Whose philosophy will make me more money biz?
Chomsky vs Friedman
Neither and they're both retarded
Economists won't make people money unless it's the government or something
Philosophy to make you money? Exploit a valuable quality you have to the utmost, and exploit opportunities not fully explored
economists should all die for making people believe theyre smart
Friedman, Rothbard, Mises, Hayek, Sowell, won't make you money tho
>Marxist economy
Thanks to show yourself.
/pol/ economics 101
>Big government good
>Big nose bad
The funny part is that as long as low income capitalists can afford weed and an internet connection, they all glorify capitalism.
As soon as they start to realise how much they get fucked in the ass while other profit off them they turn into communists
As soon as they realise that communism is a meme, they turn into anarchists but soon enough they grow up, get kids.
As soon as they have their own family they get fucked by big guys forced to live their horrible life surrounded from non existing needs
Then they die and just couple of years before that they realise that living for money is as worthless as it can get.
If your only goal is to make money, you should just kill yourself because there is no greater meaning in your life but to buy shit you dont need or really want and nothing of it will ever make you happy. In the end you will suffer you whole life by living a wagecuck job because muh internet connection and weed.
Happiness is not having money at all and still be rich.
>Happiness is not having money at all and still be rich.
Happiness is subjective, but for many people, having a goal and progressing in it is the very definition of happiness.
And Capitalism allows those people to follow their goals without non-natural obstacles.
Free market/capitalist economy - there are rich and poor, but class barriers are at least semi-permeable. Allowing someone who is poor to freely pursue a better life and elevate themselves.
Socialist/communist “economy” - everyone is now coagulated into a single class, the state denies any and all hope of elevating oneself to a better life, and rests on its laurels atop the backs of the working class. The bureaucracy becomes the bourgeoisie, the poor are still poor. And eventually the whole thing implodes into chaos and carnage, various dictators rise and fall before some retard picks up das kapital up and starts the whole thing over again because last time wasn’t real socialism and it’ll definitely work this time
from my pov is more
a) everything works and we've achieved utopia
b)I get to shot some owners and live the good life untill I end up in an international court and make the chad's choice
You'd make more money listening to a random hobo than you would listening to Chomsky. Friedman's the better of the two by far.
science's philosophy