PnD Scams You Fell For


Still hurts.

deep bags gang has been awful quiet recently

I was in every single thread pointing out the shitty website html coding and begging you guys to compare with RLC or even SNM.

le canya face :^)


Was this before or after they revealed their 90% indian demographic

I think that one tripfag personally managed to ruin any possible discussion of this shit coin and then killed himself when it tanked further

I've learnt a lot about hodling. A lot.

Should be called
>PnD scams I made a lot of money off off

before the huobi listing
>felt for the hodl meme on a shitcoin

Seems like it will be hard to reach previous ATH (in sats value) again.
There's a lot of new coin at Kucoin (compared to December where dbc, bnty is a thing), and it mooned hard because binance, bittrex and other exchange closed their registration

The true deathblow

I doubled my money on this so how was it a scam? Oh right, you bought at the top.

i still believe in the chinks

all my tip money goes to this

Whats is it they say? Oh ya do opposite what biz says.

I sold near the top and bought back. How anyone lost money on a coin that almost 10xed in two weeks is beyond me. I am holding about 30k DBC


Fucking price of shit

got in at ATH

bought at 5x market price

Personally I blame him for this dip.

Just went balls deep in this coin. Anything with China and AI is gonna blow the fuck up, whether it be in stocks or crypto. The Chinese government just invested billions in AI research and development.

Oh no user, you missed the real China coin called Bottos. Luckily I'm here to save you.

Thank you for your daily pajeet contribution!
+1 poo
+1 loo

anything on Kucoin is pretty much a piece of shit

literally every coin

I still double my money on this coin but wish I cashed out when I was up 5x.
