Only made 200k in crypto which I stupidly put in an index fund because my parents forced me to or they would kick me out

>only made 200k in crypto which I stupidly put in an index fund because my parents forced me to or they would kick me out
>all economic indicators show Canada will have a massive 2008 style deleveraging by 2020
>can't get a job
What should I do Veeky Forums I have no money and no job, and I'm not cute enough to suck a million dicks for a dollar each.

if you suck dick for a dollar you dont need to be cute

lower your price to .50 cents a dick, going to have to up the volume dough

>listening to your parents with 200k
Are you thinking at all?

Put ur 200K in WEED and wait til July u fag wtf.

I live in Vancouver, I can't afford to leave. I'm enslaved to them essentially.

You have 200k, you have options. Go talk to a realtor and ask them to help you buy a house.

>protip: don't bother with a single family home buy a 4plex and live in one of the units and rent out the other three for monthly passive income.

You shouldn't have told your parents until you have millions and then do what you want.

This. Or do a portion in hmmj etf and/or junior growers etf coming out next week. Aphria as well. Or make some mildly more risky plays on the main small caps like OGI, THCX, MARI, MJN (more of a medium cap), N (Namaste Technologies).

Weed sector is highly volatile so make sure to secure profits when any of these push 50%+ gains in a short period of time. Some of the small caps i listed are quite capable of doing 2x or 3x from current prices by summer. Namaste, for instance, reached as high as mid $4 on the last bull run (currently $2).

why can't get a job? faggot

You know that the average apartment price in vancouver is like 700k right?

Don't live in hongcouver unless you absolutely have to for work.

Do you know where I could buy a 4plex for 180k?


jesus ur fucking dumb. I was able to buy an apartment in Toronto where the prices are just slightly lower than urs, without 200k. It's called a down-payment . Don't fucking pay it all in, how did u get this far?

Can income from renters really pay off the mortgage?

Depends on location and how much your mortgage is. You have 200k that's already more than most who buy a property, so ur mortgage should be low enough to get paid by itself

happy larping

Hmm, maybe I'll pull the money out of the index fund, but I've lost money already. I should never have listened to boomers.

If I was LARPing I would have said millions.

>because my parents forced me to or they would kick me out
this board is slowly killing me

Yep, my parents have no clue of my crypto gains and they never will. As soon as they know, they'll want their hands on it. your mistake

It was more something I brought up because of taxes when we were getting the accountant to do both of ours.

Then it spiralled from there.

You have 200k. You could have used like 10% of that to r3nt somewhere else for a year, or as other user said, put a down payment on a house ffs. Why would you let someone else tell you what to do with your 200k? Grow a pair op

but somehow you have 200k laying around which your parents made you put into an index fund?

I'm not OP lmao

No, don't try it, especially with 20k in spare cash
If you honestly want my opinion I'd pay taxes on it and just move out. Idk find a job and use split the 200k between
30k cash 100k crypto 50k stocks/bonds/whatever 20k in you choose

Keep the cash as a buffer in case shit goes bad but get a job and let the rest grow. Move out of your parents house if you're over 18.

>parents forced me
>forced me
underage kiddo shouldn't be playing with money, go back to school

You fucking faggot, you really lack experience. I'd waste the 200 000k by traveling. Fuck, i'd even start investing some of it seriously. On top of that you say you can't find a job. Fuck off, even with one million youll find a way to be strugling, faggot.

Ok, Ok, I'll try to grow a backbone.

Just tell them you have it in the index fund and put it back into crypto??

that would probably create some real problems with user's taxes since it sounds like he's filing with them
mind you i don't understand leaf taxes

>didn't listen to my parents when they told me to cash out at $120k
>have $40k now
parents know best

I'm no longer a dependent, but I have some money in a trust managed by my parents from my grandparents (just a few thousand) so we get an accountant to handle it, and so I need to disclose everything.

Oh. That sucks. Move out, OP.

He's probably 16 or something. If he was forced all the chances are the fund is managed by his parents.

But yeah, with 200K I'd leave even if I had to flip burgers for a while.

nice LARP

haha nobody on biz has any money, why do we even post here