REQ and LINK $100 End Of Year
REQ and LINK $100 End Of Year
Dubs again for fucks sake
>88 holy shit
Dude come on, LINK $1k is a stretch. REQ $1k is beyond memetic delusion and reflects poorly on this community
Meant to be.
Youre welcome, gents.
Holy shit
Do you not feel my power?
I'm buying the next REQ dip, was thinking of getting LINK too.
All green IDs except the FUDr, Illuminati magazine with 88 dubs....Happening.
I dont have any LINK bags but I just found out REQ uses link in some way? Not sure
I have no idea, I think you scared people away. No stinky linkies?
Any link bag holders?
the meme magic with this coin baka
I hope so m8
literally the chad portfolio
enjoy your millions, user
Just 100, not 100k user.
Holy. Shit.
>tfw I have this same portfolio basically but I'm a poorfag with 1.4k link and 600 REQ.
Feels like shit tbqh.
meme magick real. braise geg :DDDD
Holy shit, you're gonna make it, just remember us down here fighting for scraps and shitpost with us a time or two you lucky nigger.
I feel it. KeK is here
>being $100 EOY
Top kek
More like $2-5
god your stupid
They said that LInk was their first choice for oracles. Besides that nothing but guess which two tokens have their main nets coming out in a couple months.....hmmmmmmmm which two?
Oh sweeties
>Falling into the troll trap
I did not think 90% of anons are as smart as you think. Probably this one is just legitimately dumb
REQ, LINK and kyber?
God just imagine if this became as popular as bitcoin...
Oh wait it'll only be worth $5 even if it does.
Oh god imagine if we have an actual workable cryptocurrency for real life use too bad I can't gamble on it.
>you'll buy in at $4.90 and post pink wojacks and fud
>>you'll buy in
Also how do you feel about that developer coming out and saying he shot his wad way too early and and won't be releasing fairx until next year?
FairX is a minor part of the appeal of XLM