why are black people so bad at crypto?
Why are black people so bad at crypto?
Other urls found in this thread:
google race and IQ distribution
Because of cultural oppression
never even heard of this coin lol
mazing how blacks always find these 'gems'
white male privilege they are good boys
It was a lending platform just like bitconnect which he was shilling what makes you think he didnt pretend to lose his money so no one could sue him?
We need more affirmative action to get these niggers jobs they aren't capable of performing.
America is doomed.
Look up average IQ by race
its not fair because they had a great great great grandpa that was a cottin gin
just wait for NBAcoin they'll get rich off that
"What it do everybody ish ya boy"
Instantly turned that fucking garbage off.
I had to close it. When he started talking about how he was interested in Bitconnect but decided to go for Davor it's like... it was your fate dude.
I don't understand what he says, is that english? I'm non native speaker
They are targeted with shit like that.
Need NGR coin for dem programs
Because it’s crypto and not basketball, mumble rapping or drug dealing.
bruh my people, we have to do better man what the fuck. why was he dancing to lil uzi for 10 seconds. this is all bad.
because niggers
Its not a mystery.
Delete this :(
isn't it obvious?
lmao no wonder the jews want a whole world of them to rule over. the perfect slave. the perfect victim.
Imagine going all in on a Cryptopia shitcoin
fuck this, man, i get that this sub is just ironically not politically correct, or whatever, but just as a human, this is BS. being racist isn't cool. it's fucking degrading to you and everyone else.
seriously grow up and make intelligent jokes that aren't at the expense of others.
>being racist isn't cool
fuck you are a sissy
he didnt even make a joke
thats the real reason
cry more about it
t. probably older than you
go back to redit
>this sub
Am I being rused right now?
white people threads lol
>begins the video of him losing all his money on an obvious scam with some incoherent mumble rap
at least hes not in his car
Most are dumb.
The smart ones made big money from it though. This guy turned 90k into 2.5M in less than a year from ICO analysis and is still going.
>being racist isnt cool
Fuck off you dumb nigger.
Its not a joke man. This is real life. People just aren't equal, and life isn't fair. Welcome to Earth.
What is racist about truth. This is scientific fact. IQ distribution varies across the races.
Asians have the highest then white.
sub Saharan Africans are virtually retarded on average.
It is what it is
Try to be a little more subtle in the future, you can't triple down on your baits like this.
i'm actually white, but whatever.
Jews have the highest
Israel's average IQ begs to differ
ya but what does iq test really measure...........................................................
cuz mine is 127 and i am broke living at parents house and play on the computer all day, it can't really be that important
Cringe. Of fucking course you are. Like clockwork, one of you cucks comes out to defend your pet blacks.
Let them deal with their own problems. Be on your own fucking team for once.
Yeah I Like that girl too much I wish I never met her
Sure buddy
>this sub
lmao what was with that intro?
Ashkanazi (eastern euros) probably do. African or middle eastern Jews (who are arabs really, the local ones not the immigrants) are pretty stupid. Also the Chinese lie about their aberage IQ, just like they like about everything else.
it's almost like the slightly smarter ones sellout their own race
Must be theft if not larp. It's scientificalyl impossible for black people to profit in crypto, stocks, education, etc.
i'm not really one to fight other's battles, honestly. i tend to be more of a centrist than on either side of the political line, but there's a line somewhere between memes and "ironic racism" (or whatever you all want to call it) and just straight up indecency and misanthropy.
i don't even care if everything said above was a fact. a post doesn't need to be made about it.
post more rare crypto niggers
this thread is full-on /pol/ shitflinging but I give him credit for owning up to his mistake.
Nah cryptonigger is legit
Because they are stupid? Maybe you're right.
Why do so many blacksyhave a LeBron James beard
Stupid people are targeted. A lot of stupid people happen to be black
lmao i feel you man this is just plain embarrassing. why do people like Trevon have to exist?
Damn that is some serious 56% going on there
>shitcoin youtubers
Literally the only thing worse than twitch streamers
Hurp durp, this white guy lost $100k on Davorcoin
investing welfare soon
blacks need a cultural change to "before i do anything, ill ask a white man if i should do it"
99% of the black response to "bitconnect is a ponzi" was that we were just mad whitebois trying to keep a brotha down.
dumb blacks have a sad mix of inferiority and arrogance
why do people like this come on this website lmao
3/10 got me to respond
>facts must not be shared
are blacks the best normie indicator?
when to take profits and the bull run is over
>ya but what does iq test really measure
it measures your crypto success.
>Asians have the highest then white.
What do you think on average is the profitability of each race in crypto?
Pajeets ??
Blacks ---
Just like they like about like about like. Trying to sound smart and cant spell. Kek
lel.. Israel (without Palestinan territory&Gaza) have 25% non Jews of which 20% are Arab/palestinians/Bedouins who can't even read or write and drink camel piss for breakfast...
why are black people so bad at crypto?
Because they are much better at athletic activities than scheming others out of money. Also emotional and expressive, instead of autistic and cucked
I’m black, and 40x’ed my initial investment. my first month. Luckily, I’m educated and far from desperate enough to fall for get rich quick schemes. Lower-class people fall for shit like Bitconnect, regardless of of their skin color.
>blacks need a cultural change to "before i do anything, ill ask a white man if i should do it"
if it's stupid I'll be sure to tell them it's not, however blacks will never trust the whites
Asians +++
Whites ++
Beaners +
Sandnigs -
Pajeets --
Nignogs ---
> why do people like this come on this website lmao
honestly, there isn't much on this site that really bothers me. most of the meme racism is funny and generally unconcerning as i can assume it's a joke or stupid kids being stupid kids.
maybe it's just my mood tonight, but the OP is just unnecessary and offensive, and the fact that _most_ of this thread is actually defending him is just disconcerting.
>Sign up to exchange
>Buy coin
How is this too hard for anyone to understand? I seriously don't know how they write this shit and don't realise what they're implying about themselves.
You’re a fag
dang you caught me i was lyin
Dude it sucks, I probably won't even try getting into it until Robinhood gets into it.
>Pajeets --
do pajeets actually lose money on average in crypto though?
aren't they more like the parasites of crypto? feed off everyone elses gains
But science proves whites have higher IQ on average.
Is science racist?
>Low IQ
>Low impulse control
That's all you need to be a horrible investor
Yhh...this is false you degenerate
You seriously don't belong here, I don't know what to tell you.
>Veeky Forums is ironically racist
Kek you're worth nothing anime faggot
you will never make money
Boohoo hurt feelings faggot
Kill yourself
Pol is a cancer thats spreading on all boards
>Asians have higher average than whites
Pol tard says they must be lying
So it's still poor people fault somehow? KEK
Shoeshine Boy Saves Kennedy Legacy
Why are they good at fighting games then
It was irritating to buy bitcoin the first time. Coinbase kept rejecting my CC for some god forsaken reason and none of the other exchanges were functional.
I eventually got it through a bitcoin ATM.