Mansplain how this is not a reversal with the previous lower low as support/neckline

start mansplaining


It goes down

Show us your tits

reminds me of the people drawing bull flags on the chart back at 13-14k
look where we are at now?

First time we've broken over previous lower low

first you have to look at volume and hull moving average, then you can determine where the most likely bounce will be

Hey faggot! she said MANSPLAIN... you sound like a woman you little bitch! haha


excuse me, but I don't see you adding anything of value to the thread

Your garbage, vague, little post is complete shit. kys

I would add more but you're derailing the thread at this point. Please leave



I FUCKING said mansplain

Shit wrong post tagged ^ whoever the fuck that was that didn't mansplain can gtfo with your level set response fck off mate.

I know right! that faggot keeps posting and doesn't realize that nobody wants his candy ass here


>same post ID
Wew, screencapped and saged.

I am just watching the pattern.... Every bull run the prices settles higher than the previous dip... Once it sets a new low i will remove my position because the pattern will be broken.

I guarantee I've made more money trading cryptos than you. If you want to make money too... maybe you should shut your mouth and listen for once

Technically the word is Medgsplain or Medgesplain, as the word "man" never officially transitioned over fully to meaning 'male human' exclusively
This is why you still hear quotes like"the age of man is over" as Tolkien used man in its true sense, and "one small step for man"
Therefore the real English word for 'male human' is "medge"

t. English linguistics major

You shitlord


Holy fuck 1 user successfully split into two perfectly shit talking anons going at it. I hope mansplain user wins