Pain in my shoulders and back

>pain in my shoulders and back
>starting to lose my hair
>25 years old
>knees starting to bend inwards and getting more painful by the day
>never had a girlfriend or kissed one
>still can't drive
>5 ft 5"
>over weight by 85 lbs
>feet cramp twice a day from overweight fat
>tried to get a prostitute last weekend but couldn't get it up for her
>she just sat in the chair for the 1 hour and listened to me cry about all my problems then left

Guys please tell me its going to be okay? I bought ethereum early but I still have all these problems. Do I just an hero and take my private keys to the grave?

>>she just sat in the chair for the 1 hour and listened to me cry about all my problems then left
Ah. The "Girlfriend Experience." They usually charge extra for that.

Signs of an addicted fapper.

low test or wha

You need to start exercising.

Enough money can afford you a good doctor to fix most of those problems
>ED pills
>Height surgery
>Knee surgery for pain
>Gastric bypass
Get a gym membership and a personal trainer for bonus gains

I can’t help but laugh at your life. Jesus fuck dude. I’m 30 and in the best shape of my life and don’t have a problem with females . Take care of your body and diet, and you will enjoy your life. It is that simple, sorry about the 5’5 thing but everything else is all on the gray matter between your ears.

You need to get a gf

Even if someone gave you good advice you wouldn't take it.

>height surgery
The state of manlets. I didn't even know they could do that.

I think suicide is your best option.. A lot of your problems could be resolved if you began to work out, but since you seem to be indifferent about actual taking action to better your life, your life will never become better.

Nice blog

I’m natural 6’2

i just browse Veeky Forums, its like a manlet zoo

you KNOW what the solution is, why arent you doing it? all your health problems will go away IF U JUST EAT LESS U FAT FUCK, LOOK INTO LOSING WEIGHT AND STOP PUTTING IT OFF JESUS CHRIST ITS SO FUCKING EASY

being healthy isn't fucking hard, all the information you need is free online
>eat healthy nutritious foods
>exercise, go for walks & light weight strength training, hell invest in a standing desk and start standing all day

>I’m natural 6’2
>i just browse Veeky Forums
If you have to specify your height as "natural", then it seems redundant to mention you browse Veeky Forums.

They cut bones in your legs and add height

Hit the gym dude. You will better. Join Crossfit, people are nice good mix f/m.

You are more pathetic than the OP by shitting on him.
what about his b*lding? inb4 just shave it, JUST indeed

dunno if larp or not, but I'll bite.

it doesn't even fucking matter if ur 5'5". Get in fucking shape and take care of yourself. No girl is interested in a faggot that can't take care of themselves. THEY want to be taken care of. If U look like a fat slob, that doesn't give them any indication that you know what ur doing in that department.
You can be 5'5" and bald. It doesn't matter for shit as long as you take care of yourself. Girls are stupid predictable creatures. If you take good care of yourself, they will notice. It is in their DNA. Go do keto and after u are the right weight, start doing some lifting. And quit watching so much porn. Limit it to like once a week tops.

Me minus the prostitute and taller... sigh

Excess fat results in higher estrogen.
High estrogen in turn leads to lower testosteron, losing weigh will literally cure your knees, hairline, feet and ED.

Lose weight you fucking idiot.

Its true.. Most fat people don't have the will power to fix everything.

Balding is a bitch, there are more and more drugs coming out though that claim to retain and restore hair without killing your dick. I haven’t tried any bc genetics are good. Also it depends how far along he is, if it’s thinning slightly you can change hairstyle and rock it well. If you’re 40 year old horseshoe then you must shave or keep it real low like statham


OP you are a disgrace. Just fucking EAT LESS
Protip: ketogenic diet

dont eat any carbs at all and you will lose weight. Eat as much bacon and eggs and cheese as you want. Just no carbs and you will lose weight fast as fuck.

>No girl is interested in a faggot that can't take care of themselves
Can confirm. GF left me 2 weeks ago partly because of this

>You are more pathetic than the OP by shitting on him.
What he said was true, this thread is either a larp, or someone whom just wants to complain about his life, with no intention of changing - just complaining like a bitch.

Dude.. I bought eth when it was $2. Still with the same woman though she has no idea what I'm worth. You need to take care of yourself or die trying. And NEVER tell a woman you're worth a lot of money Spoil the one that loves you for you, good luck.

>pain in my shoulders and back
>starting to lose my hair
>knees starting to bend inwards and getting more painful by the day
>feet cramp twice a day
>couldn't get it up for her
these would all go away if you started eating healthy and doing some sport you lazy fat fuck
>5 ft 5"
was probably cause by your shitty diet, can't change that now

just fucking fix your diet
and start lifting

there, you've just solved 90% of your problems


invest in your health you dumbshit
>go to Veeky Forums
>read sticky
>follow what the sticky says for 8-10 months
>fuck bitches

Hey fuck you, I'm also 5ft 5". Daniel Radcliffe is too and he's not crying.

this is bait, you were expecting people to ask for your private key. kek.

anyways, we all have our downsides. However, start exercising (maybe run a roid cycle) ....try some viagra ....oh and fucking hookers is good. Oh and kid, hookers dont usually come to yours on a first visit.

It's the other way around, high test is more likely to cause balding since hair follicles die when its byproduct causes them to receive insufficient amount of oxygen. The hair follicles that die and fall out are gone forever, hairline doesn't get "fixed".

Getting a little in shape would help OP anyway tho

>guy's health is down the shitter, probably dying, with all sorts of health problems
>maybe run a roid cycle
what the fuck kek

you sound similar to me except i'm 6'1

just go on a ketogenic diet, I lost almost 100lbs in one year, strictly from the diet change, without any additional exercise. then i started incorporating exercise once my weight was down, lifting regularly, running, etc. really changed my life, made me happier, stronger, I had more energy throughout the day.

Diet/exercise go a long way at treating situations like yours. Give it a try, check out a keto diet, really easy to follow.

im 5,8 and i have considered LL in the past, but i just dont care anymore... i just want money, being a manlet sucks...i hope one day scientists figure out a way to manipulate genes to eradicate this agony

how much etherium do you have user?

start lifting

what is this reddit tier PUA shit? crawl back in your hole brainlet

This, it's a thing in china.

I'm only 22 and balding like crazy. I'm literally becoming wojak

Hope thats satire
Bald jackes manlet is a walking meme

>becoming fit magically cures social awkwardness and autism
doesn't work like that lad. i would know.

ah, to be caught trying
literally the worst thing in existence

>pain in my shoulders and back
Try swimming on regular basis.

>starting to lose my hair
Minoxidil, finasteride.

>25 years old
Still young.

>knees starting to bend inwards and getting
more painful by the day

>never had a girlfriend or kissed one
No big deal.

>still can't drive
Start learning now.

>5 ft 5"
No bigg deal.

>over weight by 85 lbs
>feet cramp twice a day from overweight fat
Exercise, eat a heatlhy diet.

>tried to get a prostitute last weekend but couldn't get it up for her
You need to explain to her that this is your first time and that you don't know what to do. This way you'll feel less anxious.

>she just sat in the chair for the 1 hour and listened to me cry about all my problems then left
Maybe you need to see a therapist.

dont listen to this guy op, he might help you

also reddit is better for you, go there

Whoa, it's almost as if OP's problems were mostly fixable or literally irrelevant and he's wallowing in self pity to avoid facing them

Honestly user this is all you need to do:

Look up a bodybuilding routine, get a gym membership, and stick to that shit like religion. There's a bunch of websites like or apps like Jefit you can use that have routines you can look through. Find one you like and stick to it. Do it for 3 months and you WILL notice a huge difference in yourself and you'll start to look forward to your workouts. And as you watch the weights you can lift increase week after week you'll get addicted to it.

You need to pull yourself together user no one is going to do it for you. Tackle all your problems one by one from the most important to the least important. I suggest you start with your health, your mind needs the most attention so get that sorted out and you can than continue. Post in 1-2 months when you get that figured out until then nothing else matters.

>pain in my shoulders and back
>knees starting to bend inwards and getting more painful by the day
>feet cramp twice a day
Are you just fat af or is there something else physically going on here? Scoliosis perhaps?