>caring what leddit thinks

there's your problem


this is the dumbest thing that I have ever read on this board...perhaps even Veeky Forums all-together. My only hope is that it is spill-over from reddit (I woulen't know; never been) and that your stupidity is not contagious.

most of you retards bought above 15k and sold at 6k, so he's not wrong

>Actually browsing the circlejerk echo chamber that is reddit

neck yourself my man

can't really deny it since there is a fucking flood of pink wojacks at every crash and recovery

>implying everyone isnt just larping as retards

>redditors think they're welcome on Veeky Forums


That's nocoiner rage/angst/schadenfreude central OP, you signed yourself up for that.

Hey, I'm in that screenshot!


>implying that Veeky Forums isn't an even worse echo chamber

it's not tho
it's bad here but we don't have the retarded upvote/downvote system

good post

Agreed! Have a (You)

Down boat

>Veeky Forums

Fuck off out of here newfag. Dont even bother stayin to lurk, just get the fuck out and never come back

It's not. Neck yourself

>people cross post between here and reddit

kill yourselves

Hello hope this reply gets inboxed, not sure how to send DMs on here yet. I was linked here because I'm in that screenshot and I would like you to remove this post so that I don't get brigaded and have all my posts downvoted by the people from this site. I'm sure this violates the terms of service and if its not removed I'll contact the relevant parties to have your account deleted.

Oh the salty butts in dis trehd

Fuck off veddit
>no such thing as being ironic

>it's not tho
right, because this place isn't totally filled with hive minded thinking
>wojak and braindead memes make up 95% of content
>fuck reddit
>any intellectual conversation gets shut down and derailed by autistic people spamming god awful memes
>we're so much smarter because we don't have upvotes and downvotes
>we're just ACTING stupid but we're actually smart heh heh got you now! can't prove we're not smart if we are always just acting stupid! heh heh
nah, I like watching the autistic clusterfuck

i came here today from pol and i am seriously interested but i guess i came at a bad time?
cus all i have seen is brapp memes and chainlink memes (and i don't even fully understand chainlink)

>we're so much smarter because we don't have upvotes and downvotes
not what i wrote. i wrote it makes for less of an echo chamber

do you even read what you just wrote? Listen to yourself you insufferable fuck
go complain about racism and call each other sir on your asshole smelling upboat system

we smell butts here because we like to, not because we have to, faggot sir

best post on Veeky Forums right now


This also top kek

sir pls dont fud chainlink it is next ethereum good sir pls buy buy buy

the linksub is a safe haven for us /bizzy beez/. Until the normies arrive anyway

>not what i wrote. i wrote it makes for less of an echo chamber
I'm saying that this is an example of how people act hive minded here. For example This place is just filled with autistic people who like to act superior because they aren't held accountable for anything they say, and it just leads to everyone acting like babbling retards

but they are retards who interact in less of an echo chamber

wow, it's almost like when people have absolute free speech they tell you to fuck off lmao dumb fagboi

>i came here today from pol
The crypto audience, AD 2018.
These are your buyers.

when people interact more freely, even if you think they are retarded, you get closer to the truth

The point is that this place is absolutely an echo chamber, probably worse than reddit. Reddit has its downsides but it is actually possible to have conversation with opposing viewpoints there. Here it's just people screeching and flinging insults at each other, where the hive mind has concluded:
>Reddit is shit
>We're all super smart, and we're just ACTING like idiots
These ideas just continue to bounce off of each other and continue to amplify without any solid evidence
This place is literally an echo chamber for babbling retards

if you'd been here longer than a week you'd know we've discussed the evidence ad nauseum for months so all we do is troll now
dyor cunt

upvoted my friend

thanks sir

EDIT: WOW, thanks for the gold kind redditor!

The one subreddit frequented by mostly Veeky Forums users makes fun of Veeky Forums. Big deal.

Been here for about a year now, it used to be better but it's gone drastically downhill for the past four months or so. Just a bunch of retards spamming the same old memes. At this point only like 1% is actual, meaningful discussion
But the hive mind here decided that this is okay because we're all geniuses ACTING like idiots
Point is this place is literally a perfect example of an echo chamber and I think it is hilarious that everyone hates on Reddit for it when at least they aren't just spewing pointless, shitty memes at each other all day long

>been here for a year
>still looking for "actual meaningful discussion

what the fuck is wrong with you dude

why not fuck off to reddit then? clearly they have better discussion . you'd be better there.

Never said I don't enjoy watching the autists fling shit at each other and triggering them when I go against the "culture" here
I go to Reddit for meaningful discussion

I'm on reddit and Veeky Forums, did you know you could do both?

this is the dumbest thing that I have ever read on this board...perhaps even Veeky Forums all-together. My only hope is that it is spill-over from reddit (I woulen't know; never been) and that your stupidity is not contagious.


>I'm very smart

I seriously hope you're on a next level of trolling, my man

your posts are i am very smart.
nothing but self ego stroking while providing none of the discussion you claim to want.
you are the troll

the only thing echoing around here is how much of a faggot you are

checked n correct

you are an ugly piece of shit aren't you fucking faggot

You should kill yourself instead. Fuck off.

Buy LINK faggot

There's a time and a place for actual conversation here and you'd know that if you weren't so fucking NEW you faggot

h-heh yeah just larping

sauce polz




Is LINK better than chainlink?

Are you braindead? The upvote system is specifically designed to create an echo chamber.
>it is actually possible to have conversation with opposing viewpoints there
that's not even an opinion it's just objectively wrong.

> go to reddit once in a week maybe
> spend each day on aib for hours
Never had the urge to shit on them. What is wrong with you? How do you care that those fucks have upvotes? If anything, you see solid write ups there mych more often than here