How much GAS do you get from neo coins again?
How much GAS do you get from neo coins again?
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can you imagine her life? Jesus. Everyone serving her hand and foot, never worrying about anything...holy fuck.
Not as much gas as you'd get from this semen demon
id buy 100k of GAS from her..if u catch my meaning
I can't imagine a girl like this in my bed. I would look like an autistic child randomly touching per body
yes I'm a virgin
8 sats of gas PER neo PER block (every usually 20 seconds but gets faster if network is used more)
hmm yes my deer
I'm taking a stand!
I love butt posters, fuck brap police.
Your image caught my eye, and here is the info you require.
for every 100 NEO, you get 1 gas per month
I see a lot of hot girls posted here but DAMN
about 3 fiddy
that's a dude
no she's not
source: i've seen her nudes
Only if idiots like you feel the need to be salves in exchange for the illusion of a possibility of banging her.
pics or it didn't happen, fag
I'd be a slave in exchange for the illusion of a possibility of banging her.
i'm not doing shit for you faggot. go whack off to your men in dresses
says the guy thinking the dude in OP is hot. Burden of proof is on you for claiming you have evidence.
tldr; you're a fag and you like trannies
Guys we are getting off track. We need to focus on GAS
That's why you'll always be a virgin. Fine by me, but I don't get why you wouldn't just grow some balls instead.
Did someone say Sminem?
She has to maintain her appearance which is probably more than you do
Her name is Blancnoir (miss Noir), you're welcome
does thinking things like this about yourself help the situation? step 1 is build self-respect.
Are you legitimately retarded? You're the one asserting that it's a picture of a man, the burden of proof is on you.
It's BlancNoir... not a dude..
She used to have a lot more on pornhub, guess she deleted them
I bought NEO back in June when it was ANT. I am still very newfag and the only 2 exchanges I use are gdax and bittrex. Can someone please explain to me what I can do to obtain GAS? I think I could make a decent dividend from the 50 NEO I hold.
Thats not her. The face looks different
Yes it is her you retard
>doesn't show face
>"hurr it's her"
Have you fucking watched the video you silly cunt? She shows her face several times, she doesn't even try to hide it.
500 neo for 1 gas/week
please dont post atractive ass pics it enables brap posting. faggot.
>Have you fucking watched the video you silly cunt?
Yes, and clearly you haven't
Get your NEO off of bittrex and onto binance, otherwise they're stealing your GAS.
Bittrex fucking sucks