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free anal beads

385$, screen cap this

5000 Sats (being optimistic)

lol NEM was stolen yet its still rank 11. stolen xrb was already priced in. will probably be at least $100 EOY or ill bite my dick off


>lol NEM was stolen yet its still rank 11. stolen xrb was already priced in. will probably be at least $100 EOY or ill bite my dick off

You guys don't realize the stolen xrb was dumped a while ago (coins we're proven gone a few months ago) and it could be why the price tanked from 30 to 10. After light comes to the situation and the dust settles this shit is going straight to top 10.


kek. This can't be further from the truth. Desperate bagholders.

you must be autistic cuz i bought most of mine for under $5. how am i a bagholder when im still in profit? fundamentals haven't changed. nano will moon soonafter the team clears everything up just like they always do


Wow you bought at $5 and now it's $8 watch out everyone we have a hard core trader in the room

0.1 BTC


The absolute state of nanies

80-150 dollars screen this if you want.

I bought at 1 dollar and this coin is still better than whatever shitcoin currency you're invested in. I hope lightning network finally becomes completely adopted so people can realize just how shit it is.

I also bought at $1 but sold at $20. Not gonna larp and pretend I sold at $35 but I'm not a stupid bagholder that's gonna hold as 12% of the supply got robbed from people

Hahahaha it’s not too late to buy more - don’t be a delusional fuckwit and accept the chadcoin

Kinda like when 6 percent of total bitcoin was stolen. Shit happens it's not the coins fault the tech is still there and better than anything else.

400 million NEM was robbed earlier this month. It’s doing fine. Quit overreacting like a little bitch. So u made short term profit. Congrats. Come back in a year so u can cry when xrb is over $100 and u coulda made 100x

honestly this isn't a bad estimate

More reports of extra nano showing up in transactions with wallets. This shit is going down again lel

Or put in a utility token with an actual future outside of exchange and logistical problems nonstop

This is almost exactly the path iota took when it came out of obscurity, sorry for your bags, this isn't hitting $30 ever again

If it is a problem with the coin itself it is going to $0

fud. no proof. nothing is wrong with nano. bitgrail is the only place that had problems because the problem was with THEIR platform

>bitgrail has issues with it
>mercatox has issues with it
>kucoin has issues with it
>binance has issues with it

>its not the coin its everyone else's fault

really makes the neurons fire

5 cent


0 dollars.