How can I be quick and witty like the boomers...

How can I be quick and witty like the boomers? I was interacting with a few today and they were joking and poking fun at each other. Each playful jab was quickly returned at lightning speed. They tried it on me and I had nothin. No comebacks or zingers. Just laughed it off.

Clint Eastwood isn't a boomer he's silent generation you retarded faggot. Please hang yourself post haste.

Your generation is full of beta faggots it’s natural to act like you act

Nah he's a boomer through and through.

See Idk how to respond to this other than "ok". Help!

If you think he's a boomer you must be gen z yourself

it's a routine, go to bars and hang out with people. those stories they tell the've told a million times. those jokes they tell they've done it plenty of times.

Its simple. You are coddled. It is impossible to develop personality or wit in 100% safe environment.

This x1000
Go do some shit you worthless NEET fuck. Get some stories to tell.
Do some shit that people find funny when you tell the story.
Lots of boomers have done lots of shit because they are old and there was no internet when they were young.

Unlike your fat pathetic ass.

God I fucking hate this realization. Escaping the beta mindset is An uphill battle when you were raised by a single mother. She still tries to coddle me and I'm in my 20's.

>Go tell stories to bunch of nobodies to feel relevant

Nah fuck off normie filth and kill yourself and your family in the most painful way faggot

Just ask if you can be on top next time you have sex with her. It will teach you to be assertive.

I live by myself out in the middle of a desert. I talk only to you my fellow user.
You and the rest of the worthless faggots on this board.
OP sounds like he wants to do better.

It's the advantage of age. More cultural reference, more knowledge of history in our heads.

That and our generation is far funnier than yours. You folks are a bunch of downers.


They've had the same conversation a hundred times. If Joe says X I say Y, etc.
Plus they have more testosterone which helps with thinking on your feet.

Yeah in your dreams boomer filth.
Please rot off already.

I bet you tell people about the internet wars you've waged.

Real fun at the party I bet.

Faggot ass neet motherfucking kike inbread turbo beta.

Go out and do something, interact with people. Stories are just an accumulation of fuck ups and momentary senses of glory.

>partying with normie sheep slaves


> admitting to being a virgin

Bet your mom gave up asking for grandkids in your 30s.

They've heard 1000 people more funny and clever than them, either in real life or in TV shows that we don't watch. They have memorized 5-20 old chestnuts they can apply to any situation. That's how you get shit like "See you later." "Not if I see you first!" Yuk yuk yuk

Boomers were born after the war baka!

He was born in 1930, so silent gen

You can't. Your verbal IQ goes up with age even though everything else involved with your brain goes to shit.
Our generation is fucked though because all we do is text and shitpost, so we will never have those kind of verbal skills.