video on it

lol how did bill ackman get on this?

also, pharmabro did nothing wrong.

>still fudding skrelli
people are so fucking retarded, netflix is a fucking joke

they literally open the episode by saying he was a small player and focused on the real players

he shouldnt even be on there at all you dumb fucking brainlet

>what is marketing

>Seeing based Shkreli on this horseshit

Netflix confirmed shitty SJW journalists.

yeah I was surprised to see him involved given his "activist investor" role
nevertheless he acknowledged the wrongdoing and sold his shares at a 4 billion loss

stellar fud.

Just bought 10,000xlm thanks

When is he going to be released from prison?
Hes financial series was good.

>let's make a documentary on crooks who screw the poor but we'll focus on the goy middle men

you can so clearly see how propogandarised this shit will be. you've got shkreli laughing at that cunt congressman only for the politician to take the moral high ground despite the fact it's HE who is part of establishment that fucks poor people up the ass and enables middle men '''con men'''' with constant lobbied legislation

fuck netflix i don't trust anyone who has it as part of their lifestyle. fired a guy who talked about it too much

lmao what about the double spending happening on bitgrail

This kid thinks he's going to be the next Donald Trump. And you fags keep shilling him. He would spit in your face and all his sycophants would laugh you out of the room.

>fired a guy who talked about it too much
Lolwut. What did he talk about specifically?


They don't focus on him at all

Though it got you talking about it like a good little brainlet so the trailer already did its job

The only part Shkreli played in the series was that he took the Wall Street Jews' idea, did the very same thing they did on a much smaller scale, and he ended up being the one taking the heat.

Scott Tucker was the real Veeky Forumsness man

>"Every channel needs to be monitored to prevent funds from being taken"
You have no idea what lightning is
>Power consumption
This is what secures the network you absolute moron.

Maybe if you stopped falling for "the next bitcoin" scams you would realise why bitcoin is worth so much.
Hint its not how fast transactions go through
Server on AWS could have billions tps instantly

dont sleep on vertcoin, easy $100 eoy