>Venezuela is the first country in the world to replace the dollar with crypto this feb 20th
>amerimutt banks and jews are already shitting their pants
Other urls found in this thread:
Petrocoin > Petrodollar, is this the great flippening?
How much BTC for a Venezuelan BRAP
This is so fucking interesting, an one for the history books if done right
Less than you think
Probably like .001 desu
That guy and his team better prepare to get Gaddafi'd in the name of freedom.
Venezuela as the next US state when lol
This will be fascinating to watch.
Petro will be a top 10 coin.
Pretty crazy to see this happen
DO NOT put money into the presale or ICO. You will be giving money directly to Maduros. Wait till it's on ED and buy it there if you must.
For moral or for legal reasons?
>Wait till it's on ED
whats an ED?
literally erectile dysfunction
commies will price ico higher than its worth so expect to see prices dump once its on ED and other shit exchanges
what is etherdelta?
Nice exit scam I guess.
They're in dire need of some democracy right now.
Airdrop when dev thanks sirs
Moral; I'm not a burger so I probably don't have to worry about legal reasons. I'm so leftist I unironically read Marx and even I wouldn't give money to that corrupt fuck.
Sirs is bounty for Hindi translation?
Normie faggot
this will literally crash crypto. mfw they all decide to exit scam you and run with the money
It’s not going on exchanges dumbfuck, if it was we would crash it for fun though as a prank and literally collapse a government
Don't buy this shit tier crypto made by shit tier Dictator .
1 st thing in pol don't believe Gov especially commies
whiteknight moralfag
>on a Veeky Forums board
>literally funding communism
top kek newfriend
how would you collapse the government? they're making money out of thin air here. "oh it's backed by oil". good luck going to venezuela and claiming that oil from maduro's hand
>Pinochet hands out free helicopter rides
>whiteknight moralfag
where's /pol/ when you need them
Kys fucking commie
>I'm so leftist I unironically read Marx and even I wouldn't give money to that corrupt fuck.
so you are literally retarded and don't understand your own ideology
"left" and "right" are not ideologies, and if you don't understand that I don't think discussion of political theory would go very far at all. If you do think "left" and "right" are ideologies you are probably murican and never read a book.
Shit tier money grab
>I unironically read Marx
This is what I was referring to. By all means dig yourself deeper.
soon enough for them to vote the rock for president 2020
i'll help, for the luls of course
It's centralized
I unironically read Mussolini too, I have a degree in political science you fucking mong.
>but muh leftists are anarcho-postmodern-marxist
Seriously consider ending it, it's not looking good for you.
It’s always weird to me that right wing people seem to understand your own ideology better than you do. How do you reconcile with the fact that you are literally retarded?
Now you just moved the goal posts.
This was your original quote:
>I'm so leftist I unironically read Marx
Which implies, to put it mildly, you view the ideology favourably.
In your new example about reading Mussolini, you twist the word "unironically" to mean something closer to objectively/dispassionately.
>I have a degree in political science
Yes, we know you're an idiot.
one is read (present tense) the other was read (past tense). There was no word twisting. Being leftist and reading leftist works is not the same as being a card carrying member of their ideology. I don't see how that is in anyway strange (unless you're not used to reading books).
again, you'll have to clarify which ideology you want to talk about. I literally only posted in this thread to discourage people from giving their money to Maduro.
>amerimutt banks and jews are already shitting their pants
You know the only reason that shithole has not collapsed completely is USA still buying them heavy oil right?
That an the top military being cucked with neighboring druglords to move dope on "diplomatic" flights.
>There was no word twisting.
If this were true, then you could switch Marx for Mussolini and this sentence would not sound ridiculous:
>I'm so leftist I unironically read Mussolini
Don't they are widely regarded as the filthiest braps in South America. like, every flu and worse epidemic in the las 20 years being easily traced to be originated/propagated from there.
If you want decent clean non nigger-hive mentality girl just go for Brazilians or Colombians. I'd say Argentinians but lol Argentina has the most pretty boys in the region so a burger sticks like a sore thumb.
>Being natsoc and reading Hitler's Table Talks is not the same as being a card carrying member of their ideology.
That's how dumb you sound.
again, read (present tense, as in am still reading) and read (as in have read previously for my own sake). Both done unironically. You are getting confused over tense.
national socialist is an ideology; "the right" is not
communism is an ideology, "the left" is not
holy shit is this the absolute state of the US public school system? This is painful.
Just don't give you're money to a totalitarian shitstain like Venezuela this isn't too hard to understand.
Not any of the posters you replied too. But your in for a tough life mate.
The nu males have it the worst
Tense has nothing to do with it.
>I am SO leftist that I read Marx unironically
>I unironically read Mussolini to.
After being challenged on the first quoted statement you implied "unironically" had a different meaning in the second statement.
Is this a real dezentralized coin with a maximum cap? Or just another government/bank printed coin which claims to be a crypto coin, but without maximum so we again have shit inflation from (((them)))?
>I have a copy of das kapital with notes in it that I find myself reading over from time to time
>I am a political studies student who has read Mussolini before in attempts to better understand fascism
Both of those statements are unironic. You are either a sperg getting hung up on the fact that reading something and having read something are different despite the homonym, or you are literally retarded and don't think someone could seriously engage with authors that they don't explicitly agree with.
You even put
>I am so leftist that...
in the first part of the sentence, to underline the message that the book you are reading is at the very least in line with your beliefs.
It was a failure in the use of language and then logic. Instead of saying "right, maybe I exaggerated", instead you have been persistently trying to prove that there is no flaw in what you have said, even when it is made painfully obvious.
In a dark way that is quite impressive.
KYS normiefag do debate your high school homeworks
Im going balls deep on this when it comes
biggest moon this year guaranteed
So, is this it?
Is this the one you invest in and sell before America liberates the country?
Is there any info on the tech they will be using? Its a new PoW coin right?
Surely they wont use an ERC20?
>In his surprise announcement late last year, he said the petro would be backed by Venezuelan crude reserves
Please explain to a brainlet how is that going to be possible.
Maduro is meming. there will be now way to exchange the shitcoin for oil. But it will still moon like a motherfucker
how exactly is this going to work
Hey Venezuela, we'd like to buy some oil
>we only accept Pedro
Ok, how do we buy Pedro first
>you have to buy Pedro on our exchanges
Do they accept Dollar
>very much so
Its great
what am I missing
This is actually rather fascinating. Maduro is obviously just trying to prop up his regime so he doesn't get sodomized with a bayonette, but if it's actually a limited supply crypto, it would probably pull them back from the brink. Too bad they're economic illiterates and will fuck it up somehow.
Kekking hard rn
It's actually illegal if you're a burger because it violates the sanctions.
For this to be a threat to the dollar the Venezuelan exchanges ould have to accept other currencies too (Brazilian Real, Iranian Rial, Turkish lira, Chinese Renminby, Argentina and Columbia, ...)
They coud set up a measure to buy back and burn if the economy hits their benchmarks.
Article has them selling the crypto in IPO at "up to" 60% discount,
>put it into the best hands and then a secondary market will appear
>i.e. to the right people who will then put it into the crypto markets and local economy.
Depending on how the define "up to" and "the best hands", this is solid idea that will test the viable of crypto.
Bitcoin will fucking skyrocket if this works.
forgive the spelling errors and missing letters
>how they define
I think the point still comes across
lmao I hope you are esl or something
Unbiased opinions or GTFO, i wanna make money, don’t care about maduro or socialism.
Too bad they are commies so it will turn to shit in under a decade and scare everyone else off of crypto for a bit.
Fucking asshats ruin everything.
Crypto seriously has to be the most interesting thing to be involved in right now. This feels like an episode of Mr Robot
Calm down, Chaim. Soon all your people will be put back in camps and will be paid with crypto food coupons for their forced labor.
I usually shill this line of thinking however Venezuela is such a cluster fuck what threat do they pose to the petro dollar? Plus the oil they have is expensive and required lots of tech now how that they do not have.
tfw biz has the power to control a governemnt