Bitcoin Cash insider here

Hi friends :)

Just letting you know to do buying of Bitcoin Cash soon. It is literally the real bitcoin. Very good coin that is ready to MOON !

Kindly be sure not to fall for the corecuck scams. They are doing of the lying !


Other urls found in this thread:

>muh cult of infallible satoshis vision
>muh blockstream conspiracies
>muh whitepaper from almost 10 years ago can never be revised or updated as technology, purpose, usage and markets evolve
>muh roger ver
>muh hillary tier shills
>muh bcash will be used to purchase coffee and you cant do that with bitcoin because noone wants to but they will with this because its different this time
>muh tx fee meme
>muh asicboost miners
>muh segwit selfish mining copypasta
>muh fake volume and coordinated pumps
>muh flippening
>muh merchant adoption
>muh you have to provide arguments even though were the ones trying to prove our shitcoin

hello i am early investor of bitcoins. pls sirs buy our token, is the real bitcon in samgsuns vision, not one everyone is already use. pls make price go up,

Good posting ! bcash is very strong coin !

Breaking News.
Waterhole Pool appear to have stoppedmining BTC


Ok Pajeet. I wish your manchild at Helm every success.

I'm strongly considering throwing 10k st this if it drops below 1k again like the other day
What do you think?

The whole state of bcash investors

>forks off bitcoin
>something vision something
>this is the real bitcoin!!!!!!!

Cash is king and all, but OP is a faggot.

>muh you have to provide arguments even though were the ones trying to prove our shitcoin
Ok. Bitcoin Cash is the only Bitcoin resistant to selfish mining. Bitcoin Cash is the only coin with a blockchain large enough to add all features of all coins. Bitcoin Cash has the lowest fees of all blockchain based coins (DAG's aren't blockchains and their security isn't tested). Bitcoin Cash doesn't require application platforms to build their apps offchain, instead they can build onchain and so they have all the security of the blockchain itself (no trusted 3rd parties). Bitcoin Cash also is the only version of Bitcoin that can be used by merchants as it allows them to follow KYC and acts as a ledger (lightning removes the ledger). Bitcoin Cash is also the only version of Bitcoin that is uncensorable because any miner can include your transaction but if you use lightning for many transaction there will be fewer than 5 nodes that can route your transaction so if they want to censor you then they can. Bitcoin Cash is the only decentralized version of Bitcoin as there was no revoking of developers commit access keys as happened with the Core developers to consolidate control and dictate the coins future (see Gavin Andresen). Also Bitcoin Cash is the only version of Bitcoin capable of scaling to 50% greater than average VISA transaction levels (3000tx/s) on $1500 computers meaning its nodes will be decentralized and available to even the low income hobbyist. Try and debate any one of these issues. Spoiler alert, you won't.

Corecucks BTFO

Segwit was a fork as well bud. Are you really that dense?

>bitcoin changes direction
>fundamentalists fork off a version that stays true to the original
>somehow the fork is not the more original version

>satoshi's vision

Interview with full written transcript

Why are you copy pasting this in all threads? Shill much?

Excellent coin sirs buy buy buy!

>muh segwit selfish mining copypasta
I mean you even pretend it is our side using copypasta in your own thread and this whole thing is copypasta.

how can it scale when its literally a fork of bitcoin just with a larger block size? it has the exact same inherent problems as btc, except at least btc is working to solve the scaling problem.

You can do 3,000 tx/s on a $1500 gaming computer. Visa averages at 2,000 tx/s. So it can scale larger than the biggest payment provider in the U.S. for a very low price anyone can afford. Do the math, bud. Its not even tough math.

>Bitcoin Cash insider

aka bagholder in delusion

>is the only version of the shit-tier gen 1 outdated coin family known as buttcorn
NOBODY GIVES A FUCK about shitty gen 1 coins

>NOBODY GIVES A FUCK about shitty gen 1 coins
Next time quote what I actually say. You only prove that you are an idiot who bought high. I made like 7 points there and you refuted none of them.

I should also add the node will only cost $1500 if you buy a really good GPU, mouse, screen, and motherboard which aren't necessary. You could probably buy one for around $1000 and you'd be fine.

check your favorite chart site right now, dumbfuck

You can't just keep doubling the blocksize whenever the network grows. Think about it dummy. Let the smart people think of actual scaling solutions and go back to sucking Ver cock you fucking idiot

BCH==Bitcoin CHAD

>he thinks it's the real bitcoin

>higher fees are exactly what we need

>side chain solutions


>You can't just keep doubling the blocksize whenever the network grows.
Actually if you do the math you can and it won't really cause any issues unless you try and have complete global scaling today. Again a regular gaming computer with a 4 core processor and 16GB of RAM can process up to 150 tx/s right now. They are almost done parallelizing the transaction processing so that you get 4x that amount, or 600 tx/s. Then they can also upgrade the Satoshi client to get about 5x that amount, or 3,000 tx/s. 3,000 tx/s is more than VISA. If the Satoshi client is 5 times more efficient it also only takes 6TB of storage per year which is like $175 at current prices. So it can scale to as big as VISA and your average low income hobbyist can still run a full node. Do the math dummy. It's fourth grade level math, you should be capable.

Also you do know that the Lightning Paper says you need at least 133MB minimum to scale right? Probably needs closer to 300MB blocks to scale without major security issues. And Lightning is possible on BCH with or without a malleability fix. With the malleability fix it will be easier, but there are multiple ways to Lightning without a malleability fix.

why do you faggots keep shilling here for the last 2 days? Veeky Forums will never be a bcash board. most newfags here don't even like bitcoin, they only care about ETH and easy 100x shitcoins. The rest of us disdain your scamcoin, and don't try to act like you've been here all along either.

You have to go back.


Why the fuck would I buy a bitcoin copy forked off bitcoin when I can but ANY other alt I want

Ok, here's one for you newfags

Segwit is the forked coin dude, they couldn't put it on the original chain so they forked off.

Not falling for your garbled English, Pajeet. Taking 3rd grade English would be a worthwhile investment, poonigger.

Sorry, but biz is a fairweather bandwagon friend...they jump in when theirs profit to be made. They really don't care about fundamentals, roadmaps, whitepapers etc. Biz is the tabloids of the crypto world.

bitcoin cash is being forgotten more and more by the day scrub


Its price indicates otherwise.

If Bitcoin Segwit doesn't get its shit together in 2018 I'm certain Bitcoin Cash will become the top dog. There's a lot of momentum in it.