Just get it over with already

just get it over with already

literally one lone whale with a 200btc buywall at 8000

What's the point?


Will you make your 35$? seems risky

fyi it's a bot.
if you want to insult my trading strategy, tell it to it's reinforced titanium face

its the wall of 1000 biznessmen standing together against their whale oppressors

Is Gdax going to hold this for us?

It's like I'm watching the Spartans at Thermopylae. Godspeed, you beautiful whale.

wall held for now, congrats on the 35$ mr bot

thanks user

the desperation is hilarious

Someone explain this to me like im 5
1 whale refusing to let 8k support fall?

not as hilarious as people that sold at 6k

only non-retards know how to put their buy at 8000.xx
normies put even numbers for their buy/sell points.
and Veeky Forums retards want to believe it's a price manipulating whales with millions of dollars rather than a sea of normies because it suits their narrative more

do you honestly believe that it is one single person and not all the aggregate orders at that price point

>people think it's one guy

what the fuck

but you can get a non aggregated feed, I assume that's what these anons were talking about

Not according to the image...
Don't assume these brainlets know what they are talking about

What exchange is this?

U srs nigga ?

Fucking faggot


dubs wasted


what color is a nigger?

Thank you

>VEN in ID
Just bought 100 k

Every dip, one exchange with 200 btc+ wall got eaten.
Fucking Coinbase always have neverending 20-40+BTC wall at 8001.5
Even Kucoin already touched 7850

Swing traders are having a fucking field day with this bullshit. Don't worry though. The only direction this has in the long run is down.