How's the job market in China?


like shit. international student right here. u need at least a masters to get any job. instead imma start a crypto farm

looks comfy

looks pretty comfy desu


looks comfy to me

shithole, but looks somewhat comfy and safe

I know that's why I posted it, duh. Thinking of moving there

where in china?

only mainland China

a smart man in 1800 would have moved to England. A smart man in 1900 would have moved to America. A smart man in 2000 would have moved to China.

Heilige Scheiße das wiegt aber einiges was der da transportiert. Und das sag ich als Kniebeuger

Fuck no. I don't want to be surrounded by godless commie chinks all the time.

Der Typ wäre halt auch so gefickt wenn da mal ne Gruppe Leute ankommt und ihm die ganzen Gurken da wegschnappen haha

Under the smiles they hate foreigners, and its banned for foreigners to own property there.

Have you seen how they treat each other?
Those vids of them running their country men over in the street is horrible.

No idea yet, everywhere seems so relaxing, even the poorer parts. And everyone seems to have jobs and their country actually works for a better future.

What if you got a Chinese girlfriend who owned property? And I think it depends on the type of foreigner. Don't think they'd have any problem with me.

Sorry I don't speak German. Only North Germanic languages.

It depends what jobs you want and what skills/ connections you have. My family runs a international hotel and hires white guys to open the doors cause it looks fancy. if u want ill hook u up LOL.

about the culture. yea most of china is shitty, cultural revolution destroyed politness and culture. we use to be more polite than the japanese, but mao ended that shit, and now 3 generation of people grew up without manners. however the upper class kept it cause lul?

about property. not even chinese people can own property. its a lease for 89 years, and you need to rebuy it. my city has a limit on the number of real estate that we can buy. besides i doubt if u browse Veeky Forums you could afford a house in a big city anyway

You mean middle America in the middle of fucking nowhere so he's less afflicted by the events of revelation than the rest of the world

I'm surprised not many people know you don't actually own property in China. It's the reason they're buying massive amounts of real estate in canada, australia, america, etc. Current government hasn't been around long enough for people to see what happens after their 90 year lease is over. Will be interesting to see what happens

>shanty town full of insect people

do you really think dumbfuck OP is posting about HK or Taiwan?

HK and Taiwan is pretty third-world.
Only Singapore is 1st world

*Posted from my trailer park as my mother is getting bukkaked by six methheads in the other room for foodstamps*

1/10 and no (you), you're not even trying.

>hk is third world
do americlaps actually believe this?


>t. yank who never left the tri-state area

that place looks comfy as fuck..

I went and lived in HK.
It was and still is a 3rd World Shitshow.
No different from KL or Bangkok if I were to be brutally honest