Can we all agree that Macs are the most Veeky Forums laptop and windows are poorfags that need to go back to /v/?

Can we all agree that Macs are the most Veeky Forums laptop and windows are poorfags that need to go back to /v/?

kill urself

thinkpads. not the shitty old ones that /g/ faps to, but newer ones.

install gentoo

definitely. if you dont have a macbook youre doing it wrong

I bet you think Warren is a poorfag too when you realize how he lives

fucking pathetic wannaberich kid

Go die you fucking mac fag

Warren is great but an oldfag and not relevant to discussions on computers.

Macs are probably better if you do graphic design, but PC's are better for everything else.

Apple has created a cult, most people know this. They sell an inferior product at prices that are inflated, and sell them to liberals who think they are saving the world while ignoring the fact that they are shilling a product that are made in slave conditions by Chinese children, and sold by a company that pays no taxes.

The easiest way to see this is the I phone case. If all you cared about was the quality of the product, you wouldn't give a shit about anyone knowing what you were using.

But all Iphone cases have a hole in them so everyone can see the apple logo.

This is because to the average user of an apple product, people knowing they have an apple is more important than the functionality.

low quality bait but it'll still work

Why the fuck do I need a Mac? I still can't understand why people except idiots buy them.

I have two HP business laptops. You know, the type adults use.

we are talking about unnecessary expenditures
smart people dont buy overpriced shit like a mac

This and I feel bad for artists etc. that actually used to use them before liberals completely hijacked the user base.

They’re fucking great, especially the Jobs era MBPs, anyone saying otherwise never owned one. They are now 1/3rd retail price on amazon. Once you go mac you never go back.
It’s the build quality. It’s how it opens without needing to peel it open, the base stays flat. It’s the extremely easy to repair layout - the entire bottom opens up. Everything is neatly organized. Airflow is great and creates a channel of air with little or no turbulence. Keyboard backlight comes standard. Doesn’t creak, crack, flex or wobble. And all of this in a professional design.
>using MacOS
I have to fault you for that though. Uninstalled on day two.
Never even touched one
Macs are PCs. Literally the same thing, OS can be changed. Let another asshole pay retail price and get it 50% off in 6 months when they get tired of it.
You need two hands to open it, don’t you? And from the middle or the display warps. I’ll never buy an HP plastishit again

>inferior product

Apple products have the best build quality in the industry. The phones have the best cameras, displays and processing power. The Macs offer an operating system that is far superior to buggy windows.

Anyone who values their own time uses Mac.

>Apple products have the best build quality in the industry
>The phones have the best cameras, displays and processing power
>The Macs offer an operating system that is far superior to buggy windows.
>Anyone who values their own time uses Mac.
literally all of these are factually incorrect

>HP plastishit

You realise HP would make them with aluminium casing if it was actually functional and not a gimmick? They go for the premium and enterprise markets too

Enjoy your mouse with one button, brainlet

It is functional. It doesn’t bend like plastic, they don’t use it to save costs. Fact.
>one button
Macs have had a right click function for 20+ years user. It’s a PC like any other

CuckOS doesn't have a tiling-window manager and as such it's shit. Furthermore, CuckBooks have NSA backdoors

Unironically if you deal with crypro mac or linux is a must considering the amount of malware windows has.

MFW my windows laptop costs like 2x more then any faggy apple product.

>not building your own pc

apple faggots

There used to be an advantage to doing this, but in recent years you can buy machines just as good almost off the shelf.

PCs are better for business and gaming. Macs are better for creative things. Can’t beat PCs for crypto.

> CY + 3
> Not using a Librebooted Linux machine with FOSS only
Enjoy your botnet.

Building a pc for a desktop is fine but if you have a laptop it’s not a MacBook Pro you’re poor

Systems with linux... or GTFO

>still uses laptops

>spending 10x the price on a product with zero functionality improvements over mainstream products
It's true. Macfags are Veeky Forums as fuck.

Excellent analogy friendo, underrated.


Apple has the best displays because Samsung makes them

>storage drive
>usb/ethernet and other ports
>display, keyboard, pointer
>power supply

>storage drive
>usb/ethernet and other ports
>display, keyboard, pointer
>power supply

They’re fundamentally the same fucking thing, you are ironically buying into the marketing.

And the CPUs/GPUs

Especially with the price of GPUs nowadays. You can find better, cheaper pre-built options if you look hard enough.

Apple products are for delusional soyboy liberal faggots. Anyone with self respect, artists included do no use Apple products. Artists included. They're absolutely dog shit for anything business enterprise. They successfully have created a sub culture of knowing what's best for their customers mentality.

Also, how is anything Apple related good for creative types and artists? It's literally anti-sharing your art, only sellable and compatible on their platform.


>he bought a Mac at the ATH
get rekt

Can we all agree that these lolberal, plebbitor threads are getting really fucking annoying?

Apple is for gay



1/3rd retail on amazon. Read

I concur. Been using this one since 2011

Apple faggots are too stupid to realise, But every time you see an Apple ad, which are on nearly every major street corner in the world, it's adding to the price of your product. Who do you think pays for all those ads? It's the fucken idiots buying the shit. Then they add even more of a mark up so they still make huge profits.

Anyone saying that Macs are overrated or not as good as PCs are poorfags who have never owned one. I know because I used to be one until I got a MacBook Pro and learned how much better Mac OSX is for multitasking and productivity.

Cover up that webcam OP.

steam? u gonna play 2d indie games on that thing, if they even support mac that is?

There's nothing wrong with Apple products, or any other brand for that matter

The people that passionately hate devices are either mentally ill or poor


I run windows on mine and it plays GTA V. Over a thousand hours on it. Computer is a computer, who knew.

You probably live in the PNW don't you faggot?

I bet you drive an outback with a coexist sticker on the back?

>The phones have the best cameras, displays and processing power.
tell me the resolution of the most recent iPhone screen

2436x1125 @ 458ppi


mac laptops are far better for travelling purposes. for a desktop computer i prefer pc

depends on what un-upgradable gpu you have in it. I know some macbooks use basically rx 560s at best, imac uses 570/580 and imac pro has something comparable to my gtx 1070 with vega 56 but for over 5k GBP/USD its not really worth it for anyone even a professional.

android has always had phones a step ahead of apple and you are paying much less QHD is standard now and they use some weird ass sub QHD resolution. My one plus one from 2014 has 1920x1080 and could film in 4k30fps at the time one of the first and was sub 300 GBP. If you pay over 1000 gbp for an iPhone I expect QHD or 4k resolution and to pull out all the stops and apple just doesn't.

Intel integrated graphics :^) it surprises me sometimes. Cost me $600 US
Solder to mobo is pretty standard for laptops. I personally would never buy an imac, if one gets a desktop they might as well build it or buy a prefab that can be rebuilt.
I’m sure the difference is noticable

Also the reason for that weird resolution is that the ip X has an irregular screen shape. It was a flop at the market, barely sold.

the MacBook with the touchbar is the only useful one for Veeky Forumsness with the crypto tickers you can install there. Looks pretty slick coming from an typical apple hater, they actually innovated for once.

Or just build to order at the dell business site.

Or if you want to go cheaper... just order the box with the motherboard/processor you want from dell, and just upgrade the video/memory/drive yourself.

You can pick up an I7 based tower pretty cheap these days.

There’s more to a phone display than resolution. The iPhone X has the best display of any phone according to displaymate. That includes, better than the Note 8.

When it comes to processing power, the iPhone is so far ahead of android that android looks backwards.

The Adobe Creative Suite runs identically on either platform. The only advantage Windows has over Mac is games, but you can still play them with Bootcamp.

I have a Macbook, and an Asus laptop. Both are pretty much the same, in terms of reliability, usefulness, and everything, except for these things:

The Macbook is aluminum and significantly smaller and lighter.

The integration of the Mac and the iOs is superb, you have to work pretty hard to come close on the Windows side. If you don't use an iPhone or iPad, this isn't a selling point, but if you's pretty fucking great.

The MacBook cost twice as much, for the same power.

Honestly, I don't care. Both get done what I need to get done. The Mac Vs Windows war was stupid, and ended a decade ago. For most people, either is fine for most things they need to do, and anyone who thinks differently is a filthy neckbeard who argues about every fucking thing, anyway.

> laying prone in bed
> poor fag w AC forced in wall
I’ve seen nicer sheets in a brothel. Steve Jobs used to sell ideas. Apple hasn’t come up with one innovation since he died except branding to hipsters and making shiny, pretty looking screens. You’re as bad as a nigger buying a Gucci belt and showing it off.

>he can't afford a surface book

>Also, how is anything Apple related good for creative types and artists? It's literally anti-sharing your art, only sellable and compatible on their platform.

What the fuck are you babbling about, neckbeard?

I used macs for years. Switched to PC because I was tired of paying 1.5x for the same equipment.

Also... the problem with apple OS is they assume that everything else you own is an apple product.

If it is, things connect great. But as soon as you try to connect with things in the real world the hosing starts.

Not true they figured out how to bribe reviewers like in I love apple fags though they make people with IQs above 100 rich and sell at the bottom

The iPhone X also has a better camera than the Note 8, according to dxomark

Android fanboys are ironically the biggest sheep out there. They spend ages circlejerking while missing that iPhones are better than android in almost every way.

There’s a reason rich people use iPhones while poorfags and nonwhites use android.

At least Windows has a rotate image feature lmao

You are normie tier scum
Get the FUCK off my board

posting from my patrician-tier maxed 15" 2017 MBP, most of the benefits of nix with none of the autism/janitoring

Such as? I've never had an issue with an external device, I've run everything from external drives, Wacoms (tablets and a Cintiq), webcams, cameras, everything. What are these devices that don't work?

I don't give a flying fuck what anyone uses, but I hate when dweebs just make shit up to try and prove a lame point.

ooo thats aesthetic

Iphones are too restrictive
Also the interface sucks
Also screens always break
Also apple is literally gay liberal shit

Android is owned by google, the most left wing corporation in existence you fucking idiot.

How about plugging an Iphone in to a windows PC?

WIth any android phone, you plug it in and you see the phone as a drive that you can copy/paste etc to.

Last time I checked, to connect an Iphone to a PC, you have to have Itunes installed on the PC, you can only have access to certain things, and (probably) have to have an apple account for I-tunes to work.

It's not like there is a reason why they CAN'T connect easily. Apple just chooses to lot allow people to do it.

>4K resolution on a phone screen

If you have Apple phone + Apple pc though, connectivity is better than anything achievable in non Apple ecosystem.

I have a MacBook Pro, Android phone and a windows desktop. I've never had issues with devices "not connecting". I even use an internal drive on my Windows desktop as a network drive and time machine backup for my MacBook. Everything works great together.

Which was the exact point I was making.

Apple assumes that everything you own is an apple product. So if you want to connect within their ecosystem, it's easy. But it becomes a pain in the ass as soon as you try to connect to non-apple products.

Apple is more left wing

Lenovo T series thinkpads, nothing else.

Solution: don’t be a poorfag and just buy a Mac and an iPhone

from my experience hardcore Apple fanboys are mostly morons.

but I know few very clever guys using their products but that is just exception that proves the rule


Fuck off.
This is not a board for poor people.

Nothing about connecting non-Apple products to my MacBook Pro has ever been a pain in the ass.

Overpriced trash. Get Linux or windows.

T series is not cheap, idiot!

> paying more for an identical product because you bought the hype.

Let me guess... you own crypos too, right?

enjoy having a blank root pw macinfaggot

Not to mention....

OS Market Share:

Windows... 88.78%
MacOS.... 8.21%
Linux... 2.32%
ChromeOS... 0.34%

And mac people thinks the solution is that everyone else has to come to them?

For phones iphone, for laptops linux
everything else is pleb tier

I us my Iphone on my Windows PC all the time. I installed iTunes, I can access everything. Big whoop.

Just admit that you were talking out of your ass, okay? No need for an hour long "Well ackshually" from you.

Apple stated years ago that they don't consider themselves in direct competition with Windows. You're thinking is so outdated it's hilarious - you cling to 1998, user! LOL.

And, despite these numbers, Apple is one of the wealthiest companies on the planet. Go figure. It's almost like they don't know what they're doing! But this neckbeard user does! He thinks they should just give up and walk away from the billions of dollars they make every year! He's a fucking GENIUS!

LOL. Fucking neckbeards.

Your computer is a piece of shit. When I went to try that keyboard I thought it was a practical joke. The 2018 x1 carbon is superior in every single metric listed in this thread. It's the successor to the 2006-7 silver keyboard MBP. Mac has a faggot touch bar no escape key and a fucking keyboard made out of chink toenails. How do you justify your purchase? 2017-2018 x1 Carbon not only looks better, it wins in every single metric plus you don't look like a fucking queer and attract fags from across the room. I'm disappointed

>Macs are probably better if you do graphic design, but PC's are better for everything else
Graphic Designer here. This meme goes back to the 80's. They were better because the dot pitch was 98dpi vs pc with 72dpi. Obviously, that ended in the 90's, but the myth prevailed and Quark Express was exclusive ti Mac for a while. It became available in the late 90's for PC, negating any advantage Mac had other than identical HW that would ensure the printer was seeing the same shit you were. But this shit has not mattered for decades now, especially after Apple went Intel. Now it is just a terribly overpriced PC.
>inb4 muh MacOSX is better. I can run that shit on my PC if I want. Win 7 is just fine thank you.

It's the new ones that are shit faggot

linux dipshit

That's funny. Apple always used to say they WERE in competition with Microsoft. Then they lost the OS wars and now claim that it never mattered to them.

It was such a lopsided victory, that Bill Gates had to give money to apple just to keep them in business.

It was easier for him to keep them afloat than to deal with monopoly issues if he let them fail.

Only little children and neckbeards think using a computer can do magical things, like turn someone gay.

Are you that weak, that you're afraid of a mac making you want to suck a dick?

What the fuck is wrong with you?