this is it guys. its so close we can almost taste it.
if it breaks 8k and touches 7.8k its guaranteed hitting sub 5.5k before February 20th



>inferring it won't hit sub 5.5k today.

when you arent a brainlet you can gurantee things. like i did with the peak at 9k. Stay salty coin dump

I still think it’ll hit 5k in the coming week or two, followed by the most violent spike into a bull market you’ll ever see in your lifetime. I’m talking 5k to 10k overnight, followed by 25k by July and 50k by December.

Oh honey. This is just a dip like the others. This is stair stepping to 10k.

just the tip is beginning to go into play. confirmation with next candle

If you could guarantee shit, no matter what it is, you'd be a billionaire by now.

The scythe goes backwards this time, I see

Is there some kind of smart contract platform where these TA-fags can actually bet on their 'guaranteed' results for all of us to see?

45 dollars to 65 million in under 3 years


next candle confirmed downwards breakout.
>next stop 7.8k if it goes sub 7.8k then its guaranteed

im sorry i thought it crossed 8.16k. once it crosses that then its confirmed

>the hourly omegafaggot thread

mods, can you fucking ban this faggot already? this shit is worse than the brap threads.

>65 million
>spends time on a vietnamese cat grooming site overridden with wojaks and brrrrrrrrraaaaaaappppppp posting

>when you arent a brainlet you can gurantee things

That’s exactly what a brainlet would say.

Again, kys.

> unironically using "inferring" incorrectly

lel, the literal brainlets on this board

Hey man, this literally has nothing to do with being a “Chad”. This is a stand up guy doing stand up things.

Also stop using that word. It’s so stupid and so immature.

You want to be the kind of person where people ask if you’re single? Start with dropping words like “Chad” or “incel” or “cuck” or “pede”. Stop living your life like it’s a meme. I guarantee you this guy doesn’t label people into memes like you just did.

Start right now. Better yourself right now.

Do this for a year and report back. I bet your world perspective will have changed, and we’ll be upvoting your tweet about helping others. Hopefully we’ll also be upvoting your post in /r/happy about how you turned your life around and found someone.

Or stay on the path you’re on and see where that takes you.

Is this a meme?

I agree, OP that chart looks like an ass fucking's about to happen.

perfectly defended by the bulls they just dont give up.
we'll get them next time around

Roger that OP, already sold out earlier because i saw this from a mile away. Fags that are delusional will be just'd
Do not resist, you will be taken down.


Big dick bulls

Small balls bears

It's going to dump rather sooner than later. The move is just too weak. The volume is low on the green candles. There's no one behind this. As soon as the big selling volume comes in it will be over.

here we go boys time to retest!!!!

cutting trough

This is my first day as a bear, quite liberating desu

everyone go long with leverage this guy is always wrong

ya, be greedy when others are fearful user.





bitcoin is 8.2k and will keep going up,so fuck you pessismist


Bitcoin down to ZERO let's kill this fucking market.

kys you faggot ass attention whore

just fucking dump ur btc to break 8.16k like wtf guys

Never met someone more wrong

Your therapist told you not to come here
It only makes you worse

guys pls do the needful and dump btc sirs pls

btcucks on side watch

Just fucking dump your loads guys.

Lets kill this fucking thing then I can go back to trading penny stocks.

The market literally always does the opposite of what this guy says, it's like the bogs have a direct fiber line connected to his house

Higher highs and higher lows
>gonna crash guys

There is but the dev spends all his time in a giant fishtank instead of getting to market

fuck all volume on this. Just needs one big boy to pump it or dump it

fuck off you dumbfag
This is needed for us to go up
We need to go down you piece of shit
Stop resisting bullfag
Once we hit rock bottom we can moon

People think we need 'capitulation' and then 'despair' from the bulls.

But what if the 'capitulation' actually needs to be from the bears and bottom sellers?

This. People are worried because bears are worried and betting against bulls, but if bears started being bullish, we’d Moon immediately. The market is purely psychological. The emotions people spread around are self fulfilling prophecy.

We already went down 70% from ATH nigger we've more than fulfilled the requirements for our periodic crash.

>if sellers were to buy the price would go up

Just stop being a bearish butt-boy and long your entire stack on 100x leverage.

i haven't sold yet since october

You can still put it all on 100x leverage.

this is exactly what we are waiting for.

koala bears get cuddled, grizzlies get shot.


Moreso than them just actually buying. If they put out a positive emotion, more people would buy. There’s bears, bulls, and agnostics. There’s more agnostics than bears and bulls combined. The winner in the bear and bull ideological battles influences the agnostic and turns them into either bears or bulls. Bulls don’t have to start buying, they merely have to say it would be good to start buying.

>He long with 100 leverage
>Slightly dump it

Tnx omegamaker,i have done the opposite of everything u say and ive made a shitton. Please keep me updated on what to do the opposite off. Tnx : ^ )

bears aren't happy with that
And i'm bearish at the moment since i sold a week ago
Cheap coins for all goy, join us. Do not fight us, we will make you submit.

What if omegacuck is actually a genius trader and he just posts the opposite of his predictions?

why do you spend 12 hours a day making threads falsely predicting what the BTC price is going to do?

You're never correct, you always post mid-swing, so if it's on a small downtrend you post some fanatic post like this, and if its on a small uptick you post the opposite.

Your information is worthless. If you really believe you know what you're doing then go use it to make profits for yourself and leave everyone else in peace.

Because if we all did it, it will moon and we'll be rich.

what is he's lonely and Veeky Forums memeland is his only friend

because newfags are dumb and fall for it.

literally called this crash from the very peak. stfu if you dont know what ur talking about
>also pic related

It’s only hugging the point of no return because of bears saying it’s gonna go down. If bears became bulls it would moon fucking hard.

if bulls became bears this would crash to 0.
gtfo brainlet

And if bulls would be bears we'd be able to buy at 5k at which point we'd all turn bullish and moon to 60k.

youre wrong most of the time
and since you're here 12 hr every day (sad) you are bound to get lucky
you're just coming off as needy
it's a bit pathetic and i feel sorry fir you

Exactly. It’s common sense. But why would you want it to crash to zero when we can have it shoot to $100,000?

bet ur life against me then. Bet ill be right and youll kill yourself faggot

Can we make a deal? Maybe $7500, you can get your cheap coins and then you become a strong majestic, muscular bull.

Everyone's a winner.

Inverted head and shoulders- will bullishly break 9k tomorrow night and hit resistance at 12k. Screenshot this.

We have huge support now at 7.7k to 7.8k

where's your short, OP?

also don't trust any tripfags, they are known to be completely oblivious to long term trends and outside of biz sentiment.

This board is the biggest echo chamber for tripfags.

But we don’t have to go to 5k in order for bears to become bullish. You guys act like he market HAS to do certain things in order for it to go up or down, when in fact it’s peoples’ own minds that control the market. People think the market is objective and math based when in fact it is subjective and mind based.

we need a smart contract for this

Short it and post proof


its going to do nothing

that way everybodys upset.

then once everyone gives up and says its going to do nothing, it will crash down or up, depending on how many people would get upset either way, choosing the path of most upsetness

you soudn like you're 17

Kek that's a pitiful inverse h&s

Please go, tripfag

>strong support now at 7.7k to 7.8k
watch it fall next hour

Here's a hint, when we broke below 6k people stopped posting pink wojaks and started posting suicide threads, that's when you buy. Despair is when people aren't even feeling whimsical enough to post memes

Fundamental analysis vs Technical analysis.

The fundamentals took a significant change in direction when testimonies by the USA senators showed a bullish position on cryptocurrency.

Your technical analysis is therefore less reliable today after this shift on fundamentals, which is not reflected by your graph.

its just very zoomed out to show you the resistance at 12k. I don't see how its pitiful if you see that it should end at 12k. Check the numbers on the right.. Here's another screenshot.

implying normies have any idea what was said you fucking bum. here we go boys its starting

you're a fucking moron, I can't believe you're still posting

we're having higher lows and higher peaks every oscillation, we're in a bullish pattern

if we reverse around 8K, we're hitting like 9.5K on the way up

when are you FOMOing in?

>down 30 dollars
>it's starting

OH my bad I thought it was 15 min candles at first. Thsts where my buy orders at.

Yeah, I just zoomed out because I think it is actually clear that we should be hitting 12k very soon.

ugh he keeps posting and i'm cringing so hard rn

hey guys what if it swings from 7.8k to 9k for another 8 days haha

Oh wait that’s what’s going to happen 100%

you called 11 out of the last 7 crashes

you're like the Veeky Forums Peter Schiff

this is the dumbest thing that I have ever read on this board...perhaps even Veeky Forums all-together. My only hope is that it is spill-over from reddit (I woulen't know; never been) and that your stupidity is not contagious.

Are you retards still hodling?

FFS stay poor niggers!

why are you like this?

The SEC breathed life into the market this week, but the effect is already dissipating. It's great long term news, but the short term boost has already worn off.

Appreciate your insights, even if it is *bad* news.


10$ -> 400k$ less than a 8 month.
I'm better, but you are awesome anyways^_^
My respect, namefag.