>Be me
>21 yrs old never had a girlfriend.
>Stopped giving a shit at 16 when I had to focus on school and work.
> Started investing the week i turned 18 and when Im not at uni or work Im reaserching stocks.
> I've got an internship lined up in idaho.
> Have more money than most people at uni and have all but completely checked out of dating.
Anyone else too busy to begin to give a shit about women or have experienced pic related?
Mgtow and /biz
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck I put the wrong picture. Here is pic related
Driven by hunger, a fox tried to reach some grapes hanging high on the vine but was unable to, although he leaped with all his strength. As he went away, the fox remarked 'Oh, you aren't even ripe yet! I don't need any sour grapes.' People who speak disparagingly of things that they cannot attain would do well to apply this story to themselves.
>Delusion: the thread
if you dont give a fuck about sex or dating its fine. Not saying i can relate, but if you are 'happy' who gives a shit.
Yes, it's fine. Make money first, money is more important. Worry about women later. If you don't care about women now and are still happy, consider yourself lucky, it means you have more time and energy now to focus on getting money
I did it, not worth it. I have a house and a formula car and many nice things but you will get fucking sick of tinder thots trust me. Find a nice girl and start a family, that is where real happiness lies.
Is this how MGTOW see themselves? I mean the picture.
he's a man
he's going his own way
he's on a rock
Looked like a dildo was up his ass
Literally Fox & Grapes.
Enjoy your hand or nasty hookers who think you're repulsive.
Yeah probably. I never considered myself "mgtow" since they all seemed like cringy soyboy incels to me, I just didn't get married and start a family like I should have. Again, bad plan. There is more to life than material wealth. Now all the chicks my age who are still single are used up roasties who have had a thousand dicks inside them and their souls turned black and shriveled. They will never be mothers to anything more than cats, I may have to just be a creep and find a 20yo with daddy issues.
I went through several phases of sex and love related depression before MGTOW even existed. Lost my virginity at 23 to a cheap hooker. First girlfriend at 25, broke up at 27, banged ~20 regular girls and ~20 escorts since then.
Young women (early 20s) love older guys anyway, win win
You could have just said sour grapes
He is also in shape and good looking. That kind of guy goes his own way, yes. And women follow him close wherever he goes.
Dumbass when you're under 22 it's the easiest time of your life to get pussy, you should probably learn to have a relationship at some point so if you ever end up changing your mind you won't be a complete autist. I try to delude myself with mgtow shit as well now that I'm 27 and haven't gotten laid in 2 years but shit at least I've had relationships and a few hookups in the past. I've come to realize I don't need anyone like I thought when I was younger but the sad fact is most of us still yearn to have a relationship even after getting red pilled on roasties. I miss the constant sex and cuddling but half the time when Im horny I just jerk off and after busting a load think "fuck thank god I don't have to put up with a nagging woman thats never satisfied and is juggling an army of orbiters on her social media while claiming to be with me".
>mfw not planning to live past 30yo anyway
My plan is to get rich, buy shitton of drugs and get wasted until I eventually die. Losing hope is freedom
How od are you?
Women are the final boss of life. They guard the greatest treasure but also pose the greatest risk. MGTOWfags will play it safe and wake up in their 40s contemplating suicide after their midlife crisis.
Cowering from this challenge is antithetical to the masculine spirit.
The thing about males is... Their value goes up with age. So go, make money, good luck to you!
Wealth might help you find someone. Just make it clear for yourself: what is it you are looking for.
For a human? A true companion?
Or maybe just for a worm hole.
So get a girl younger than you. If you're older and have a lot going for you, not just money, you can get a younger girl who isn't fucked up w daddy issues
Detestable and weak
30, so I still have a good chance, I am not blackpilled on it. Just gotta keep wading through the thots until I find another one worth keeping. I should have married my college gf but I was a dumbass back then like OP. Muh child-free life fuck I wanna punch myself lel. I am just trying to prevent OP from making the same mistake.
I'm 29 and successful too with no gf/wife. I guess my mother is right about time running out.
>worm hole
Jesus Christ what a typo.
I obvously ment warm.
My apologies.
MGTOW for life brother
Aye bro, you're not alone. If you don't want kids or a wife, then you shouldn't keep letting others' opinions of how you should live affect you.
I am 29, no kids, no gf, no ex-wives. And I don't regret my position in life. Sure, you will take shit from a lot of people simply because you are not living the same life they did, which makes you strange to them. Who the fuck cares? At the end of the day, you make your own decisions about life. If you really wanted a wife or kids, you would fucking have them. Truth is you are here now because you have decided to be this way.
Just let the asshats that want to judge you do their thing; you can't change their opinion, so just move on to people who are less judgmental.
Keep doing what you want to do, user. Just keep in mind you always have the power to shape your life into what you want it to be, in case you are not happy.
Do you fap or fuck escorts?
>Pussy=greatest treasure
You can have pussy for 20bucks
exactly what I was thinking
>too busy to begin to give a shit about women
you mean you're ugly and autistic and have grasped this fact and given up on chasing tail but are still trying to cope with your failure by finding other losers on this most pathetic of websites that share your station in life so you can circlejerk about how "great" it is to not worry about entirely hypothetical scenarios in which entirely fictional women betray you
just say it like it is my man, if you really "stopped giving a shit" you wouldn't be making this thread on this fucking board of all places about how much you totally don't care about women. like just imagine what kind of person would sit down at their computer and type up the OP and think it doesn't make them look like a mouthbreathing retard lol. truth is like all the other MGTOW fags you're a pathetic degenerate with little to no redeeming qualities and you fantasize day in and day out about how nice it would be if a sensible cutie just landed right in your lap but you know it's not going to happen because you're an aspi- i mean, because all women are selfish cunts that only care about looks!
just neck yourself dude, all the money in the world isn't going to make your life any better than it is right now and you and i both know that you're fucking miserable on the inside and desperately hoping that things get better (spoiler: they won't)
Child support paying BETA's on suicide watch!
I'm mgtow too but I would marry someone that I could mutually respect and get along with. Unfortunately I am functional yet utterly broken on the inside so I have little chance in attaining this. I also wouldn't make this thread because I'm at least self aware enough to know that my position is not worth bragging about
As long as you don't cuck yourself just do whatever the fuck you want. You're young and there's no reason to rush into dating or anything. You should only be focused on making yourself the best version of you that's possible. Work out, educate yourself, find a passion that can be monetized, etc. Be the best at everything you do and try to make a difference in the world. Don't take the easy path like giving in to groupthink ideologies and becoming a fat salty MGTOW'er. Just do you, and if you don't feel like dating at the moment then it's really a non-issue.
wtf i hate women now!
30, been in multiple long term relationships, 100k developer salary and 300k in cryptos, and just have no desire to put up with women anymore. plus I've made too much money now and they will just try to steal half of it unless I keep it a secret, which they would eventually find out. there's just no winning when it comes to women nowadays.
that's just some fetish shit
you need to get more exercise or something and stop indulging in self-defeating fetishes
Women are too cute to hate. Don't get blackpilled, I have seen many marriages work. I think the trick is you just gotta be Chad enough to patrol your girl into being a waifu. Never get fat and most importantly never let her walk all over you. The marriages I see that fail it's always the same story, the guy was kinda beta, the thot thought she deserved better, and Jewish media tells everyone divorce is fine and you should sleep around.
you're 100% right tbqh
Me! 21 just working and self improvement since 16 yo. Is this thread still alive???
31 and this is so accurate
Dude, being autistic, socially awkward and kind of unattractive sucks. I’m not OP but why are you angry @ people who have terrible lives for things beyond their control?
the fuck do you think crypto is for? get your 8 figures, and keep it there, then regardless of what happens, your money can't be stolen from you
4K projection my dude
All the most successful marriages I hear about have a contract like "I will kill you before I will get divorced"
it depends how much you can tolerate the ignorance of youth. the older you get, the harder it is to be around people who think they know everything just because they know a little something. Especially the 21-27 demographic.
dude you're fine. you're entering the golden years of life. this is literally the only time that you have a realistic chance to forge a relationship with a woman who is on your level mentally, and still in her physical prime. maybe i'm projecting a little with that first point, but i hope you see what i'm getting at.
Be polite to everyone. Focus on yourself. Make sound investments. Do well in university, learn how to code, maybe get a realtors license, learn photography, take a class for cooking or art or something to allow you to socialize with people from all ages and backgrounds, workout or do something physical, and visit a place on the other side of the world. Just by getting so much done and being positive and hard working you will attract the right woman. Find a woman to learn with. Then kill her in her sleep...
there is nothing wrong with this! but i would make sure you do what you can to remain social. good luck OP, its pretty likely that if you are comfortable going into your late 20s things are just going to get better and better.
Kekked at this.
Honestly the “to busy for women” is a sad cope mechanism for being to autistic to talk to women,
Anyone who has a girlfriend will realise it makes life a lot more exciting to be able to share accomplishments with
true, someone in their early 20s probably wants to be having as much sex as possible. i know i did.
I am so ugly that even if I gave a shit I wouldn't get anywhere, so better spend my time somewhere else
>t. nocoiner roasties undercover
this 100% Take it from someone that was always, "Too busy for a gf, I don't really think about that kind of stuff, etc."
Doctors have gfs, fuck people in medschools have gfs and relationships.
Good on you, you are on your way to freedom!
Anyone who disagrees with MGTOW is just a beta cuck.
This is a flow chart for how most conversations go between me and my wife
Wife gets wrong idea in her head-> wife gets angry about said idea-> I logically diffuse wrong idea -> wife still angry comes up with some other absurd idea to be angry about because even though being wrong she still is angry -repeat cycle.
Now I know why dudes who have been married for 40 years don’t talk tor their wives and just say uh huh after everything they say.
because there's a big difference between being a stereotypical nerd and being an incel/mgtow type autist. i know and respect many people that were handed the short stick in life but still endeavored to work around it and become compelling people while soyboys like OP run to Veeky Forums seeking validation from other retards so they can circlejerk about hypothetical scenarios and feel like they're totally redpilled and not the dregs of society.
this is almost certainly satire but i clicked on the channel of the first commenter with a profile picture of themselves and this is what i found lol. youtube.com
nice larp faggot
not true, i never gave a shit about women, but once i did it was a pain in the ass and all i wanted way to get out, finally i'm free, not everyone have the same brain chemistry as you, but you're too ignorant to understand that. there's a reason why some people have multiple divorce or domestic violence, they're the people that are trying to do something they don't like because of societies pressure.
You don't give a shit about women unless you want to reproduce. Age under 30 is when you go up and down in trying to be rich. Don't be afraid to be poor as long as you still have a job. Keep trying to get a company or crypto or stock going, you only need to succeed once.
t. a CEO at 29 years old
user I just want to let you know that it's painfully obvious you are insecure about being a virgin, try a little harder to hide it.
You’ll do fine in ID. Fucking Mormons... Dating game is a sad show. Been here three years, and about to move on out. Tetons/Yellowstone are nice.
if you are white you should make enough money to raise a senpai and then make babies with a trad thot
I don't really worry about it. I'm doing my own thing and I'm perfectly happy with that. If I don't meet the right person to have kids with, then I'll just get surrogate kids. I'm sure egg banks will be a thing by then, so I can just pick the girl with the lightest hair and eyes I can find.
If I get lonely, there's plenty of prostitutes in my city and plenty of other ways to satisfy myself.