Binance Twitter Scam continued

Following up on a thread that was started yesterday:

$830k scam, Original Thread:
Wallet of Scammer Account:

(1) Scammer split the payment into multiple wallets. Then, the coin went to destination address 0xC179FBDDC946694d11185d4e15DbBa5Fd0aDac0a

This is the cryptcurrency exchange based in Ukraine.

Source: "Boт этoт кoшeлeк ЭКCMO нa дpyгoй биpжe: 0xC179FBDDC946694d11185d4e15DbBa5Fd0aDac0a."

Unrelated, the Russian founder of EXMO was released from kidnapping about 1 month ago after a $1M ransom payment:

(2) 15 Ether were transferred into a Binance wallet. I'm trying to figure out why?

Do you guys believe this a scammer funneling his own account funds? I would have expected to see some tumbling activity if it wasn't the case.

will probably buy xmr at one point and then your little detective game is over

lol did someone withdraw 900 ETH from Bittrex into that fake Binance deposit wallet?

Imagine you were that guy on that day.

Right. I am guessing since he moved it into Binance and EXMO he is trying to buy XMR.

What's stopping him from using shapeshift?

Shapeshift doesn't obscure info so it's not suitable as a mixer.

he has probably done that long ago, and sent it to his private wallet, back to another exchange and bought other crypto which will then either be sold or used for another round of xmr mixing. Face it, the hot wallets of pseudonymous exchanges are the best mixers out there and with xmr in the game with enough volume, public ledger analysis for LEO is back on the start. Once real decentralised exchanges become a thing, it will be literally impossible to link someone who knows the game to illegally acquired crypto

When the scammer decides to eventually start cashing out whatever crypto he has in amounts of 800k+, even if over a decade's time, I'm sure it will attract the attention of some government body who will want to know the source.

I'm pretty sure if you claim that you're cashing out from coin that you've been holding, even if you're using monero, they can still seize the funds. Even if you pay taxes on it. Am I wrong?

this is the most reddit thread i’ve ever seen on this board. get the fuck out.
why do you care about these scammers? look at the replies. the only people falling for this are eastern euroshits and poos. your positivity crusades are obnoxious

How old are you guys honestly? No-one fucking got scammed 800K. That money is from his own Bittrex wallet. The level of retardation in this forum...

The reason why he transferred it from his own Bittrex wallet was to make it look more legit. But as expected, no-one really fell for it. GTFO with these larps.

> That money is from his own Bittrex wallet
Proof other than speculation?

Why go through all the trouble to split into various accounts if it's from his own wallet?

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There will be absolutely NO VIP/premium subscription membership b.s . It will be free forever. I want to make it more fun but more crypto oriented - LESS Spam, would you like to join?

i don't care about having 15,000 members, 100 contributing members is enough. i'm only asking people i think will bring value to the community

That transaction with 800K happened before the tweet. Only the following transaction (with the measly amount) happened after. Use your brains idiots.

If anybodody falls for bitnance or biuance, they kinda deserve it tbqh

Also, it was sent to multiple accounts so that they can't track who it was (since he still scammed that measly amount).

> Transaction with 800K : 4:47.12 UTC
The original twitter post has been removed but you can seen from the screenshot, the transaction happened after the post.

Also, this seems to be an ongoing scam (image).

That's plausible.

Ёбaнный в poт ;o

Though why would one use such a large amount at first? It would make more sense to use several smaller amounts.


I don't know but believe me, a guy with 979 ETH would not fall for this. I am assuming he was just lazy and thought he would earn a lot, or that amount is measly to him already so didn't care (i.e. 979 Eth compared to the thousands of eth he already has).

You could buy enough ltc to use the credit card or get another ceypto card and oy buy very basic shit. Finance a car and house make exra payments and get a small wagecuck part time all u 18 year olds are dumb

That's not practical for large amounts. The card is also limited and a whole lot of info is collected on you in the process.

Same problem with LBC - too much trail and exposure.

It looks to me like the scammer and the dummy that got scammed are the same guy and he's just warshing some money.

if he sent it from bittrex, and they were anal about KYC, he already doxxed himself to the authorities

That's what I was thinking. Either a careless scammer or actual scam.

well done scammer-kun
i wish i could pull one off this well

Bittrex did lock all unverified accounts without warning so he probably got trapped.
That's why I think its the same guy, can't he just report it stolen or something to avoid paying taxes on it, and get it out of bittrex at the same time?