Give me one reason why LINK won’t be $1000 by the end of the year
$1000 LINK
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No. You're claiming that it will be, burden of proof lies upon you.
Tell my why the fuck it would.
Because every time a new shit coin is released, it serves to remind people that all the other shit coins have no value.
Bitcoin will have value for a little while longer because they were first out of the gate and it's the only coin most people know.
Ether will be around for a while because it's the poor man's bitcoin, and because they will get investors when bitcoin is regulated in the next few years.
The other coins are all shitcoin. They exist because someone decided to capture lightning in a bottle 1500 more times. It won't work, they're pyramid schemes.
Link has nothing to offer that the other 1500 shit coins don't already have.
Does that answer your question?
btfo boomer do you even know what Link does
Because it will take a bit longer to get there with selloffs. Weak hands will drop at 10, 20, 50, 100, 250, 500, and 750. Very few here will actually make it. My guess is probably 18 months to 2 years for 1k link.
It's already assumed that link will hit 1k, only a matter of when.
Because it's shit. End of faggot.
Sure I do. But what you young whippersnappers haven't learned yet is that an idea isn't worth anything. The implementation is.
You think that "block chain" automatically gives a coin value, it doesn't. You think that "smart contracts" automatically give a coin value. It doesn't.
And the reason is this... both are non-proprietary technologies. Anyone can use them.
So the Chainlink website talks about the power of blockchain and smart contracts, but it ignores the fact that people can do both without needing any of these coin.
So let's say you're a big bank. What do you do? Well, you come up with your own system, one that doesn't require you to pay Yaheeb who lives in the basement, and you just ice them out of the whole deal.
That is why most of the 1500 coins out there is shit. They all think that someone is going to pay them for a technology that is already free.
one trillion marketcap KEK
What's it like being a brainlet grandpa?
Pretty horrible. If it weren't for the pile of money and the 20 year old I'm fucking, I'd have nothing.
Becaus Sergey will not deliver. Mainnet will never release or it will be full of glitches and nobody will want to use it.
Please dont buy any link, either u troll or u borderline retarded.
>Marketcap meme
Dream on. Every generation has their get-rich-quick scheme, and they all end the same way for most people.
2$ the most you'lll see. 10$ if you are lucky and Skergy pulls a rabbit out of his hat
You cant be this sad and delusional this must be bait
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to be a chainlink investor. The hints are extrenely subtle, and without a solid grasp of the banking system most of the hints will go over a typical newfags head. There’s also Sergies optimistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from satoshi nakamoto's literature, for instance. The investors understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this coin, to realise its not just brilliant- is can change peoplea LIVES. As a consequence people who dislike chainlink truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in sergies existential catchphrase “See you at SIBOS” which itself is a cryptic reference to the international banking conference. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as the chainlink development team's genius wit unfolds itself on their binance trading screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
Why are you
typing like this?
depressed low T
See, almost all of your comment reflects several of the classic symptoms of all bubbles / ponzi schemes....
1. Some new tech/theory that is going to change the world.
2. Telling potential investors that most people "aren't smart enough" to know to invest.
3. A jumble of words that say nothing
4. The promise of great returns while being WAY fuzzy on the details.
>seriously replying to one of the stalest link pastas there are
Because I am typing on a PC, and it's easier to separate thoughts and points if you do them in paragraph form. Because when you read a long unbroken comment that seems to go on and on forever without making a point it's very difficult to read and you tend to skip over what the person is saying and my brain is going to explode if I can't hit the return key soon.
why did you stop. keep fudding you piece of shit
you know /biz is a secret pedo network right? much safer and legally wise to stick to reddit. better info there anyway
The fat fuck will exit scam by the end of the month. In fact, he most likely won't even appear at the conference.
I think I lasted about 10 minutes on reddit. I left as soon as I found out that speech is not free, but is controlled by either an individual or group who decides what is and isn't allowed to be said.
Chan is sometimes full of shit, and I can do without the endless coin shilling in Veeky Forums all day, but I'll put up with that as part of living in a world where free speech still exists.
In other words.... I'd rather be here than with the greatest people in the world.
you're seriously making me sad about the state of /biz. lurk more
just kill yourself
Blame CNN & Fox News. If they hadn't kept telling me about the fappening and Kate Upton being part of it, I never would have heard of this place.
Hello, Mr. Boomer.
Give me your explanation of a smart contract.
I first came to Veeky Forums when some warlock on world of warcraft told me to 10 years ago. Any other anons want to share their introduction to freedom?
Same reason why it won't reach 5K eoy - it will first reach these price levels when it is "adopted", which i doubt will happen before 2019.
>So let's say you're a big bank. What do you do? Well, you come up with your own system, one that doesn't require you to pay Yaheeb who lives in the basement
You are a brainlet.
To have a solid blockchain network like Bitcoin, Ethereum or Chainlink you have to spend more the the whole budget of USA.
No bank in the world has this kind of money.
Because that would make me a millionaire and God knows I don't deserve it
You're assuming they give a flying fuck about pow/nodes
POW and nodes is the whole point of blockchain, brainlet.
The only reason blockchain is a thing, because due to decentralization it runs forever, whatever happens, has no downtime and the information stays unchanged forever.
Unless you can guarantee that you have enough nodes up to survive a 51% attack or a nuclear war, there is no point of moving your data to blockchain.
This guy fucks
13 years ago, someone was posting /b/ memes in an IRC channel. And I didn't understand why /b/ stood for Random. It just didn't make sense. Now nothing makes sense anymore.
> Big banks can't afford to do the same thing that a handful of people from BTC and ETH did for free themselves.
Solid logic there.
there aren't any fellow linkie
Solid strawman there.
Who the fuck has ever said it will hit $1000, that's just bullshit newfags came up with, it was always between $100-$300 in 2years you stupid fucks
>>actually believing link will be sub $100 at EOY
imagine being this gay
Link will almost certainly surpass bitcoins highest-high.
God you cunts are fucking retarded, please enlighten me to why link will be over $1000, I am a pink holder, 50% of my portfolio is link but I even don't think it will hit $1000, maybe $400 at most and that wouldn't be till atleast 2020
Not a strawman. He said...
>To have a solid blockchain network like Bitcoin, Ethereum or Chainlink you have to spend more the the whole budget of USA.
>No bank in the world has this kind of money.
If it would cost that much for the banks, why did it not cost that much for the people who put together bitcoin and ETH?
The point is... the tech is free, anyone can use it. All that matters is the implementation.
Once the banks come up with their own version of blockchain and smart contracts, the only people who will still want to use the existing cryptos are those who deal in the black market. And there aren't enough of those people to support the coin or for it to grow to widespread use, and certainly not enough to support the current price.
>I am a link holder
Market cap. That's the only thing standing in it's way.
this is the dumbest thing that I have ever read on this board...perhaps even Veeky Forums all-together. My only hope is that it is spill-over from reddit (I woulen't know; never been) and that your stupidity is not contagious.
>enlighten me
supply and demand you fucking retard go back to plebbit.
>arguing with copypasta
KEK, fucking retard, don't buy link
You are the reddit fag, guess you came to biz in December, if you were here before November you would know Link was never shilled to hit $1000 you fuck tard
Ok, let's do some math here -
Bitcoin hashrate is now around 20 million TH/s.
AntMiner S9 runs at 13.5TH/s and costs $2500 MSRP.
To run a network compatible to BTC you'd need 1,481,482 Antminers.
This makes $3,703,705,000 for hardware to keep the network running at the base level, without the pooling servers, without the masternode mainframes, without the whole internet infrastructure you need to build to make sure is accomodates these units.
Then come the connection costs, the electricity costs, maintenance costs and wages to the people working on the network.
It's an erc20 token
Calling someone a newfag, reply on copy pasta, kys.
>there are people on Veeky Forums in the year 2k18 who believe this
What ever faggot, you hold till it hits $1000 bitch, I'll be selling in between $100 and $200 before it stabilises back to $50. Good luck fuckwit
>why did it not cost that much for the people who put together bitcoin and ETH?
Because the chinks do it for BTC and ETH, retard. You don't even understand how blockchain works, you are one dumb cunt.
>big banks would rather have a centralized network and completely defeat the purpose of what the technology they are trying to use
>supercomputes on every city
Copy paste where faggot, please an hero
because i'll never be rich in this timeline.
>supercomputers are free
>keeping supercomputers running costs nothing
But you're skipping over my main point... banks have no reason why they would WANT to be comparable with bitcoin.
Anything that bitcoin does, they can already do. Any technology that bitcoin improves on, they can use for free.
Now, if the people who created blockchain owned the tech, then they would have something of value because people would have to come to them and pay.
But using your own math, a system that requires that much money and energy to verify transactions in inherently flawed.
That doesn't even touch on the idea that if the so-called "miners" are paid in bitcoin for the "work" of doing these calculations, you eventually reach the point where the miners hold all the supply of coin, and which point they are worthless.
market cap makes it an inevitability. look how much room to grow there is!
TRX is $3 billion + market cap with 65 billion circulating supply
LINK is $146,800,850 USD market cap currently with only 1 billy supply ever.
Hey don't sweat it my man, I'm a no-coiner myself and these people simply don't want to hear the truth. Cryptos can be useful, but I'm tired of people comparing this market to the dotcom bubble or other important inventions.
The best proof of this is as soon as someone gathers a large amount, they sell it for fiat money... even though this new revolutionary technology is supposed to rival and win over fiat
Also is this the only agreement you children can make, any real user will know this is not copy pasta shit, so please go fuck yourself with a big black dildo and then kys
That should read compatible, not comparable.
That was before chainlink was truly understood by any meaningful amount of users. Since then the chaos levels have unbounded, the memes have converged. Sell at $10 though, I truly don't give a fuck if you don't make it.
>Anything that bitcoin does, they can already do.
All bitcoin does is provide thousands of miners worldwide, so it can't be shut down, ever.
That's the whole point of bitcoin, tardo, nothing more.
You don't even understand blockchain of the basic level. Like I said - one dumb cunt.
Wait, you think it's not?
That’s the spirit. Let him do what he’s going to do. I bet he’s out at $5
>even though this new revolutionary technology is supposed to rival and win over fiat
>he still thinks all cryptocurrency is supposed to be used as currency
You have no idea what LINK even does do you?
I think a closer comparison would be either the pog bubble or the baseball card bubble
Millennial Logic...
> doing calculation for a meaningless currency creates value
I never looked into it, no. Tell me more
>grandpa still thinks blockchain is about currencies
Do some research you lazy parasitic nigger kill your self holy fuck. STOP SPOONFEEDING THESE FAGGOT NORMIES.
So how old are you exactly and how did you make your money?
Is link gonna be treated as a security? help a brainlet out please.
lmao yeah supply and demand is a meme
>Tech that provides the bridge making it possible to automate the 1 quadrillion+ dollar derivatives market.
>Nodes that prioritize the largest stacks creating incentive to horde.
>Largest banking co-op is the first likely adopter followed by big name tech companies.
1 Trillion marketcap is low.
Which, once again, proves the point I was making earlier.
Blockhain crypto
Smart contract crypto
Therefore Crypto doesn't have value because it uses either block chain or smart contract.
Crypto has no real value. The prices people are paying now are entirely speculative.
55. I made my money as a computer programmer and financial investigator.
I'm now retired, and make my money trading stocks and collecting dividends on my investments
It's a network, that takes real world data and coverts it to the blockchain smart contract formats.
Let's say you buy a dildo on eBay. You create a smart contract for purchase. The FedEx/DHL guy delivers it to you and you give him your electronic signature, like you always do. LINK reads the signature and sees that the dildo has been delivered, it converts your specified shitcoin to fiat at the best price, using the external data from exchanges and sends it to the ebay seller.
I see your screen name you faggot ripple shill. LINK has value and it can be proprietary if they want it to be. Coding is protected by copyright and business practices can be patented or protected as trade secrets. Lots of options there. And guess what, making a quick fucking hamburger is not proprietary but McDonald's did it first and they are doing pretty well for themselves.
Fuck off Ripple fag
the whole community fuds it to death.
>Blockhain crypto
>Smart contract crypto
You are one dumb cunt, aren't you?
>You're wrong, I don't know why but you are
You glorious bastards made the news with the fappening and now I have found my internet homeland and family
Ok... but why would I want to pay with cryptos instead of fiat?
Do you own coins? If so which ones?
ChainLink got hacked and all the logos were compromised, the only backup they had was a 56kb PNG file.
Sell all your LINKs now or regret later. They can’t continue development because a guy named Satoshi Quasimodo was their lead graphic designer. He died in a car crash and was the only one who knew how to make the high res logo. Because of this Sergey and Rory were forced to “shadowfork” the network. Unfortunately their internet is so slow in the Jewish Donut Shop (where they rent a desk to work) above the lesbian Nail Salon they can even upload any back ups (hence he 56kb low res png Logo) this is forcing them to Exit scam
Because crypto is faster, brainlet. That's why SWIFT wants to move bank transfers to blockchain.
You do realize that even the BTC dinosaur is 100 times faster than bank transfers?
You're so fucking stupid and ignorant that I am actually impressed at this point. This is either a good troll or you've gone to some kind of tibetan retardation monastery in the mountains to study the ancient art of becoming a supreme retard, and wish to demonstrate this to everyone on this board.