Something needs to be cleared up...

Something needs to be cleared up. People seem to think that the total market cap for this will at minimum be whatever the tokenized assets are. This is correct. If they tokenize $1B in assets then the market cap will be at least $1B.

However people don't seem to understand that it will likely be five to ten times higher than whatever it is they actually tokenize. If they tokenized A billion dollars in assets then unless they had every coin in circulation a $1B market cap would be far too small. If a billion was tokenized it would likely drive the market cap up to several whatever the assets are worth simply because a significant part of the supply has been locked down.

So in a few days they are going to say how much is going to be tokenized. If they say 10M then it's a 100M shift in the cap. If they say 100M it's a billion shift in the cap and so on an so forth.

You are a certified nigger OP

I hope you're right tho

Meh. So many better sure-fire winnerd out there right now. Ginna pass. Read whitepaper and wasn't impressed. Huge holes in this project.

ty for the FUD my friend

Don’t waste your breath, anons will see it soon enough and cry fomo tears.

>So in a few days they are going to say how much is going to be tokenized

No, the are not. Stop spreading lie, there are plenty of good news without it.

Like what? I talked to them at MiamiBTC and was pretty impressed. You can use the JNT to claim any security on their ecosystem.

I also asked them how theyre going to be able to actually back the jCash 1:1 with dollars and his answer was being based in Sweden lmfao. Swiss banking Clever fucks

>Details of the partnership are coming mid/end of February whenever we are in Dubai
>A few days ago
>We are going to Dubai 10-14th
Seems legit to me.

>Details of the partnership are coming mid/end of February whenever we are in Dubai
>So in a few days they are going to say how much is going to be tokenized

Oh, yes, thats pretty obvious, details of the partnership == how much is going to be tokenized

I thought they were going to talk about the partnership in general during next week and then make an announcement "within 60 days" regarding the tokenization? Could be wrong though.

See pic related, found it in the Telegram group. Perhaps it's during the World Blockchain Forum between the 16-17th of April that they will announce the tokenization pilot? It fits into the "within 60 days" theory.

Well yes actually. How much they are going to tokenize in the pilot seems like a pretty important details. I might be wrong but don't pretend it isn't a reasonable assumption.

"Dinner is a casual get together for Jibrel's community, World Blockchain Forum's guests and Xische (PR agency of the government of Dubai)

We won't be announcing anything there - it's mostly a networking dinner" - Talal

"I will be on Arabianbusiness TV later this week though

We also have the SEED announcement coming up (exact date depends on the sheikh's availability)"

Shit is about to get real

Jibrel will be announcing the partnership with the Sheikh himself

"Jibrel Network's Dubai office will actually be located inside SEED's HQ... This isn't your typical strategic partnership"

Sorry for spamming but it's relevant.


Wait a second. So the Sheikh is going to be doing it with them live? Holy shit.

I just though they were announcing how much is going to be tokenized but this is much bigger than that. A public endorsement is a much bigger deal.

I can assure you that these sandniggers will fail badly.

where do you retards come from?


Holy shit! That's crazy. ARAB MONEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! Next stop will be a Youtube video of them throwing money on bitches, screenshot this


when is puberty going to hit for that kid?
