What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
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al-qaeda would have probably tried to transfer the money for the operation and get scammed by a pajeet
Ripple is ((their)) plane and the crypto market is the WTC
It will happen buy ripple they always win
find the episode and watch it user. context counts
I think he means that if bitcoin had released 10 years earlier, 9/11 wouldnt have happened, Not sure tho.
He's a commie homosexual
The Jews and the Saudis would be all fucked.
Pretty soon, with the internet and the world colonized the Jews won't be able to hide their lies anymore. Crypto will take away their banking power and we can finally be rid of them.
>Max Keiser gets paid to shitpost all day
It's not fair
Implying that Jews did not created the first ASICs WAAAYYY before any of you faggots even knew what those 4 letters mean.
Novel idea but probably wrong
He means that there would be no purpose to attacking WTC because it wouldn’t be a financial hub? It still would be, with or without crypto. Especially since it would be 2 or 3 y/o at the time.
IMO satoshi is very likely to be a kike.
it mean the nigga a terrorist, standard bullish signal buy buy buy
Lurk moar
>(((christian americans))) dying
>a bad thing
buy chainlink pls sirs
He's wrong though, who would give a fuck in 2001, 9/11 was decades worth of planning to hit like 200 birds with one stone. Achieved so many objectives domestic and abroad that it's not even funny.
No kidding a war between Japs and Jews would be a pretty fucking show. The 2 most fearless warriors ever.
Good thing they ignore each other.
What in the ever loving fuck are you talking about?
This faggot:
also pic related.
Don't be salty for nor having won a war in the last 70 years burger/euro.
Still believe in that fairytale cowboy? Pathetic
>jews fearless warriors
What the fuck are you on about user, history shows them to be the biggest fucking pussies cunts to date for fuck sakes. Even today they use the burgers to do most of their fighting. Fucking jews can fuck off this is earth
WTC was nearly empty. And was going to close due to the $100 mill + needed to make it asbestos free. Go educate yourself cowboy
Unironically /ourguy/
Beating up on 3rd world Muslims isn’t bravery.
The japs took on the most powerful military in the world, Israelis are shooting fish in a barrel
Dude, they were overpowered and overmanned by 1:10 in all those wars. In the 60s 70s Burgerland and britfags were selling ammo and training to Iran and Egypt wich trickled down in all that neighborhood.
Don't compare how retarded Arabs are right now with how well they were financed (OPEC) and trained back then. If arabs are fish in a barrel now is because Israel beat them to a pulp first.
Fuck off idiot, Sadam use to fuck up those jew cunts and kick their asses all over the dessert, why you think they made sure the got the burgers to get rid of them
I think he means that crypto would've made the world trade center unimportant and thus not the focus of a terrorist attack.
A bunch of hezbollah sand rats kicked their ass. They aren’t anything but JewSA parasites and the Japanese would unironically wipe them off the face of this earth with ease.
[citation needed]
> Fuck off idiot
Man, did I hit too close to the trailerpark?
Theres no need to be upset, you can volunteer for Hamas and show us how it should be done. right?
I love both I would not like to see them fight. But don't be deluded Japan does not have Nukes or ICBMs, yet.
Guess where all the drones you burgers use (because you are too afraid to 1v1 with some sheepherders) are made? Thats right, IAI.
Literally watched it happen. People were jumping from the windows. It was definitely inhabited, /pol