There were hundreds of warning signs for the 2008 global recession. Which signs are we blatantly ignoring for the next recession?
There were hundreds of warning signs for the 2008 global recession...
I would say the biggest one is the 10 year ultra-low interest rates and the retail debt. The housing market has been gang-busters since 2012 which is another warning sign. It's not at critical levels yet, but it's getting there.
theres 0 signs you retarded child
also in 2008 the only people that knew the recession would come were very few high ranking bankers
You cant be this stupid.
a government debt crisis im guessing
not sure why anyone around the world keeps putting faith in the green note. the petro yuan will put an end to that pretty fuckin quickly
nice, did you plan on arguing with me? Did you have some sort of argument prepared to explain why we would go into another recession?
>theres 0 signs you retarded child
>been constantly being told by financial experts for the last 4 years that a major correction is imminent
the next recession will be much worse than the last one
the housing bubble is happening again exactly the same way it happened last time because the regulations that were considered did not go through
in addition, not only was Glass–Steagall not reinstated, additional wall street regulations have been repealed
so it will be even worse
Holy shit hahahahaha
Dude it was government intervention that caused the housing bubble in the first place.
Debt is in a bubble right now, that's why the stock market are so scared of interest rate increases, because they know it will cause a recession since a large portion of twats the took out loans, credit cards ..etc won't be able to pay back.
USA is 100% going to war
It'll fuck with crypto for sure
We just had a correction
interest rates were priced in 2 years, when usa announced it
All the builders who built their way into poverty went broke in '08 though so inventory is actually still very low compared to demand.
>implying its finished
>also in 2008 the only people that knew the recession would come were very few high ranking bankers
Completely wrong. I strted betting on the implosion of real estate in 2005 and it ultimately paid of handsomely. You are literally retarded. Anyone who turned on a TV and saw loans being offered to people with court judgements against them knew that a serious implosion was imminent.
Companies that are shit based on PE
Companies that are studctured for bond debt
Total wipeout approaching fast faggot. You don't deserve to survive when interest rates slam up your ass.
>a government debt crisis im guessing
col war ends bubble->.com bubble->real estate bubble->banking bubble->gov debt bubble-> IMF ECB
Literally no where for it to go.
>not sure why anyone around the world keeps putting faith in the green note.
Yuan, euro, yen,ruble pound etc are no better, in fact they are basically the same these days except maybe the ruble which is worthless.
>Gub'mint caused the housing bubble! Jes' like dey caused the Great Depression!
Will it take an economic calamity so bad that cannibals roam the streets before free markut libertardians are lynched on sight?
>USA is 100% going to war
Possibly. It already is at war though. You mean an additional war? Unnecessary really. Already in Afghan, Syria Iraq etc etc
the market actively crashing?
>in 2005
I bet you lost money faggot, nice larp
anyways, absolutely 0 chance of recession happening anytime soon, wheres the signs?
>PE ratio
just LMAO
cool thanks how can we profit :^)
>>Gub'mint caused the housing bubble! Jes' like dey caused the Great Depression! Will it take an economic calamity so bad that cannibals roam the streets before free markut libertardians are lynched on sight?
Free market correction is in act the only hope. It was government that distorted the housing and financial markets market stupid, instead of letting a healthy correction occur. I assume you are a brainwashed socialist faggot. Enjoy your decade of self induced poverty.
>implying war will affect crypto
>implying the US isn't always in a war
>being this retarded
OK thicko. Enjoy your poor and your 120 years to get earnings return on one piece of amazon stock. Never have interest rates been so distorted from historical means.
Who cares let the stock marketm burn I got 100k in crypto all those wall street faggots will either hang themselves or move into cryptos themselves thus increasing my profits.
price of monopoly money at all time high
>cool thanks how can we profit :^)
Dificult because government will come after ALL assets, estate tax, income tax, land tax, car tax etc etc. They will do absolutely every asset grab they can to keep themselves in a job for another year.
So assets that cannot be seize and are not on registrars/. Art, Antiques, Gold, Silver.
Utilities, gambling, booze.
Wheat and food commodity futures
like all the warning signs in crypto? faggot they just fell for fud in the housing bubble and the sub prime mortage they should have fucking hodl thru it, IRON HANDS motherfucker
>>PE ratiojust LMAO
The state of biz
you mean the USD?
I dont have positions on amazon or apple you dumb nigger. What about all the other stocks that arent overvalued? When has an overvalued PE ratio ever mattered in history of the SP500 period? Everyone knows interest rates are rising, its been priced in since 2014-2015. Why arent banks pulling out yet? Why did it take this long and a bond yield spike to cause a correction? because we are in a new paradigm as it stands
>100k usd in crypto
>hyper inflation wont affect me
economics for the 21st century
>Wheat and food commodity futures
These would go up, right?
But how would I lock down my ownership with the looters in the government trying to take it from me?
PE ratios
Deviation from historical averages for interest
Record government and public debt
Debt bond stock by back shell companies like IBM etc
Unsustainable personal debt (auto load, 'student' loan etc)
Unsustainable public debt
Bond market instability
Worthless web 2.0 shell companies like FB and fraud companies like Apple, twitter, Amazon, google, that produce no innovation and are essentially drifting marketing hulks that do nothing that contributes to GDP or productivity
No rise in productivity
And 'generation useless' who are now in their 30s and still economically and socially unproductive and worthless.
You literally have no understanding of why the .dom bubble occurred or what a PE ratio is you retard. Keep clicking on shiet in your stocks app and pretending you are Gordon ghekko.
Ive studied the entire market since the beginning
Do you want to talk about the 1950s where we were in a similar market thats more relevant to today? Where world economic growth, growing world population, contributed to a breakout of the PE ratio, leading to a much longer bullrun than what youve ever experienced?
Mean: 16.83
Median: 16.15
Min: 4.78 (Dec 1920)
Max: 44.19 (Dec 1999)
Shiller PE ratio for the S&P 500.
I don't think you have been holding any stock much longer than five year actually and have no experience of a bear stock market.
yeah, what you arent showing is the consolidation period of the shiller ratios and the breakouts and why those are extremely important in deciding whether or not to pull out of a market
Thats great dude. You wont be able to know if we are entering a bear market until next fridays close if you didnt know
>Ive studied the entire market since the beginning
that's nice. So write a nice letter to Professor shiller and explain why a retarded little monkey with a stock app disputes his call on the .com boom and why in his little psychotic mind PE ratios don't matter. I'm sure he will shrug and throw it in the bin. One of the problems with feigning knowledge is it shows when you do it you dumb faggot. We are well on course for a fairly serious recession.
>Companies that are studctured for bond debt
Can you help a brainlet out user and elaborate more on this? What do you mean by structured for bond debt?
China's economy is having a meltdown and for the most part:
1. The Chinese are doing well at keeping it low key.
2. The west is ignoring it.
I imagine a massive recession in China will hurt the west's economy that have been making a killing out of the rising of their middle class.
If you think markets are going to hold in the 30s/40s or shiller PE for any length of time then you deserve to be poor.
Who's demand?
People go into massive debt for housing.
It always ends.
IBM does not borrow money to invest in its 'business' it borrows money on cheap credit markets to buy its own stock, in fact while doing this it also cuts its actual core business. All these shell companies do it.
aapl's PE is not shit
Shiller got BTFO in 1956 when the ratios broke out
good luck with your recession man, keep trading those shiller ratios
Thank you
everybody already knows about this, been going on for what 4 years now? ever since capital flight went to billions
>aapl's PE is not shit
They make an overpriced mobile with a niche market in idiots and homosexuals with infinite competitors a stupid watch and a laptop no one buys. Start again.
they'll have a 2007 style financial meltdown pretty soon
place is a blackbox but all the signs are there all the retarded american companies that thought their future was china will get buried
banks giving 30 year mortgages to the elderly
>Shiller got BTFO in 1956 when the ratios broke out good luck with your recession man, keep trading those shiller ratios
Drooling spastic. Hopefully you work on a trading floor. Jump fucker. Jump
Best summation of Apple I've seen
they are imploding on bad debt quietly
Thanks user appreciate it. This is why it's still worth coming here.
Zero interest rates for years on end
Massive debts across many sectors
Poor growth relative to stimulus, basically China carrying the whole world on its back
its funny you think that the markets are controlled by the average investors sentiment rather than 401k pension plans and mutual funds. To think the markets will go down now is to say the world is ending
>if nobody can hear you fart it didnt happen
>the crypto bubble burst/shrank so we can finally get real econ talk on Veeky Forums
Because the Yuan is even less trustworthy.
Keep sucking that corporate cock you deluded keynesian
>dude creating trillions of dollars out of thin air and giving it to wall street and the housing market has nothing to do with the recession
Fucking idiot
were going to be studying the crypto bubble for years, better get comfy
>He thinks P/E is relevant for those companies
Look, I can sit here and call you a retard all day for thinking this, but I am feeling nice so I will tell you why. P/E uses EPS, which is based on after-tax profits. So P/E just means that these companies don't bring in much profit.
>Why would you want to invest in a company that doesn't bring in profits?
Because these companies bring in a shit-ton of revenue. Much more revenue than they need to operate. However, instead of just keeping profits and getting assraped by taxes, they spend the money on expanding the company.
Look at AMZN. They are the main recipient of high P/E FUD. But look at how quickly they are expanding the scope of their business! If they suddenly stopped expanding, they would start bring in insane profits. But this would be extremely short-sighted for them, as they can continue to exponentially grow their business until they begin reaching full saturation of all of the markets they can penetrate. At this point, they will finally stop growing, and begin pulling in massive profits. And everyone who got in early will get rich as fuck off of the insane dividends, in addition to having massively appreciated value of the stocks themselves.
If it's the economy of the bubble itself I don't care so far as it's no more pajeets shilling their PnDs
What causes financial crisis is debt. "bubbles" happen because of debt
And debt mostly comes from central banks
we literally just broke out
look at 1956 - 1989
>To think the markets will go down now is to say the world is ending
PE ratio. They are they will and that is that. Bonds have to rise or no body buys them . Nobody buys them and giv debt implodes. Are we there yet? Chap money is over. The last decade is a complete distortion and it has to tank and tank hard before markets actually fix themselves and the more governments intervene the longer it will take.
Great image
More like this?
Here in Australia we've got a problem with a speculative housing bubble. We're definitely going full recession mode when it pops due to just how much money is tied up in it but everyone seems to be doing their fucking best to just pretend it's not happening.
So that's what's going to trigger it here in Aus is my guess, though an american recession will only make things worse in Australia due to how much we rely on your economy.
It's gonna be a rough few years to be quite honest.
Fucking sanity. Keynesians have robbed two decades of wealth creation in the name of their dogma.
>>He thinks P/E is relevant for those companiesLook, I can sit here and call you a retard all day for thinking this, but I am feeling nice so I will tell you why. P/E uses EPS, which is based on after-tax profits. So P/E just means that these companies don't bring in much profit. >Why would you want to invest in a company that doesn't bring in profits?Because these companies bring in a shit-ton of revenue. Much more revenue than they need to operate. However, instead of just keeping profits and getting assraped by taxes, they spend the money on expanding the company. Look at AMZN. They are the main recipient of high P/E FUD. But look at how quickly they are expanding the scope of their business! If they suddenly stopped expanding, they would start bring in insane profits. But this would be extremely short-sighted for them, as they can continue to exponentially grow their business until they begin reaching full saturation of all of the markets they can penetrate. At this point, they will finally stop growing, and begin pulling in massive profits. And everyone who got in early will get rich as fuck off of the insane dividends, in addition to having massively appreciated value of the stocks themselves.
You don't have a fucking clue Shiller PE addresses exactly that
Price earnings ratio is based on average inflation-adjusted earnings from the previous 10 years, known as the Cyclically Adjusted PE Ratio (CAPE Ratio), Shiller PE Ratio, or PE 10
Its debt all the way down. Probably right after 2020 thats when shit hits the fan and China says pay up bitches and becomes the global leader.
no in the 80s we had bond yields rise and it caused a similar correction to what we saw last week, it recovered, we havent even entered a consolidating market yet... so to say we will have a recession soon is ludicrous
hahahahahaha you fucking libertarians are absolutely r e t a r d e d.
do some fucking research, youre already on the internet dumb fuck.
glass-steagall being repealed by Clinton put into motion this bubble. Banks/Investment Firms paid hansomely to have this regulation nixed, it forced retail banks and investment banks to be separate entities, going a long way to stopping a lot of the greed and over trading happening on wall street.
Fast forward to Bush signing another act into law to incentivize more americans owning(buying more loans) homes. Now it really kicks into full gear.
The reason it was so widespread was because the credit agencies committed fraud on behalf of Lehmann, Goldman, and others. This allowed extremely safe investment portfolios to be opened up to these toxic assets and completely wipe their gains to zero.
So my question is retard, where did the government get rich in this? Mae/Mac make a fraction of what all other private banks do. Why continue to blame an entity that you have inherent representation in and put your faith in a private organization that wants your money and doesnt care about you.
thank you
>consolidation periods before every recession due to banks pulling out
>no consolidation today
>recession soon guys
usd is backed by 6800 nuclear warheads
retard, when has that ever not happened
thank you
I did not realise socialist sjw niggers posted here. Sorry. I now realise that your head is filled with shit pumped in there by people who think that for example government interventions in mortgage lending to insist on sub prime loans being available was 'free market' . I get it. You are a socialist. You want to be poor. I just wish to fuck people like you did not have to drag everyone else into their piss poor world. You literally describe continual government interference in marks as the caue of each issue and yet seem oblivious to what you are in fact saying. Indeed government caused and causes every failure in markets, particularly in cushioning necessary failure. Naturally this appeals to faggots like you. Government got more powerful, yes. To the detriment of wealth. Lehmans was afed board member, literally a government entity otherwise it would have been allowed die. More gov interference in markets
That's a good way to sum it up user, thank you. Fuck the bootlickers
>glass-steagall being repealed by Clinton put into motion this bubble.
Countless other 1st world countries had no law like glass steegal and didn't have massive problems like this
Glass steegal is useless
What caused the recession was the federal reserve pumping trillions of dollars into the housing and stock markets.
If you deny this you are an absolute retard.
No wonder libertarians are always right.
>an entity that you have inherent representation in
I don't and never have had a single iota of representation in government throughout my life and I am heading towards 50. I fucking hate giverment with every bone in my body. They have distorted capitalism, justice, media and truth into the most odious self serving shit since the USSR. People like you to love government terrify me. You are literally brainwashed. The ultimate sign of stagnation