*destroys all electronics*

*destroys all electronics*

Boy am I glad I invested in internet money now.

Other urls found in this thread:


>All traditional financial markets collapse
>Majority of means of communication collapse
>Supply chains collapse ( no more groceries )
>Everything is in a complete state of anarchy

>See, crypto is stupid

well said, user

Don't have to worry about this if you believe the Earth is flat. Protected by the dome

Not a problem for bullion-chads.

>nearly everything that runs the modern world ends with it
You should be worried about the packs of wild niggers roaming your streets over something as trivial as cryptocurrencies at that point OP

>buying gold isntead of guns and ammo and practicing your survival skills

have fun getting robbed :^)

95% of USD is internet money, mate

>having guns and ammo with nothing to defend
have fun being a tacticool airsoft kid

what makes people think that in a mad max hellscape that there would be any demand for precious metals? i didn't realize you could live off of eating gold.

Why defend? Be a true alpha Chad and roam the streets taking whatever you want.


European detected

>2 people in the world printed the blockchain on paper


>B-but wait, I have G-g-gold!

OP will never reply
nocoiners are retarded

People with precious metals are playing the long game. If all you have on your mind is survival and playing the tacticool guy, you won't be a resource lord in those difficult times.

Food and clean drinking water will be more precious and valuable than any metals

Yo goy, gieb all your gold to me. We from germanistan bringing you peace.

His tripfag is "GoldShillAnon" though. Yuros are too poor to buy gold and too cucked by their big daddy government's to buy it even if they could.

i put 100 spf sunscreen on my computer, i think i'll come out okay

if that happens even money or precious metal won't be worth anything

weapons/ammo would probably become primary currency, followed by food/water, probably followed by women. You'd be able to trade around a 9/10 woman for a sack of rice or couple potatoes

can you imagine what one tommy gun could do there? BRAAAAAAAAAAAP vocaroo.com/i/s1VCUtDtY50z

op, at least 90% of data traffic is transmitted through cables. There is no such thing as: satellites, solar weather, planets, space, nukes, dinosaurs (oil is renewable and not biomatter, global warming... crypto was created by our controllers to guide us into an Orwellian system in which they can monitor and control all.

>goldbugs are this delusional
At least diversify into kerosene, heirloom seeds, and cigarettes

Why does putting "Internet" in front of anything make it sound stupid?

>believes his fiat is kept in a big vault deep underground

I don't know how to break this te ya 'arry, but yer not an wizard...